Super Devouring System

Chapter 5140: Occasionally

It is impossible for the **** goshawk to shoot outside the forbidden land of Yingtan. It is impossible to be a real Hong Tao, but Ye Xuan’s fake...

However, this matter has not been flawed, and there is absolutely no doubt.

A pair of sharp eagle eyes of the **** goshawk are famous in the right section of the left bank. He is also good at a kind of martial arts, plus he is also the peak of the ninth-order grand perfection. If someone fakes, he changes into a Tao Tao, others May be smashed, but the **** goshawk can never see the clue... this

It is also one of the reasons why Ye Xuan chose him to start. Since he decided to send Hong Tao a **** pot, all the heavenly beasts and the survivors of the right side would not dare to put the heavenly source in their hands. Give it to him, then, Ye Xuan must ensure that there is no doubt... blood

The eagle-eyed eagle eye is famous for ensuring this effect.

The reason why Ye Xuan was able to pass him, is because of the enchanting sake, the enchanting is the strongest sorcerer, the eagle eye of the **** goshawk can not be compared with it, the natural glimpse of Ye Xuan Deliberate change...

What's more, he also selected a net bag from the massive magic weapon in his hand, and handed it to the body's phagocytic system. With its attached forging system, he built it into a Baojixing pocket...

Bao Puxing is the famous magic weapon of Hong Tao. Although Ye Xuan is in a hurry to systematically forge imitations, although Wei Neng is far less than the real Bao Puxing pocket, but on the surface, it does not see any points, even the breath is exactly the same. Simply perfect! This

The beauty of the matter was so beautiful that Ye Xuan was extremely satisfied. What's more, he accidentally harvested a kind of liquid of heaven and earth, and it happened to be in his hands. So, the liquid of the heavenly source in his hand is enough. Forty-seven, forty-nine! but

This is not enough, and the hunting operation has to continue. to

On the side of Yu Hongtao's old ghost, Ye Xuan was not in a hurry. This time, the **** goshawk was seriously injured. It is estimated that the first time after the escape will be healed, but the matter of Hong Tao secretly ambushing him, before entering the retreat, **** Goshawk will definitely release the news.

In other words, Hong Tao’s old ghosts in the floodplain will soon have big troubles...


The cracking sound rang, and Ye Xuan, who had recovered his own face, came out of the void crack, but it was in the state of activating the perfect shock of the spiritual power, hiding his body shape, and the air machine was in a state of convergence. Place

In this scene, there is a strange and inconspicuous, invisible air, there is a void crack, but the inside is empty, not only no one out of it, even a little breath can not capture ... Ye

Xuan's next destination is not far from the virtual space on the right side. It is still a fierce beast forbidden. only

Yes, what he did not expect at all was that he had just stepped out of the crack in the void and immediately accidentally met an old friend..."

call out……"

The sound of the air broke out, extremely weak, almost invisible, but failed to pass the sharp perception of Ye Xuan, the virtual air on the right side, there is a figure fluttering, like a ghost, it seems to be suddenly by this side The void cracks that appeared were attracted.

In the cracks, there was no one to walk out, and there was no breath at all. So it caused a curious mind, and it slowly touched it. when

At the beginning, there were a total of thirty-three people who had joined forces with the dragon whales and the hunters of the blue sky, and there were thirty-three of them. All of them were killed. The only dragon whales and the wilderness of the heavens and the sinister Oh, still alive...

At this moment, the guy who is quietly touching from the right side of the sky, it is exactly the third, which makes Ye Xuan some unexpected, I did not expect this old guy to be quite courageous, actually has come out from the crouching parallel void. miss you

It must be because I heard the news of the revitalization of the Tianjiu Avenue on the left bank, so I wanted to take this opportunity to come out and secretly kill some heavenly grotesque, try to get some of the heavenly source of liquid.

However, this is also good, by the way to solve this old thing, Ye Xuan’s original enemies, there are only two whales and the wilderness of the heavens and blue eyes... brain

In the middle of these thoughts, he did not hesitate. When he voluntarily greeted the past, everything was unconscious. After blinking to the front, he was shot in the first place..."

Old guy, don't come innocent..."

At this moment, Ye Xuan’s figure appeared, with a sly smile on his mouth, and the sound of Sen’s cold gods also sounded, instantly transforming into a violent form of him, turning his hand and making a **** stick. Has slammed toward the head of Yu San...

"The Lord of the Magic Temple, Ye Xuan? This..."

The sound of the sound was in the ear, and the three shocked, the speed of the original unpleasant body shape was easy to stop in the void, and subconsciously turned to Ye Xuan’s point of view, the look on his face had suddenly changed dramatically, and his voice was exclaimed...

"Hey!" No

When the words in his mouth are degraded, the loud noise has already risen... This

At one moment, the **** stick crashed down, and the porcelain fell on the top of the third. This old guy was only in the mid-term, and the strength was much worse than Ye Xuan.

In the face of Ye Xuan’s deliberate shot, he simply had no time to react. The entire huge figure was bursting in the moment when the **** stick fell, turning into a red blood fog and spreading rapidly... "


This is a heavenly blood, naturally can not be wasted, Ye Xuan waved in the first time, the sound of the whistling wind suddenly rang...

A majestic invisible gas rushed away, sweeping the **** fog of the form of the corpse of the corpse, and sent it directly to the bottom of the volcano in the central area of ​​the Dingnai space to carry out blood purification. by

Therefore, Ye Xuan’s Tiandao blood essence has also added one more, which has reached 56 before, and now there are 57 giants!

Unfortunately, although the third is a fierce beast, the blood is extremely majestic. With his fall, Ye Xuan takes a **** blast of his body and then gets a heavenly blood, but the old guy’s body is the same. There is also no liquid in the source of heaven. although

However, there are some disappointments, but Ye Xuan has not been too concerned about this matter. Although there are many strangers on the left bank, but not all the gods and gods have the liquid of heaven and earth. This is what he knew. Have psychological preparation... no

Yizhong solved an old enemy, Ye Xuan's mood is great, but this is just an accidental episode. Now that everything is over, he will not hesitate, and his body will be swayed, even if he rushes to the destination in front. before

Fang’s fierce beast is called a **** forbidden place. The strongest old monster sitting in the middle of it is a demon blood deer, which is not weak in strength and reaches the middle of the seventh stage. Ten thousand

The distance of 100 million miles is nothing for the current Ye Xuan, but after a while, he rushed to the vicinity of the **** curfew, but did not enter the interior of the star, but still stayed at the edge of the forbidden star Outside. Take

The magical spirit of the perfect shock will hide the body shape, and the air will be concentrated. Then he will patiently crouch in the void and wait for the target to appear...

Outside the **** curfew, the void is quiet! leaf

Xuan had arrived three days before, and did not enter the forbidden land. In the tens of billions of miles away, the body shape was concealed with the spirit of perfect shock, and the air was fully converged. Then he patiently crouched down in the void. Quietly waiting for the target to appear... blood

The strongest grotesque in the curfewed land is a demon blood deer, which is not weak, and has reached the seventh stage of the heavens.

This level of cultivation, Ye Xuan suddenly shot under the shackles, although it can ensure the spike, but this matter can only be carried out outside the forbidden land, otherwise, if the other heavenly beasts in the **** forbidden land see the leaves The body shape revealed by Xuan’s shot will be communicated in an instant...when

However, Ye Xuan can also change the appearance of Hong Tao like the previous ambush of the **** goshawk, but this kind of thing can not be frequent, otherwise it will reveal the horse's foot, too much, but it will make people see the clue! This

Waiting for a long time, a total of half a month before and after, the target still does not appear.

Although there were some other forbidden beasts during the period, there were even two heavenly beasts, but it was only the beginning of the scene. Ye Xuan was not interested in it. He did not see it and did not shoot. First

At the time of the 16th day, just as he had waited for the intolerance, this heavenly seventh-order demon blood elk finally appeared...

"call out……"

In the **** forbidden land in front, suddenly there was a sharp and unpredictable sound, and a glare came from the glare, which radiated a strong atmosphere of heaven, and it was still in the late stage.

Magic blood elk!

The thought flashed through the brain, and Ye Xuan was in a moment of spirit. The strength of the body was already secretly urging, ready to shoot.

However, he was suspicious and sensational, and Ye Xuan did not rush to start, but slowly approached the direction of the demon blood deer... he

Although the figure is hidden under the magical spirit of perfect shock, even the air machine has been exhausted, half of the points have not been leaked, but the demon blood elk is special, Ye Xuan must be very careful, otherwise it will trigger its **** Feeling the induction, I am afraid that this matter will be drowning...

Soon, he was close to 10 billion miles, and the chilly mantle flashed over, and the spiritual source nucleus hanging in his brain slowly turned, and the mental strength was motivated, and he was about to shoot...

It was at this moment that the demon blood elk had always been heading in this direction, but the whole figure suddenly stopped without warning.

Ye Xuan frowned, the old guy's blood is really extraordinary, the sense of consciousness is too sharp, and he feels some kind of abnormality in the darkness, and may even realize that there will be a crisis...

It is not too late, otherwise it will be more troublesome if you let him turn into the **** forbidden land, unless you give up this hunting, and this possibility is absolutely not low, the **** deer is notoriously cautious. ……One

With this in mind, Ye Xuan did not hesitate, and when he was still hesitant, he suddenly hesitated! "

Cathy..." This

At the moment, the shocking sound of the sky was horrified, and a blood-colored lightning appeared on the top of the demon blood deer. The diameter of the tens of thousands of miles, venting out of the air, directly on the top of his head...



The sound came, the two huge blood horns on the top of the demon blood moose blasted off, blocked the blow, and then squatted, screaming and fling straight toward the road behind him. fruit

However, it is not a general vigilance. I am afraid that at the same time that his body shape has stopped, this demon blood elk has already prepared for the battle, so that Ye Xuan’s spirit thunderbolt is defeated, only to make it slightly injured. However, two antlers were blown up.


In this scene, Ye Xuan's smashing flashes through the cold mang, and screams and screams, and immediately ignites the spiritual power of the body...

For a moment, the annihilation spears in the two secret attack secrets were fully motivated by him.

The massive spiritual power extracted by the spear of the annihilation is not turned into a spiritual vortex, but turned into a very small point, just like a spear, and slammed out. In this case, a lot of spiritual power is extracted... but

The attack is the tiniest point, which turns into a tiny bit of a spear that is so sharp and unbreakable.


With the humming sound, Ye Xuan’s mind knows that the spiritual source nucleus hanging in the sea is also rapidly rotating with the movement of these spiritual forces...

Faster and faster, in the twinkling of a moment, a tiny spiritual cluster formed by the intense compression of a large number of spiritual sources, shot from his sea of ​​knowledge, like a heavy hair with infinite density, with a spear The illusion of the sky, rushing forward..."


Knowing that the crisis is approaching, the demon blood stag screams, but it can't change anything. The annihilation spear directly penetrates his body and blasts a **** fog, but it does not fall down, the castration of its figure. On the contrary, it is more swift, driven by this power.

"It’s a good thing to escape, but today you are still... Don’t die!”


At the same moment, the violent figure appeared on the side of the demon blood deer. Without waiting for the words in his mouth, the loud noise was already shocking. Big

The head black bar did not hesitate to smash down. The porcelain was extremely inferior to the top of the demon blood elk. Although the old guy was in the late stage of the seventh-order world, the strength was still worse than Ye Xuan. Too much too much.

In the face of Ye Xuan's full blow, he simply couldn't make any reaction. The huge body shape exploded in the moment when the **** stick fell, turning into a red **** fog.


Xuan waved in the first time, and the sound of the whistling whistling sounded, and a huge invisible instinct screamed away...

The **** fog of the form of the demon stag deer is swept away and sent directly to the bottom of the volcano in the central area of ​​the Dingnai space to carry out blood purification.

As a result, Ye Xuan’s Tiandao blood essence has added another one. It has reached 57 before, and now there are 58 giants!

This time, the harvest is obviously not just that. As the **** fog of the demon bloodstained deer is swept away, there are four weak meagers in the blood.

This is exactly the source of the four heavens, but unfortunately there are two kinds of Ye Xuan in their hands, so after harvesting them, Ye Xuan’s hands of the source of the heavens reached forty-nine kinds, fifty-one... one

At the end of the moment, these four heavenly sources of liquid were also directly absorbed by Ye Xuan. turn

The first vision, the power of the gods extended, determined the direction of the **** forbidden land in front and did not appear in any of the forbidden beasts. After it was not exposed, Ye Xuan suddenly waved, tearing open a void crack, and stepping across the gap Into it.


It was at this moment, tens of billions of miles to the left of the back, a horrible to the horrible majestic power suddenly appeared, and came to Ye Xuan. mantis

螂 螂 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 蝉 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄mantis

螂 螂 蝉 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

These thoughts flashed through my mind, and Ye Xuan’s mid-cold man flashed, and immediately turned to look at the past... first

Before the shot of the demon blood deer, Ye Xuan has already vented his way, but in order to avoid the presence of crouching in the dark to see his figure, even if Ye Xuan exposed his tracks, he still has a smoggy smog. Covering the whole body, so crouching in the dark, the existence of the sudden shot, should not know his true identity..."

It happened that the temple had just arrived from the middle section, and actually encountered this kind of murder and treasure, oh, so good, just relax the bones, but also harvest a little bit of the source of the liquid..."

At the same time as Ye Xuan turned around, there was also a voice coming from behind. It was quite lazy, and it showed a sense of condescending, giving people the feeling that it was like talking for a long time. The tone is general...

The other party obviously knows that Ye Xuan’s cultivation is the strength, but it is the culmination of the ninth-order grand perfection, and it is not the first time to enter the world, but it still speaks like this, revealing that it is not only its own strength. Not weak, I am afraid it is not small...

When these thoughts flashed in the brain, the other person's figure also reflected in Ye Xuan's vision.

This person obviously also has a quite extraordinary method of collecting interest. Previously, Ye Xuan did not find his existence, which is enough to illustrate this point.

But as he shot, the law of convergence was invisibly broken, and his figure was revealed. This

It is a crocodile, with a body size of 30 million miles. It has a blood blue color and a cold blue smog on the body. The body is very strong and is still above the dragon whale. Even Ye Xuan is stronger than the current one..."

Cold blood blue crocodile? You are the cold crocodile from the cold crocodile ban, the ninth in the left bank of the sacred beasts..."

The figure of the other party was reflected in the eyes, and Ye Xuan’s middle and cold flashes, and he immediately recognized his identity and subconsciously whispered. difficult

It is strange that the temperament of this guy's body is still above the dragon whale. His ranking on the left bank's sacred beast list is originally before the dragon whale. Everything is what it should be.

Obviously, the reason why this cold-blooded blue crocodile rushed from the middle of the left bank to the right section was because of the news that the treasure of the Hongyu Star Tianji Avenue was born.

For some cases of Ye Xuan, he should have heard about it, but he did not come up with the nine-color flame sea and the bow of the sky. He came... but

After all, Ye Xuan has just displayed the spear of annihilation, and even the **** stick has exposed his face. As long as this cold-blooded blue crocodile stays in the right section of the left bank for a while, he knows more about Ye Xuan, and sooner or later he will come to realize it. . Place

Therefore, since it is encountered here today, Ye Xuan must kill him, not to mention his character, the encounter with this kind of desire to make the squirrel’s existence to kill and win the treasure, but can you let it go? only

Yes, the **** forbidden land in front of it is only over 200 billion miles, and the strongest person who is sitting in the **** forbidden area has just been killed by Ye Xuan, so even if you want to fight this cold-blooded blue crocodile, this place It is also not a place to kill.

Otherwise, once the war is over, Ye Xuan must use the means of the nine-color flame sea or even the bow of the sky, and then it will undoubtedly reveal the identity in an instant...

It is good to lead the other side to the endless darkness in front of the right side of the left bank. So, Ye Xuan can let go of this cold-blooded blue crocodile with all his hands and feet.

Everything is long, but it is like lightning. It flashes from Ye Xuan’s brain between suffocation. He makes a decision in an instant, and then hesitates to turn to the endless darkness of the right side. And go...

Of course, he is deliberate. After this distraction of the identity and origin of the other party, the second thing is that the action of turning around and running is because Ye Xuan deliberately shows weakness and pretends to be flustered. The next factor that is created by the manufacturer is reasonable...


It was also at this moment that the blue smog that had been waved by the cold-blooded blue crocodile had also come to the back of Ye Xuan. This canopy has tens of millions of miles of smog, and the coldness inside it is amazing. It is this cold blood. One of the **** magical powers of the blue crocodile...

Ye Xuan was deliberately hit because he saw that the blue smog of the awning was not very powerful. It was mainly for the sake of freezing. It seems that this guy wants to live. One

In an instant, with the slamming, the blue smog of the awning shrouded Ye Xuan’s body in a moment, and the cold invaded the body, but he was instantly burned in the body with a colorful flame. Do not

However, the blue cold fog leaves outside the body did not pay attention to it, at least did not use the colorful flames, but only to promote the repair is hard.

If other heavenly strongmen, the chill in the blue fog can be enough to instantly ice the body into a huge hail, but the strength of Ye Xuan is weaker than the cold blue crocodile, but it is also nine. The peak of the world is perfect. Place

Therefore, although his body shape was trapped by the blue fog of the canopy, it did not completely solidify. It was just the outside of the blue fog, which became the shape of the ice.

At first glance, there is a blue hail of tens of millions of miles in the void, but the inner center of the hail has not yet solidified. There is a figure inside, which is shrouded in the mist of the body. The power in the body, with the blue hail that trapped the figure, fled at full speed toward the endless darkness ahead...

"Want to escape? Hey, I met the deity, have you escaped?"

After seeing the opponent’s exclamation and shouting out his own origins, he turned and fled in the first time. Even the awning blue blood fog that had been blasted before was forgotten and directly hit, but now he Innocent, but the body shape was trapped in the huge hail of cold blood blue mist, obviously so flustered... cold

The **** blue crocodile flashed a cold mang, and the face also showed a proud color, sneer, and immediately swept away.

Although the refinement of the air in the other party is also the peak of the ninth-order grand perfection, but the peak of the left bank has gone more, but nowadays there are few in the top ten on the left bank of the beasts.

Therefore, the cold blood crocodile has absolute confidence, and today it will be able to kill each other.

What's more, the other side is so flustered. Just hearing his prestige is so stunned. Obviously, there is not much skill. He naturally will not give up on this, and he will definitely pursue it.

"call out!"

"call out……"

In the void, the sharp and unpredictable sound of the air broke out, and the two awns crossed the distance of hundreds of billions of miles, and swiftly crossed in the void, and soon left the area where the **** forbidden land was, rushing to the front of the right section. In the darkness of endlessness...

"call out!""


In the air, the sharp and unpredictable sound of the air rang, and the two awns crossed the distance of hundreds of billions of miles, and swiftly crossed in the void...

The two horses are Ye Xuan and the ninth-year-old cold-blooded blue crocodile on the left bank.

After calculating the time, it took two days for the two to escape from the area where the **** forbidden area was located. Now it has already unknowingly rushed into the endless darkness in front of the right segment, and it is quite deep. ......

Ye Xuan’s power of the gods stretched out from the giant blue hail trapped in his body shape, quietly sweeping around and exploring, and determined that there was no abnormality within a trillions of miles. Underneath, there are new moves in a moment! "

Call..." This

At one moment, the Shennong nine-color flame was urging him to pull out directly from the body. In a moment, he could not directly melt the giant blue hail trapped in his figure. but

His purpose is obviously not just this. From the body, the Shennong nine-color flame of the blue hail is still rushing backwards, and the storm rises in the void, and the blink of an eye has turned into a vast expanse. Innocent nine-color flame sea. One

The cut happened too fast, and the cold-blooded blue crocodile that was chasing from behind was completely unprepared. When he was shocked, the vast void of a corner within a hundred billion miles was covered by this nine-color flame sea.

Moreover, after the flashing, the nine-color flame sea was rolled inward, and the eyes were gathered together to form a giant nine-color flame ball with a diameter of 100 billion miles. and

At this time, the body shape of Ye Xuan and the blood-blooded blue crocodile are all inside the giant nine-color flame ball...

"Nine-color flame sea? You are the master of the temple, Ye Xuan..."

The color of the flames of the sea has been empty, if he does not know who the other party is, then it is really strange. cold

The **** blue crocodile's original spurt shape suddenly stopped, the body shape was mad, and the shocking color on his face was even more intense. He said: "No, you deliberately show weakness to bring the deity here. Ye Xuan What do you want?" He

Although she has not seen Ye Xuan, she is quite familiar with the dragon whale dragon. He is ranked ninth in the list of the beasts on the left bank, while the dragon whale is ranked tenth, only one behind him.

At the beginning, Ye Xuan was fighting against the dragon whale in the face of the public. In a short period of time, he was seriously injured. The wandering thing has now spread throughout the entire bank of the Galaxy.

Even some people are still secretly saying that the power of Ye Xuan, the master of the Temple of Devils, is not only replacing the dragon whales, but also ranking tenth on the left bank’s list of beasts.

However, it is not clear, but it is undoubtedly suggesting that Ye Xuan’s cultivation is still above the ninth.

In fact, I am also very shocked by this cold-blooded blue crocodile, because even if he is facing a big battle with the dragon whale, he will never be seriously injured in a short period of time.

However, he did not see it at all in the first battle, so the rumors of the outside world were not all-in-one. This time, I came to the right bank of the left bank and witnessed the strength of the master of the temple, Ye Xuan’s cultivation. one……

Only he did not expect it anyway, this just arrived at the right bank of the left bank, actually this way and the main hall of the magic hall Ye Xuan hit.

Moreover, although he did not know the identity of Ye Xuan until now, the Lord of the Temple of Devil has recognized him just now. This

In this case, he still performed so flustered, and he fled as if he had lost his temper. It was obviously installed.

With such a deep thought, the meaning expressed in the meantime is no longer necessary. The owner of the temple, Ye Xuan, decided to deal with him as early as that time...

"Hey..." brain

After flashing these thoughts, the blood-stained crocodile suddenly became furious, and after screaming, the sound of the gods also sounded, revealing the endless sorrow and the anger of the sky: "Damn guy, you actually want to count the deity." Today, I have to see if your cultivation is a strength, is it qualified to replace the dragon whale, and enter the tenth place on the left bank of the beastly beast list..."

"Would you like a positive battle? Unfortunately, you don't have this opportunity, because this temple... there is no such interest at all!"

Therefore, Ye Xuan licked his mouth and his face showed indifference. He was really not interested in the frontal battle with this cold-blooded blue crocodile. Although it was already the dark void in front of the right section, now the nine-color flames are empty and moving. Big, this war can't be dragged for a long time, otherwise if someone passes by, Ye Xuan still has to be exposed, then it is not necessary...

"call out……"

The voice just fell, Ye Xuan has already shot again, a fascinating red mans spurt away, greet the storm, and instantly become a huge river. This

The rivers in the middle of the Yangtze River are raging and turbulent, and they are made up of countless beautiful red lotuses of only the size of the squad. It is the red lotus fire that was only recently collected by him for refining...

The cultivation of the blood-stained crocodile is not weak, even stronger than Ye Xuan. If it is to be bombarded in a short time, it is obviously not enough to sacrifice the nine-color flame. This can only be used. It’s just a trap, you have to use the bow of the sky to kill it...but

That's too much movement, fearing that it will quickly attract the attention of the right-wingers in the right-hand world, not to mention the one-shot shot of Ye Tian, ​​which has an impact on Ye Xuan himself and will fall into a certain weakness. except

In addition to the 陨天弓, Honglianyehuo is also one of the strong killings in Ye Xuan’s hands today. This mysterious top-level heaven and earth can be too horrible, and any sin that is accumulated in his life will be Being ignited in the invisible, turning into a sinful flame, burning souls...

If it is in the open air of the outside world, only the red lotus industry fire may not be able to cope with this cold blood blue crocodile, the other party is the ninth strong presence on the left bank of the beastly beast. After all, if you dare not contaminate, you can still turn around and still be able to Do it. but

Nowadays, he has been trapped in the flame ball formed by the nine-color flame sea at a time, and he can’t escape the birth of the sky. In the face of the horrible red lotus fire of the power, the final end has been Can be imagined..."

Red lotus industry fire? Oh..."

Opposite the emptiness, the cold-blooded blue crocodile hangs in the red lotus industry like the Nujiang River suddenly, and the moment he rolls away, he realizes the crisis, and his body screams and screams out. Xiao Xiao, revealing the meaning of endless despair...

"Ye Xuan, if you dare to kill the deity, you will regret it in the future, it is best... think twice!"

The whistle of the whistle, the sound of the cold blood blue crocodile also suddenly came, although it is a threat, but it is clear that it can be heard from a thick and can not open the expectations and hopes...

After all, he was still reluctant, even if he knew that his hopes were not great, he still did not give up. He wanted to use this way to let Ye Xuan jealousy and let him live a life.

It is a pity that Ye Xuan is totally unmoved. The violent fires of the industry are still the same, and the meaning of killing in the waves is more intense..."

Since you are willing to go your own way, the deity will let you pay the price... Blue Blood Soul! ""

Hey! ""


The cold-blooded blue crocodile is desperate, and in the sound of whistling, the entire huge figure is fully exploded...