Super Devouring System

Chapter 5159: Jie Yihong

"Speaking of it, there are endless years for the deity to meet him. In today's battle, if you can survive from the iron fist of the deity, the deity will be with you, how about the righteousness?"



With the sound of the gods falling, Zhen Tiansheng screamed and screamed, no longer screaming, and his body swayed, and he immediately slammed his fist toward Ye Xuan...

The amount is too violent, and the place where the punch passes, the void is rapidly collapsed. This kind of scene is shocking, and the sky between the eyes of the gods has come to the front, and the tyrannical form of Ye Xuan is only a billion miles away. ......

"Zhen Tiansheng, really worthy of the name..."

The fist is out, the scene is amazing, even Ye Xuan can not help but sigh.

But it also aroused his war, the voice did not fall, his shackles flashed, his body shape swept away, and a punch rushed to the front..."

boom! ""


The shocking sound came, Ye Xuan and Zhen Tiansheng’s fist slammed in the void, and the tens of millions of mile members collapsed, and the horrible energy was raging. This blow is even more dangerous. The level of Hong Meng’s hollow tears...but

After all, there is still nothing. It must be the power of the Hongmeng level. More than a year ago, outside the Hongyuxing area, the two powerful and powerful hunters of the wolf and the black blood crocodile will fight with ease. The ground tears open the deep emptiness of Hongmeng, and there is a black hole of the glory level, all of which are turbulent and turbulent by the power of Hongmeng...

Today's Ye Xuan and Zhentian Shengyi can definitely be regarded as the strongest under Hongmeng, but they have not reached the Hongmeng Avenue. After all, they do not have the power of Hongmeng, even if they are full of the terrorist energy of the collision, it is not enough. Tearing the deep level of Hong Meng’s void...

However, the body shape of Ye Xuan and Zhen Tiansheng was tumbling and flew out in the moment of the blast, and they all had hundreds of billions of miles away. When they finally stabilized their body shape, they all had shortness of breath and chest ups and downs. The blood is rushing...this

One hit is equally divided, no one has ever been injured, and no one has ever taken a little bit cheaper.

"For a long time, there was no such a big battle. I can’t think of the existence of the right side of the galaxy.

In the middle of the town, the sacred glory of the sacred sacred, the voice of the excitement, the light up and down will look at Ye Xuan, revealing the meaning of appreciation.

"You are also very good. In the past few years, the deity has slammed his fists out, and it can be divided without any damage. Except for the old king eight, there is only you left, but he does not count, it is shrinking in the king's shell and making a tortoise. ......"

Ye Xuan also nodded, and I was extremely impressed by the amazing power of Tiansheng in this town. At this moment, the two men looked at each other and their hearts gave birth to a feeling of sympathy.

Although Hongkong’s void is large, although the banks of the Milky Way are vast and infinite, there are countless strong stars, but for the current Ye Xuan and Zhen Tiansheng, the Hongmeng after the opening of the heavens is not counted, and the rest can find such a It’s really hard to fight against the front of the enemy.


In the void above the trillions of miles away, the Hongmeng turtles lying in the invisible guns screamed and expressed dissatisfaction: "Why are you hitting you, why are you old? How are the tortoises?" ......"



Xuan and Zhen Tiansheng 猿 就 就 就 压 压 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿 猿This

Once, the two did not collide with each other, but they all slammed into each other’s physical body...

This is deliberate, because the blow of the front has just fought, the fists have collided, and the strength has been compared. In terms of strength, the two are equal and indifferent.

Today's second strike, the two have never shunned each other's giant punches, let the other side bang on their physical body, to compete, is the degree of physical strength of each other...

The sound of the day’s explosion spread, and then it was the endless thunderous thunder, and the void in the void once again blew a black hole with a tens of billions of miles. The violent energy was raging, and everything within a hundred billion miles. I can't see it, I can only see two figures from the chaotic area of ​​this air machine...

These two figures are Ye Xuan and Zhen Tian Sheng. This

One blow was different from the previous first fight. The previous one was a fist punch. The two had never been hurt, but the blow was hit on the other's treasure body, and it was very porcelain. leaf

Xuan Zhang spurted a blood arrow, and his body fell hundreds of billions away, and was slightly injured.

The same is true of the opposite town of Tiansheng. It flies 100 billion miles and spurts a blood arrow. This is the first injury since his endless years. Although it is just a minor injury, it is enough to shock the town. Up..."

You are actually only slightly injured? ”

However, what he was shocked was not his own injury, because he had already tried the power of Ye Xuan. He had already expected that this fist hit him, and he would surely bring minor injuries and spurt a blood arrow. From

The words he exclaimed at this moment will be known. The shock of Zhen Tiansheng is actually that Ye Xuan is just like him, and he just squirts a blood arrow, only minor injuries.

This alone is enough to prove that Ye Xuan’s body is so strong that, like him, it is enough to match the strength. There is no difference between strength and weakness.

The strength is quite the same, the degree of the physical body is also strong, the war is clearly divided into the rhythm of autumn, who can not help who.

Whether it is Zhentian Shengyi or Ye Xuan, before encountering each other, they are proud of their own fighting power. They never thought that under the same level of cultivation, this level of frontal fierce battle can actually meet a person. In terms of strength or physical strength, they are not weaker than their own existence.

Of course, Ye Xuan also has ten-color flames, as well as fallen bows, as well as spiritual power secrets and other means have not been used.

However, the town of Tiansheng is the number one on the list of the left-wing heavenly beasts. The secrets and magical means in the hands and the various treasures are obviously not less.

I am afraid that the war will escalate, and both sides can rely on the means. The final result may only be equal.

Even if Ye Xuan’s hands have a ten-color flame that can make Hongmeng’s oldsters jealous, the face will be bigger, but even then, it’s impossible to smear the shock that the town’s Tiansheng has brought to him.

Do not use the mysterious magical powers and all kinds of treasures, just the positive battle of the boxing to the meat, can really explain the most basic problems.

The strength of this town Tiansheng has undoubtedly been recognized by Ye Xuan. In fact, for the strength of Ye Xuan, Zhentian Shengyi also has the same recognition.

This is the real thing that you don’t know, you know each other!

"This war, there is no need to continue any more, since the endless years, you are still the only opponent that the deity encountered to make the deity sigh..."

With the closing of the hand, the voice of the gods of the town of Tiansheng also sounded: "This kind of opponent can not be missed, the deity wants to worship with you, and will have the opportunity to learn frequently in the future..."

This battle, there is no need to continue, and since the endless years, you are still the only opponent that the deity encountered to make the deity sigh..."

With the closing of the hand, the voice of the gods of the town of Tiansheng also sounded: "This kind of opponent can not be missed, the deity wants to worship with you, and will have the opportunity to learn frequently in the future..."

The words are simply speechless, and Zhen Tiansheng said that he wants to worship with Ye Xuan, but the purpose is to have the opportunity to often fight with him in the future. thing

In fact, Ye Xuan himself has this kind of idea. This kind of opponent is too difficult to find. If you encounter nature, you should not miss it. more

Moreover, there is no hatred between him and the town of Tiansheng, and he still cherishes the same. The so-called "Hong Meng" is originally intended to be...

"The old man thought that he could see a terrible battle. I didn't expect both of you to be so boring..."

Seeing that both Ye Xuan and Zhen Tiansheng both closed their hands, there was no plan to continue the war. In the distance, Hongmeng’s turtle, which had retreated to a trillions of miles, suddenly turned his eyes. with

When the body was flashing, it also came to the side, and the mouth was still muttering. It seemed to be extremely dissatisfied: "This level of war may not be met once in many years. I didn't expect you to It’s so disappointing that the thunder and the rain are small and it’s so white and old.”

The implication is that the reason why he rushed to the holy forbidden land, the town of heavenly sacred to attract this place, the purpose is only to see Ye Xuan and Zhen Tiansheng, a good fight, just a little addiction. This

The kind of discourse naturally invites people to hate, and Ye Xuan and Zhen Tiansheng all look around and glare at him. Look

This posture is clearly that the old guys will talk a few more nonsense, and they will join hands immediately and abuse him like this... No

On Ye Xuan or Zhen Tian Sheng, the old guys can't beat, if the two really join hands, his misery can be imagined. meaning

Knowing this, Hongmeng’s turtle suddenly narrowed his neck and closed his mouth wisely, but it was clear that there was a whisper of self-speaking faintly audible: “What is this world? Too violent, too disrespectful Old, even if you want to worship, the oldest is the oldest, that is the boss, the small is dare to dare, it is really no reason..."

When three people are worshipped, it is naturally impossible to rank with the strength of the war. In that case, the taste will change. The reason why the worship is originally derived from mutual respect and appreciation, and if it is ranked by the force, it loses its meaning.

Soon, the three people settled in Jinlan under the emptiness of Hongmeng and worshipped it. As the Hongmeng turtle said, his age is the longest, he is bigger than the town Tiansheng, and he is naturally the leader.

The second child is the town of heaven, as for Ye Xuan, too young, only in the third. "

It doesn't matter, the starry sky is just one of my identity. In fact, I am the Lord of the Temple... Ye Xuan! ”

Since he has already bowed, Ye Xuan naturally will not conceal his true identity. This incident has long been known to the people. At this moment, he has taken the initiative to show that he is telling Tian Tiansheng. "

This should be you, my second brother, I actually guessed it..."

On the face of Zhentian Shengyu, there is a glimpse of such a look. It seems that he has already had a sigh of this. Now, listening to Ye Xuan’s initiative to admit, there is no accident.

After the chilling, the town Tiansheng 猿 一 一 , , , , , 突然 突然 突然 突然 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇 镇

It’s not just him, even the people of Hongmeng’s tortoise have already been ignoring this matter. Now, when they meet the town’s Tiansheng, they immediately cast their attention...

"My true cultivation is only the seventh stage of the heavens. I have been looking for the top ten in the list of the left-wing heavenly beasts, just to sharpen myself and seek a breakthrough opportunity..."

In this regard, Ye Xuan did not have much concealment, but did not disclose deeper things. simple

After explaining the two sentences in a single place, he even took a fist and went to the Hongmeng tortoise and the town of Tiansheng, respectively. This was followed: "I have recently experienced three major wars, and the opportunity to make breakthroughs has arrived. So, I I can’t stay for a long time, I’m about to break through, and I’ll see you later...”


After that, he did not hesitate, and immediately waved a hollow crack, and then nodded to the Hongmeng tortoise and the town of Tiansheng, and then stepped into it, the figure quickly disappeared...



The weak sound of the air broke out, and Ye Xuan’s figure emerged from a sudden crack in the void.

It is still the vast dark void in front of the left bank, but it is not the empty space that he had previously fought against the town of heaven. Ye Xuan came to the place where he had retreat. before

There was an abandoned star in the party. Not long ago, he broke through to the seventh stage of Heaven. and

Today, Ye Xuan is here again, the purpose is to break through to the eighth order of heaven, and even to hit the peak of the nine-step great perfection. eye

In the middle of the glory, his power of knowledge extended and explored to confirm that there was no abnormality, then he went away and went directly into the star of the abandoned star. With

After that, Shennong Baoding was sacrificed. In order to reduce the shape, it was only a singularity. It was suspended in the center of the star's core, and then it stepped into the Baoding Dingkou where the colorful fog was..."

call out! ""


During the hand, the faint sound of the broken air rang out, and a spurt of glare came out, hanging in front of Ye Xuan, all of which were used to develop this breakthrough. very

Fast, his glimpse of the gloom, Shennong Ding's domain field power can be motivated by him, all the cultivation resources are compressed to only the size of the baby fist, and then swallowed in the belly.

All the cultivation resources have been imported, and the blink of an eye has become a powerful river that can be swayed in the body of Ye Xuan.

Unexpectedly, the sound of the chain squeaking came in an instant. This time there is only one chain of shackles, as long as it is torn, it will be able to break through...

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xuan quickly put aside the distracting thoughts of his heart, and when he doubled his shackles, even if he fully urged the energy that was just formed in the body, he launched a big Sunday in the whole body. Running. and also

I don't know how long it took, and the energy that was formed in his meridians was finally refining, and then just a shock, and the sturdy chain of shackles was broken. and

The system prompt sound in anticipation is also very loud in Ye Xuan’s mind..."

Hey, congratulations to the host, the breakthrough of the ancient realm of the hole! The current realm: Heaven's eighth order! ”

"Hey, congratulations to the host, the breakthrough of the flesh and blood! The current realm: heaven and earth eight!"

In the next moment, Ye Xuan opened his eyes, deep in the bottom, and a touch of excitement flashed quietly. No

There is suspense. After this breakthrough, the suppression of Hongmeng Avenue still exists. Therefore, under the ninth state of the konjac change, the realm is still only the ninth-order grand perfection. but

Its real combat power has once again skyrocketed a lot, and more importantly, today, he is only a small breakthrough in the passage of the heavenly ninth order of the thirteenth level of Hong Meng Baodan. ...

With this breakthrough, Ye Xuan’s real combat power has once again skyrocketed. More importantly, today, he has only one left to the thirteenth stage of the Tiandao 9th order. The breakthrough of the small order...

As the breakthrough was completed, he sat on the knees of the fascinating Baoding Dingkou, and suddenly opened his eyes. pinch

Refers to the calculation of time, this time the retreat, actually spent a month, twice the previous breakthrough.

The thoughts flashed through his mind, and Ye Xuan suddenly fell into sinking. He hesitated, and then whether he would continue to retreat, and he would swallow the last small step before the 30th level of Hong Meng Bao Dan... and break through! It

Therefore, hesitated because he had just completed a breakthrough. Although this time is a normal breakthrough, the previous breakthrough has already been fully digested after the war, and then it can be completely forced to swallow the blood of heaven. Re-closed, continue to break through once...but

After all, this breakthrough is the peak of the ninth-order grand perfection. Different from the previous breakthroughs, the difficulty must be improved, and it is no small feat. If

It is a case that the swallowing of the blood of the heavens is a breakthrough, and it will obviously be more complicated in the future.

However, after some consideration, he finally decided to make a sigh of relief and break through this last small step.

Because the news of the declining of the third-eyed magic-eyed cat on the left bank of the beast on the left bank has spread, and the Hongmeng tortoise and the town of Tiansheng have recently made a distinction with their own.

If you want to continue to sharpen your own body and seek a breakthrough, you will find it hard to find even your opponent. left

Among the beasts of the shore, the presence of the Heavenly Beasts on the list of the top ten is not able to withstand the attack of Ye Xuan. If you want to pick them up, the effect of smashing your body with the war is almost negligible. when

Of course, there is also a list of Tiandao survivors on the left bank of the Galaxy. The top ten on this list, the real combat power is equivalent to the top ten on the list of heavenly beasts. but

The composition of the power of the survivors is quite complicated. The fighting power of the beasts is the power of the flesh and the power of the secrets of the blood.

The comprehensive combat power of the beneficiaries is also worthy of the blessing of the magic weapon in the hands, and the power of various arrays...

Fighting with the beasts, it’s a hearty battle, but it’s far from the battle with the survivors. Sometimes the war is from the beginning to the end, and even from the beginning to the end is the confrontation and confrontation between the array and the magic weapon. The role is far less than the boxing to the flesh between the beast and the beast...

What's more, the left bank's celestial beast list and the left bank's celestial survivors list are juxtaposed. The top ten on the heavenly beastly beast list is eye-catching by Ye Xuan. The top ten on the Tiandao survivors list cannot be unprepared. Say

If you have been hiding in the parallel void, you may not be able to find someone. which is

They can find them, in case it is a trap, there is a sinister stalk of a certain sorrowful monster behind, and the result will undoubtedly be more troublesome...

Therefore, considering all of this, Ye Xuan eventually prefers to reopen the retreat, in order to swallow the blood of the heavens, forcing the 9th-order grand perfection... Tiandao Peak! "

call out! ”


After the decision, he did not hesitate, and there was a burst of sound in the wave, and a spurt of anger, all taken out from the immortal world, used to carry out this breakthrough cultivation resources.

Among them are ten Tiandao blood essences, and all of them are the best things. This breakthrough can be seen. In order to ensure success, Ye Xuan is also a **** one.

After everything is ready, Ye Xuan's stunned glimmers, Bao Ding's domain field power can be motivated, all the cultivation resources are compressed to only the size of the baby fist, one swallowed into the belly.

The same is true of the ten best heavenly bloodstains... no

There is suspense, all the cultivation resources are all imported. One

The power of the mighty power of the river was slowly flowing in the body of Ye Xuan, and the sound of the chain of screams was expected to come.

This time, the chain of shackles still has only one, but it is very strong. After all, what is going to break through this time is the ninth-order grand perfection, and the last one in front of Hongmeng Avenue. but

Ye Xuan does not care, how strong and how? After all, it is just a chain of shackles. As long as it is torn, it will be able to break through smoothly, and then make its own cultivation into the true peak of heaven! Condensate

After calming down and throwing away the distracting thoughts of the heart, Ye Xuan doubled off. When even the urging energy that was formed in the body just after the dynasty, the whole force was launched in the whole body. or

Xu is because he swallowed ten of the best Tiandao blood, and this breakthrough is the reason for forcing the body to smash. With the operation of the big Sunday, Ye Xuan’s body is full of limbs and limbs. There was a strong tingling that was almost unbearable. This

At one moment, his treasure was shining, and there was endless Xia Wei in the air, but the forehead was all cold sweat of the bean, and the eyebrows were locked and endured pain. Take

His current level of cultivation is still so painful, and the degree of visibility is so strong that it is horrible...

In this extreme pain, Ye Xuan things I forgot, there is no sense of time. and also

I don't know how long it took, and the energy that was formed in the meridians of the body was finally refining. With

After that, in the power of Ye Xuan, the last moment was just a shock. The stubborn chain of shackles was broken, and the system prompts in expectation sounded quickly in Ye Xuan’s mind..."

Hey, congratulations to the host, the breakthrough of the ancient realm of the hole! The current realm: Heaven and the 9th order is perfect! ”

"Hey, congratulations to the host, the breakthrough of the flesh and blood! The current realm: Heaven and the 9th order is perfect!"

The 9th order is perfect! day


Finally reached!

It’s no longer the force of the magical power of the konjac, but it’s really a real realm!

The thoughts flashed through my mind, and Ye Xuanton was very excited. When I opened my eyes, the depths of the bottom of the skull clearly showed that there was a strong and fascinating mang, which was quickly rendered.

Obviously, after this breakthrough, the suppression in Hongmen Avenue still exists. in

After the breakthrough was completed, Ye Xuan tried to activate the **** magical power of the konjac. As a result, in the ninth state of the konjac, his cultivation has remained unchanged, and it is only the ninth-order grand perfection.

That is to say, now he, self-cultivation is the realm of strength, but in the ninth state of the konjac, the cultivation of the realm is still only this realm, of course, the real combat power under the ninth change state, Still can improve a lot, just the realm is still there. This

He had long anticipated that he was not surprised, and he didn't even feel much lost.

Because nowadays, he already has the ability to swallow a 30-level Hongmeng Baodan, and this will affect the qualification of Hongmeng Avenue. Once he enters Hongmengjing and becomes a strong avenue, he will fly into the sky...

After this breakthrough, Ye Xuan’s own cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth-order grand perfection. However, due to the suppression of Hongmeng Avenue, even if he activates the **** magical power of the konjac, in the ninth state, The realm is still only this realm...

In this case, he had expected it, and did not feel the loss, because now he has already swallowed a thirty-level Hongmeng Baodan, and this has affected the qualification of Hongmeng Avenue. One

Once he entered Hong Meng and became a strong avenue, the suppression of Hongmen Avenue will no longer exist. For him, it is only true from now on...

However, although he is now the ninth-order grand perfection, he has the qualification to swallow a thirty-level Hongmengbaodan, but Baodan has not been refining, and everything is still far away!

"The perfect Danfang of Hongmengbaodan has already been deduced, and even the main materials and various auxiliary materials needed for refining are already in the hands of..."

In the flashing of these, Ye Xuan’s bottom is a flash of light, whispering in a whisper, subconsciously tightening his fists, and his tone suddenly becomes steadfast: “If this is the case, then take advantage of this opportunity and sigh. Thirty-level Hong Meng Bao Dan... refining and saying it!"

Refining the thirty-level Hongmen Baodan, all kinds of top-level cultivation as auxiliary materials need not say more, these Ye Xuan have already been prepared.

In addition to the five elements of the drug, in addition to the five elements of the drug, each furnace Baodan still needs 9,981 Tiandao blood essence, and 999 a different heavenly source of liquid......

After deciding on the refining, Ye Xuan immediately calculated the Tiandao blood essence, the Tiandao source fluid and the five elements of medicine in the hands.

The final data obtained made him very happy. The main Dan materials in his hands are now able to refine the four furnaces. Although each furnace is destined to be able to produce only one thirty-level Hongmengbaodan, this is enough. It is. four

The furnace is four, in addition to one of its own cost, there are three remaining hands. This

However, the Hongmeng Avenue is no more than a heavenly environment. Although the friends he has made and the accounts of his Majesty are numerous, there are probably few who can walk to the Hongmeng Avenue.

There are still three thirty-level Hongmen Baodan left in hand, in case of emergency, it is completely enough..."

call out! ""


In an instant, all the main materials and auxiliary materials were all waved by him and suspended in front of them. tight

Then, Ye Xuan’s fascination was extended by the fascinating treasures of the colorful fog, and entered the interior of Shennong Baoding.........


Shennong Ding, interior space, the bottom of the volcano in the central domain!


As he chanted, in the Shennong flame pool at the bottom of the volcano in the central domain, there was a masculine sensation in an instant. This is extremely fascinating, and it is the ten-color flame that was just merged recently.

With the lasing, this ten-color flame has been divided into four strands on the way, welcoming the storm, and four giants of dragons have formed between the blinks.

The furnace is composed of ten-color flames. It is suspended in the mid-air of the volcanic mountain of the central domain. It is lined up and exudes a heart-warming energy...

Refining the thirty-level Hongmen Baodan, just the Shennong nine-color flame is enough, but now Ye Xuan uses the ten-color flame that the power is more than the nine-color flame, and it is not as a furnace flame. But the whole alchemy's furnace is composed of pure ten-color flame, and its effect can be imagined. This

The extravagant preparation can not only greatly improve the refining power of the 30th-level Hongmen Baodan, but once the refining is successful, the 30th-level Hongmengbaodan will be guaranteed the best quality and quality.

This is 31-level Hongmeng Baodan, it is not the same thing, everything is everything, Ye Xuan must be perfect, otherwise the accident and embarrassment of each furnace Baodan, the loss will be incalculable..."


After everything was completed, there was a sound of breaking sounds in a row, and the dense colors of the glory came from the heights of the volcanoes above the central volcano. This

These fascinating and fascinating are the top materials and cultivation resources that Ye Xuan prepared for the 30th level of Hongmen Baodan. They are spurred from the tripod and appear directly in the mountainside of the bottom of the volcano. Divided into four parts above the ten-color Dan Ding, which is lined up in four blocks, and suddenly hovered for a moment.

Each of them has a set of five elements of medicine, nine hundred and ninety-one Tiandao blood essence, nine hundred and eighty-one heavenly source of liquid, and various top-level cultivation resources as auxiliary materials, all rare and rare. It’s horrifying, and only Ye Xuan’s hands can gather such a huge amount of top things! "

call out! ”


Fast, with Ye Xuan's meditation, all the denim hanging in the mid-air of the volcanic mountain of the central domain automatically flew up, and did not enter the four ten-color Dan Ding which was lined up below.

Since then, the refining of the four furnaces and thirty-level Hongmen Baodan has officially started...

At the tenth level, Hong Meng Dan, only one, can make a heavenly and ninth-order grand perfect monk jump in a short period of time and become a Hongmen Avenue.

The strongest person in Hongmeng Avenue is the strongest existence in Hongmengtiandi. Even the three thousand chaotic demon gods born at the beginning of each Hongmeng era are just a sacred place. and

In this forthcoming Hongmeng era, the eyes of the people of Hongmeng Avenue are only a dozen or so. Even if they are millions of years ago, they will be the peak of the ninth-order grand perfection. because

In order to get enough Tianjiu avenue from the flood, and shut down for a million years, it was able to smoothly exit and enter the Hongmen Avenue...only

With this in mind, it can be seen that the existence of the level of Hongmeng Avenue is so valuable that it is rare to see it. especially

It is the thirty-first level of Hongmen Baodan Ye Xuan, which is still the first refining, and the four furnaces are simultaneously refining, so even if it is Ye Xuan’s heinous Dan Dao and the refining experience of various grades of Baodan I also don't dare to take a half-point to take it lightly.

From the very beginning of refining, he has put all his heart into it, ensuring that everything is controlled with precision, and there can be no accidents...

At this time, Ye Xuan still squats in the mouth of Shennong Dingkou, which is carrying the colorful fog. As the hands roll, the method of refining the medicine is thrown out in his hands, turning into a mysterious pattern of the road, from Shennong. Ding's tripod floated above, falling into the four-seat ten-color Danding lined up in the volcanic mountain below the central domain!

Unconsciously, time is slowly passing...



After the hour, above the flame pool at the bottom of the volcano of the central domain, several huge roaring sounds sounded, and the four words were lined up, and the furnaces condensed by the pure ten-color flame were scattered. Chemical

For the four-canopy-like fireworks of the ten colors like a river, whistling back to the Shennong flame pool below, it disappeared. and

With the dispersal of these four ten-color Ding Ding, in the mid-air of the volcano of the central domain, there were also four pigeon-sized Zijindan pills, and the thirty-level Hongmengbaodan... was born!