Super Devouring System

Chapter 571: Deputy lord

This man is the guardian of the War King Hall. His strength and temperament are comparable, and he is at least ten times stronger than Li Xiu.

Ye Xuan’s sword of this ground is not enough to threaten him.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

Two muffled sounds spread, and the sword of this ground was easily defeated by the silver armor.

"Sure enough, the earth is pulsating, and it has changed to two weights, genius, really a genius!" The silver armor man's eyes widened, and he took out a flame of sword.

This sword is very powerful, just for testing.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

The sword plunged into the front of Ye Xuan, and was then guarded by Ye Xuan's pulse to the earthquake.

"Okay, that's great. I have come to a genius who understands the righteousness, very good!" The silver armor man was very happy.

However, in his words, it revealed another thing.


Before Ye Xuan, there are still people who have realized the meaning of the righteousness?

"A sub-district governs several domains, each of which has a positive face, a rich talent, and a genius who understands the mystery."

Ye Xuan thought in his heart.

The main face of the Luosha domain was smiling. In the past three days, he was too worried. After all, he was afraid that Jiang Tian would suddenly shoot and kill Ye Xuan.

Now, he finally sent the person.

"Adult, excuse me, the Huang Tianyu I sent five years ago, how is it now?" Luosha domain owner suddenly asked again.

"Huang Tianyu?"

The silver armor recalled it and said: "It's not bad. I mixed up a small captain. The attribute conversion has reached 90%, but I haven't yet realized the meaning."

"Small captain?"

The main domain of the Luosha domain has been settled. It seems that this is a good mix.

"Well, I will take them in with these five people. You should leave first in the Rosara domain." The silver man said.

"Yes, adults!"

The main domain of the Luosha domain nodded slightly.

Although his strength is stronger than this silver armor, but the silver armor man is the palace guard of the War King Hall, he can only honestly call the adults.

The domain master, nothing in front of the war king temple.

Jiuyi Dayunpeng took off, and the main body of the Luosha domain also went back to the Luosha domain. Until he disappeared at the end, Ye Xuan suddenly remembered one thing. He forgot to ask the domain owner to help the Song Dynasty and the Song ruling. It's a thing!

"But, wait for me to settle down, come back!"

Ye Xuan shook his head helplessly.

Dian Wei, although there is a guard in the name, it is actually divided into two types, one is responsible for guarding, and the other is for going out to do the task.

Of course, both of them can apply for interchange positions.

"Okay, come in with me!"

The silver armor looked at Murong Xue and then went to Ye Xuan’s side and asked, “Little brother, what is your name?”

"Ye Xuan!" Ye Xuan replied.

However, the next moment, the silver armor man began to ask questions crazy, and said that he has a daughter.

Ye Xuan is also drunk, and he also knows that this silver armor is a close-up, so vague in the past.

Murong Xue was instantly left out of the cold, even the name did not ask, but this is justifiable, after all, so many domains, can produce a super genius like Ye Xuan, who do not want to close?

"Ye brothers, you five, you will live here first, I will go to the top!"

The silver armor brought Ye Xuan to a small residence in the palace.

This branch is very big, but there is nothing inside. Ye Xuan also saw some holy beasts along the way.

At this time they are in a small palace in the palace, but here is not like the palace corridor, there are mud, trees and flowers, and there are five houses, it is really a hole in the sky.

"This war king temple is really powerful. The black dragon that we saw just now, it is not a holy beast, but a virtual beast!"

After the silver man walked away, Ishigaki couldn’t help it.

Virtual beast?

Hearing the word, including Ye Xuan, is also a glimpse. Isn't this the name of the creature that has detached from the holy beast?

A virtual beast can easily obliterate the dross of these gods.

Ye Xuan did not expect that the black dragon that he had just passed by was actually a virtual beast that was comparable to the weak god.

"Ye Xuan, the master of the War King Hall may be coming, then you will be sent to the main hall of the War King Hall, congratulations!" The stone scorpion came over and hugged the fist.

"Thank you." Ye Xuan is also a fist.

This stone sturdy figure is burly, and the temper is bold, but it is worth making.

However, after a while he will leave, go to the main hall of the War King Hall, and if the four stone people pass the assessment, they will become the temple guard of this branch.

Afterwards, they can choose to go out to perform tasks, or guard the branch.

Of course, the guardian who goes out to perform the task is extremely risky, but there are many rewards, usually young people go out.

Older is to feel the meaning here.

However, in fact, Ye Xuan really wants to participate in this assessment of the temple, maybe it can improve the realm?

His qualifications may be rare here in the hall, but when he arrives at the main hall, there may be many.

Moreover, the main hall is a strong virtual imaginary, and the surrounding is probably very dangerous. His strength is too bad. In the past, it may be slower.

Subsequently, the five people were each assigned their own residence.

It didn't take long for the silver armor who had just left to come with a black robe middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man in black robe has a serious expression and is not excited. He is slowly coming in from the gate.

"The deputy master, that is him!" Silver man pointed at Ye Xuandao.

Deputy Prince?

Ye Xuan, who came out to meet, was smashed into the temple, but there were many imaginary gods who could serve as the deputy priest of the temple. Naturally, they were also strong imaginary gods.

At this point, the middle-aged person can suppress the breath, otherwise, Ye Xuan five people may be shocked to move.

"Oh? It's you, comprehending the pulse of the earth and the guardian of the pulse?" The middle-aged man fell on Ye Xuan.

"Yes, seniors!" Ye Xuan nodded.

"Attack me!"

Middle-aged people are not nonsense, say directly.

Seeing that the other party is so vigorous and vigorous, Ye Xuan naturally dare not drag the mud and water, directly sacrificed a best heavenly instrument, and cast a sword of the ground to the middle-aged.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

The sword of the ground cracked two times and then disappeared.

"Sure enough, the earth is pulsating twice." The middle-aged man’s eyes glimpsed, just like the silver armor, he took out a non-attribute instinct.

Ye Xuan was shocked. After all, the middle-aged man in front of the black robe, Nima is a virtual god.

However, he still did not move, directly to play the pulse guard.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

This instinct is very weak, and it is broken after being swayed twice by the pulsating guardian.

The middle-aged man’s eyes glimpsed and said: “It’s indeed a pulse guard. If you break through once again, then it’s 4 heavy, and the power will multiply!”