Super Devouring System

Chapter 621: traitor

"How could it be so strong? Escape!"

The elders in black saw their companion die in an instant, and hurriedly turned around and left.

"I don't want to go!"

Yan Lei directly took out a flame of swords, although he was escaped by the black elders, but he did not escape the attack of Lan Xin.


The head of the black elders was thrown directly.


However, Ye Xuan is not related to his life and death. What he cares about is the Qiang Kun ring of the demon of the demon.

However, when he was halfway through, the body was suddenly taken away by a person.

Zhao Junbo!

"It’s a husky!"

Ye Xuan screamed in his heart, only to the rise of his killing, but forgot to have a more precious 乾 戒 ring.

At this point, the enemy has all died.

"Small temple master, your Qiang Kun ring!" Zhao Junbo took a deep look at Ye Xuan, and then plunged to the side of Lan Xin, and handed over the demon master.

"Give it to you."

Lan Xin said very generously.

"Xie Shaodian!" Zhao Junbo opened his mouth and smiled, and took a look at Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan once again roared in the heart, if this Zhao Junbo is an enemy, he has already shot him to kill him.

"Stone brother, what do we do now?" asked Lan Xin.

"Since this has happened, other events may have occurred in other locations, but we still have to go and see if we can continue on the road." Yan Lei said.

The five people started to hurry again.

Ye Xuan silently followed, and now his realm is no less than this Zhao Junbo.

His strength, I am afraid, is second only to Lan Xin, even if Lan Xin understands the wing of the wind, it is not so easy to kill him.

At this point, he is very close to the blood.

They rushed for another day and finally arrived at the second secret stronghold.

This stronghold is on a cliff, and there are arrays of holes in the hole. If Lei Lei did not record the map of the stronghold, it could not be found.


Five talents just entered the cave, and there was a violent scream from one person.

This voice, Yan Lei is very familiar.

"Grandpa?" Yan Lei shouted in amazement.

He knew that his grandfather was in the wild, but he did not expect to be in this stronghold.

Soon, there were three people coming out of the cave. One of them was the grandfather of Yan Lei.

"How can you tell me how to be a lord?" After the peak came out, the whole person was paralyzed.

"Grandpa, we are the big squad, to see if the stronghold is safe." Lei Lei replied.

"Fortunately, everything is normal here." The peak nodded and said: "I have seen the Lord!"

"My grandfather, are you not unusual here? The traitor appeared on the first position, and it has been destroyed." Lan Xin’s eyes suddenly fell on the two elders behind the peak.

Old qualifications do not mean that they are innocent. Generally, elders who do not have family members in the War King Hall are easily tempted by the Yaozu.

"The three of us have been staying here, and we have to go out together. We have never been single." Yu Feng knew that Lan Xin was suspicious, so he explained in a hurry.

However, this still does not prove anything.

After all, Ye Xuan has also seen the Yaozu who has been lurking for more than a decade.

Moreover, even if you go out together, you can't always stare at the other two people. If you don't pay attention, the traitor can leave a message to the Yaozu.

At this time, Lan Xin suddenly stared at a red old man behind the peak, saying: "Elder, your skin, why did you smoke?"

Everyone turned his attention to him.

Indeed, when the peak was talking, the face of the red elders twitched, and Ye Xuan also saw it.

It’s tricky!


The red-haired elders suddenly burst into the air, directly facing the peak of the front.


The peak is also a veteran elder, although the realm is not high, but this reaction is still there.

Even if he didn't notice it, but Lan Xin reminded him, how could he not be prepared?

Therefore, the elders in red were directly beaten and slammed on the stone wall.

"Du elder, you..." Feng asked in vain.

The elders of red squirted a blood, and he did not talk nonsense. He shouted directly. The next moment, he began to transform.

Half demon!

He turned out to be a half demon!

"Impossible, we have taken the transformation before Dan!" Feng Feng could not believe.

Everyone looked at the red elders and turned into a half-human and half-dragon thing.

"Are you an idiot? Of course, I only converted after I took it. Oh, since it has already been revealed, then all of you have given me death!"

The red elders drank a word and rushed over.

This cave is not big, only three people can walk side by side. If it is a fight, it is not enough to play. Moreover, the semi-demon is very strong. If you play here, it is obvious that the other side is dominant.

Therefore, Ye Xuan quickly retired.

And Feng Feng and another elder are resisting and retreating.

It is at this time.

The elder who was next to Feng Feng suddenly shot.


The peak of the peak widened and was directly shot by a palm.

Fortunately, his reaction was very fast and he rushed to stand, so this palm directly shot him out of the cave. If he was hit on the wall, he would probably die.

"Grandpa!" Yan Lei shouted.

"I'm fine!"

The peak was gloomy. I didn't expect that he had been living in a crisis. There were two traitors beside him. He didn't know it, it was terrible.

"Hey, you really are traitors!" Lan Xin snorted and looked at the two elders who had been demonized.

"You already know?" the red elder asked awkwardly.

"Of course, I am here for the traitor." Lan Xin clasped the silver dagger and laughed.

Her sentence is also a surprise to Ye Xuan.

Is this the little lord, who is allowed to come, not to steal it?

"Of course, it’s just a suspicion. I just have a list of doubts, and you are showing yourself." Lan Xin added.

This is beyond the expectations of Ye Xuan.

It is strange to say that the daughter of the deputy master of the War King Hall, how can it be an ordinary person?

"In this case, you are all going to die!" The red elders flashed, and things had already been revealed. They could only destroy the dead.

He and another elder, although the degree of degeneration is only 40%, but it has almost reached 50%. Now, after demonization, the strength has skyrocketed.

Unfortunately, they encountered the team of Ye Xuan, plus the peak, in the case of six-on-two, they have no chance of winning.


The peak of the peak shouted, and the six people rushed to the past.

The strength of these two demons is not bad, withstood the first wave of attacks, but the next moment, they were all killed by Ye Xuan six people.