Super Devouring System

Chapter 64: Stunning audience

"I heard that Zhongyang brothers rushed to the fifth level six months ago, but did not persist."

"This Ye Xuan's physique is beyond ordinary people. I don't know how many times I can get there."

"At least the fourth level, and this wooden array mainly looks at physical fitness, this Ye Xuan can certainly easily pass four levels!"

"Not a coward, I guess I can't even enter the fourth level."

The people around have gathered together.

At this time, Ye Xuan was also registered and entered the wooden array.

The wooden man is actually a kind of thing made of special wood, and then it is controlled by the sergeant and moves according to certain rules.

This wooden man has no feet and moves by turning, but these wooden people are tall and short, fat and thin. They move under the same time, and they will not touch other wooden people. It is very magical.

Ye Xuan walked into the wooden array, and then, these wooden people began to turn up, the speed is not fast, even a martial arts sixth heavy weapon can handle.

The first round of the wooden array, the speed is the slowest, as long as you wait five minutes, then even pass.

The speed of the first few people was not fast, and the power of the two wooden arms was not strong. Ye Xuan easily spent it.

Soon, it was the fourth level.


When the time passed, the wooden man was set off with a gust of wind, which was formed by the high speed operation of the wooden man.

"The speed is quite fast. This power is probably no less than that of the Seventh Heavy Warrior of the martial arts."

Ye Xuan’s face is also dignified. At this level, he can still cope with it, but only occasionally use the Nether Step.

The wooden man can't attack the wooden man, otherwise he will lose his qualification.

Soon, one minute is over.

Then there are two minutes, three minutes, four minutes.

"This Ye Xuan is very powerful. I remember that when Zhong Yang’s brother passed the fourth level, it was very difficult, but he was so relaxed."

The inner disciples watched on the outside stands are all face to face.

In their discussion, Ye Xuan has passed the fourth level.

"Teacher, is the fifth level?"

The fifth level of the wooden array is not something that ordinary people can bear. If it is hit by the wooden man, even the martial art eighth heavy weapon will be seriously injured.

Through the fifth level of the wooden array, it is generally the mentor of the cracked Yunzong, which is the ninth heavy weapon of the martial arts.

"Brother, come on!"

Ye Xuan shouted.

When his voice fell, the madman in the wooden array was even more violent.


These hundreds of wooden people began to madly rotate at the same speed as an electric fan.

Those hard wooden men's arms are madly waving, and Ye Xuan's face is extremely dignified. Now, he has to use the eight-character martial arts violent thunder.




Ye Xuan's body shape moves quickly in the wooden array, and the muffled sound continues.

"My God, what I saw, violent thunder, this is the eight-style martial arts violent thunder, why is he?"

"Impossible, he just entered the cracked cloud sect today. How can he learn to violently step within a day? I remember that several brothers of Huo Yuan also spent more than a month to become small."

"Impossible, he must have learned it long ago."

"But, I heard that he is from a small town, will there be eight martial arts in a small town?"

The crowd on the outside is already boiling.

A minute passed, and Ye Xuan was still easy to hide.

Two minutes passed.

This time, Ye Xuan was finally tired of sweat.

However, in the third minute, Ye Xuan was finally hit by the wooden man.


Under the high-speed operation of the wooden man, Ye Xuan was just under the first attack, and two more arms hit him.



Three times the attack of the eighth martial art of the martial arts, let Ye Xuan's blood roll, but in desperation, he had to use a body martial arts just learned.

God magic!

Nine-character martial arts, for the beginning of his eighth martial arts, is very expensive.

However, it is not a problem to stay at the end of the wooden array.

Looking at Ye Xuan, who was dragging his shadow in the wooden array, the crowd boiled again.

"God, what have I seen, isn't that the nine-mart martial arts illusion?"

"The afterimage, dragging the afterimage out of the three meters, this is the realm of the magic of the sky."

"Who is he, how can he even create the magical method of the deputy lord? Is he really the first day to enter the Li Yunzong?"

"Is it difficult to be the illegitimate son of the deputy lord?"

"Oh, be careful, if you pass it out, you will be finished!"

Ye Xuan, has completely shaken this group of inner disciples, and learned the violent steps in a day. Even the nine martial arts fascinating body is taught, this is a super genius.

At this time, there are also several figures on the other side of the stands.

"It's terrible, it's terrible. If I know that this kid has such a high qualification, I must grab it with the deputy master!"

"Cut, if I knew it early, I would definitely put all my personalities on. The qualifications of this kid would probably exceed the sovereign."

"Yes, this is a real spiritual powerhouse in the future. A potential seed of true spirituality, even if I don't want those disciples, I recognize it!"

The speaker was the first elder who appeared at the time, Bai Lie.

They watched quietly.

Five minutes, it will soon pass.

Ye Xuan successfully passed the fifth level.

"School, younger brother, do you still have to slap the sixth level?" The deacon of the Lie Yunzong who controlled the wooden squad, some said slyly.

"No, the brothers open the door and let me go out."

The sweaty Ye Xuan shook his head.

In his heart, there is also a lingering fear. If it is not the magical method of this day, he may not be able to pass the fifth-level wooden array, even if there are blood of the beasts and the blood of the leopard.

"Teacher, you passed the fifth level, and you got a total of 5,565 points. This is the score card." The deacon of the cracked Yunzong took some points and handed it to Ye Xuan.

The Li Yunzong is a system of points, but there is no real name system, and points can be used by others.

"Thank you brother!"

Ye Xuan wiped a cold sweat, it seems that there are no whites in the three, but fortunately he has a blood of a hundred animals, his body is amazing, otherwise the three can definitely make him seriously injured.

Later, Ye Xuan left quickly, and now he has got more than 5,000 points, and can go to change things.

"It’s terrible. I was beaten three times by the wooden man of the fifth level. I was able to come out and live. Is this person’s body made of iron?”

"What iron is made, even if the Iron Man goes to the fifth level of the wooden man, he will be labeled as a discus!"

"He broke the record of Zhong Yang’s brother. I don’t know what kind of expression he would have when Zhong Yang’s brother came back.”