Super Devouring System

Chapter 672: Soaring strength

Ye Xuan’s Dongfu is very simple. In addition to the entrance, the inside directly opened up a large open space.

“Hey, the host learned thirty-six overlapping images, and it’s currently a fire!”

This is the virgin martial arts that the Xuanzhongshan people gave him.

These thirty-six overlapping shadows are considered to be a sword skill, but other weapons can also be used. They can be displayed with swords or with swords, even if they are sticks.

At the moment, Ye Xuan took out a smattering of the Chinese character and began to practice.

Only one of the fires, he can only find three swords in an instant, but as the fire rises, he can instantly throw out six swords, nine swords, and twelve swords.

A few days down, thirty-six overlapping shadows, he has been able to pull out thirty-three times in an instant, the fire reached 90%.

Still 10%, it is 10% of the heat, when it is thirty-six.

"This martial arts is really good, although it is necessary to quickly pick up dozens of swords, but if the speed is fast, it can cause 36 shocks."

Ye Xuan’s self-confidence suddenly burst into shed.

If you let him use these thirty-six overlapping shadows, and then merge the earth with 16 pulsations, the power is probably several times stronger than the catastrophe.

This is not because the thirty-six overlapping shadows are the Chinese imaginary martial arts, but because this martial arts is almost tailor-made for the earth's pulse.

In conjunction with the Xuanzhongshan people's practice notes, Ye Xuan's perception of the earth's pulsation is extremely deep, and it is possible to change to the earth's pulsation 32 at any time.

"Single cultivation alone, I am afraid it is difficult to reach 10% of the heat, or go out and find someone to fight!"

Ye Xuan thought, it is to go out of his own cave.

Just, Na He also left Dongfu.

"Teacher, how many days have you been practicing?" He Yan asked.

"Well, thirty-six overlapping shadows have been trained to 90% of the fire." Ye Xuan nodded.

He Yan brows a pick, a strange saying: "The younger brother is really talented, and in just a few days, he has just trained this martial arts to 90% of the fire, come, and practice with the brothers."

He said that he had sacrificed a long sword.

Ye Xuan is also no opponent, although He Yan is a nine-level king, he is only a four-level king, but he knows that He Yan will definitely release water.

"Brother, be careful."

Ye Xuan also sacrificed a Chinese imaginary **** soldier to shoot directly.

Thirty-three overlapping shadows!

The earth pulsates 16 heavy!

Ye Xuan took out thirty-three stacks in an instant, but because the shots were too fast, the earth's pulsation of 16 could not contain all the attacks.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The attack on the road was on the long sword of He Yan, but it was picked up by He Yanwen.

"I don't want to be a nine-level king!" Ye Xuan was shocked.

At the same time, He Yan is also a bit strange, admire: "The younger brother is really powerful, thirty-three overlapping shadows actually contain three times the pulse of the earth, come again!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The bang loud noise continued to spread, Ye Xuan continued to attack He Yan, the latter constantly resisted, and then continued to explain to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan listened to the advice and made a little progress.

From the thirty-three stacks, the three pulsations of the earth, to the four, five, and just over an hour, his combat power has doubled.

There are strong people who teach, and sure enough, there is no need to go too far.

"Okay, take a break!"

After picking up the thirty-three overlapping images of Ye Xuan, which contained seven times of earth pulsation, He Yan could not help but say.

Ye Xuan stopped and was very excited.

These thirty-six overlapping images are really amazing. If he reaches the peak and thirty-six overlapping pictures, this time can contain the pulse of the earth. His sword, even the six-level king, can't take it.

"Senior brother, only our battle, the master respects him..." Ye Xuan suddenly remembered a problem.

"Don't worry, the master has a soundproof array, and the Xuanzhong Mountain also has a soundproof array. Our voice will not be transmitted." He Yandao: "Teacher, are you not interested in gravity space?"

"Gravity space?"

At this time, Ye Xuan was suddenly remembered that this gravity space is synonymous, and the degree of metamorphosis is no worse than the thirty-six overlapping shadow.

"It seems that the younger brother is forgotten, come with me." He Yan smiled lightly, leading the way ahead.

Ye Xuan quickly followed up.

Xuanzhongshan said that he is sure to let Ye Xuan understand the gravity space in a month.

One month, comprehend the gravity space, if you let others hear it, you will definitely laugh at the big teeth.

However, since Xuanzhongshan people have said this, then naturally there will be his way.

Soon, Ye Xuan, who was behind He Yan, entered a cave.

This cave is nothing special, but the interior is extremely spacious, about a kilometer or so of the cube space.

"Brother, this is..."

Ye Xuan looked around in a circle, but did not find anything.

"You can prepare first. If you are ready, we will start training. Once you start, you can't stop until you understand the gravity space." He Yan said to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan took a moment and then nodded resolutely: "Senior, I am ready."

Wen Yan, He Yan smiled a little, said: "If this is the case, then you will stand in the middle."

Ye Xuan did not ask anything and went straight to the middle of the cave.


"Okay!" Ye Xuan should sing.

"Ha ha!"

He Yan smiled and stood there quietly.

The next moment, Ye Xuan suddenly flew up.


Ye Xuan was shocked and suddenly responded. This is why He Yan is using gravity space.

But he just reacted, his figure is quickly retreating, then going down, left, backward, right...

This is the training method of He Yan.

"Do not use the air to fly, or re-time, oh, forget it, you can't use it." He Yan said.

In half of the words, he has already activated the ban on the Xuanzhong Mountain.

"The trough!"

Ye Xuan screamed in his heart. At this time, he could not use the suffocating flight. The whole person was turned over by He Yan and then flew in this huge cave.

"Understanding the gravity space, otherwise, you have to wait like this, even if it is fainting, it is no exception!" He Yan's voice fell in Ye Xuan's ear.

At this point, Ye Xuan did not know which direction he was facing.

However, this method does feel very effective. In the gravity space, it is the easiest to understand the gravity space.

Gravity space is an extension of gravity, so if you want to understand the gravity space, you have to use gravity.

However, gravity can only be downward, but it cannot form a repulsive force.

"Yes, it is the use of gravity. You have just realized the gravity of the righteousness. You are not very skilled. If you are skilled, you will find that there is still a repulsive force..."

(I don't know why some readers say that I have a chapter and two chapters a day. I changed 36 chapters last week. Some people say that 10 chapters are not. Why is this?)