Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 2540: Kuju Tenjo Giant

In the ancient starry sky, the group of dragons cleared the way, and Zhang Xing stood on top of Long Yinian's head. A dozen ancestors had calmed down from shock at this time.

Under Zhang Xing’s question, they introduced the Eight Heavens and the things they didn’t know much about the Nine Heavens.

However, Zhang Xing didn't have any useful information from them.

After all, the Eightfold Realm is still hundreds of millions of miles away from the Ninefold Peak, and it is impossible for them to know the news about the Divine King Realm.

In a blink of an eye, another half year passed, Zhang Xing and the others walked out of the ancient starry sky, and they saw a large number of foreign giants of the nine-fold realm guarding here.

Then, naturally, another big battle began.

The dragons met their opponents, and they no longer pushed the alien giants horizontally like Seven or Eight Heavens.

Every dragon is inextricably fought with an alien giant.

But the number of giants is twice that of dragons.

Qunlong is currently at a disadvantage.

However, as the fighting time extended, this disadvantage gradually decreased.

The dragon that was later upgraded gradually adapted in World War I, and its strength grew steadily.

Zhang Xing never made a move, he was observing these giants.

Through these days, he came to a conclusion that the source of the power of these star giants is the power of the sky.

The so-called power of the firmament includes any matter, such as the power of stars, such as divine power, and in short, they can absorb all kinds of energy.

In other words, in this vast universe, the soil for their breeding is everywhere.

Zhang Xing could not help being taken aback by this conclusion.

"No wonder they have a huge number and tyrannical cultivation base. If other races can have such survivability, their strength will definitely not be weaker!"

While Zhang Xing sighed, the form of the battle began to change.

Fifty thousand dragons simultaneously cast mirror clones, and the number instantly became one hundred thousand.

The alien giant was immediately suppressed to death, and a large number of casualties soon occurred.

The three-day stalemate also showed a one-sided situation.

The alien giants retreat steadily, but they are still stubbornly rushing towards the dragons without fear of death.

With their bravery, the dragons are even more violent.

Tear their bodies to pieces and never feel soft.

The starry sky channel thousands of miles away was completely opened by the dragons.

On the surrounding planets destroyed by the war, the remaining power of the dragon and human races looked at the fifty thousand dragon and Zhang Xing's calm and relaxed figure in shock.

"Who are they?"

This is a question shared by the two ethnic groups!

Since countless starry sky giants invaded Nine Heavens, all races cast away their grudges and formed an alliance army to fight against the alien giants.

However, the strength of their powers differed greatly. Regardless of the individual or the whole, the Alliance army under the attack of the alien giants, like a praying man's arm, was simply vulnerable.

After a round of disastrous defeat, the Alliance Army adopted the strategy of avoiding the reality and abandoning the sect under the suggestion of the human race, and used the strategy of strong attack on the weak.

The major legions of the alliance hid on abandoned planets to adopt travel tactics, specifically selecting single or rare alien giants to start.

After several years of this kind of battle, although certain results have been achieved, for the alien giant, it is not even a mere dime.

They assigned a large number of personnel to roam in the starry sky all day, encircling and suppressing the Alliance army everywhere.

However, in each team of the Alliance Army, there are half-step ancestors of the Divine King Realm. It is difficult for the alien giants to achieve their expected goals, which also makes them feel helpless.

"I didn't look at Dazzling, right? The alien giant was beaten without the strength to fight back?"

"Those dragons... our dragon clan doesn't seem to have such a large number of battle dragon legions!"

"They... turned out to be dragons with the ninth-tier peak power!"

Both the Human Half-Step God King Patriarch and the Dragon Half-Step Dragon God Patriarch spoke in shock.

"That young man belongs to your human race, do you know him?"

The dragon ancestor looked at the human ancestor with all his doubts.

"I don't know... those dragons were secretly cultivated by you?"

Human Race ancestor asked back.

"How could it be that if I had such power, how could I have fallen to the present state!"

The dragon ancestor shook his head and sighed.

"That passage is the only entrance from the eighth heaven to the nineth heaven. Could it be that they came from the eighth heaven?"

"I think it should be like this, it should be the half-step nine-tier juniors who led them up."

"Oh! Presumably the situation in Seven or Eight Heavens is not optimistic either!"

"Yes, according to historical records, 100,000 years ago, alien giants launched a fierce attack on dozens of our planets at the same time, and this time is definitely no exception."

"If there hadn't been the devastating blow one hundred thousand years ago, the **** kings of our races would be able to pass on forever!"

"Now... 100,000 years, I am incompetent, and I still can't see through the gate of that level of the Divine King Realm!"


Just as the two ancestors sighed, a large number of fire-breathing meteors flew from four directions in the starry sky.

"No! The reinforcements of the alien giants are here!"

The two bodies trembled and suddenly became tense.

Originally they wanted to go out and see Zhang Xing, but at this time they didn't dare to move.

This abandoned planet was under the eyelids of the alien giants. They just searched for it at random and ignored it.

The ancestors of the human race caught the careless heart of the alien giant and chose to hide here.

The human races and dragon races they lead also number nearly one million.

Therefore, they never dared to act rashly.

"Boom boom boom..."

The alien giants who came to support spread out in batches and blocked in front of the dragons.

The rows of huge figures are arranged in a staircase pattern in the starry sky, and when you look around, they are like steps deep into the sky, endless!

A giant in front of him with silver flames in his eyes looked at the dragons, and finally his gaze stayed on Zhang Xing.

"The youngest ninth-fold human monk, what's your name?"

A human language uttered from this huge population.

The giant searched all over the Nine Heavens Continent, but did not find the special race that the ancestor said.

The ancestor warned them to find such a person even if they searched through all the Nineth Heaven Continent!

He may be a human race or a dragon race, but it is definitely not a monster race or other races.

The ancestor of the giant means to find this person and kill him, or... to seize his godhead.

In the vast and boundless universe, every person who becomes a **** king has a qualification to escape the rules of the universe. This qualification is the so-called godhead.

Every person's godhead is different, just like the genes of every living thing, they are unique.

The giant ancestor was able to survive the great battle 100,000 years ago because of his unique godhead.

However, several **** kings joined forces to break his godhead, so that he can never be repaired, and now he is almost dead, unable to protect the giants.

If the human race or the dragon race gives birth to a new **** king, then it is the beginning of the giant disaster.

The Terran King will definitely destroy such a powerful enemy as the Giant!

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