Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 719: First stop, Everlook

Before Zhang Xing left Wan Wuguo, there was another place to go. That was to see Mingyue Zhao, who hadn't seen him for a long time, and didn't know how he was developing.

By the time they reached the Wasteland Poison (Dian di n) branch, no figure had been seen.

Through the analysis of the situation at the scene, Zhang Xing came to a conclusion that the poison (dian di n) had moved again, and I do not know where to hide.

In this case, see you in the future!

One week later, Zhang Xing and Sorina sailed across the sea in an airship and entered the first stop in Damo, Yongwang Island.

They spent ten gold coins at a stall near the port and bought a map of the territory.

The map shows that Yongwang Island is located on the southernmost tip of Damo, and it is a solitary island in the sea.

There is still some distance from land.

Their next stop was Haisha City, the largest province in the south of Damo.

Only seventeen or eight cities are marked on the map, like some other small and medium-sized towns.

Zhang Xingbu (forbidden jin) sighed a bit, selling ten gold coins for such a broken map is no different from stealing money.

Let's buy a detailed map after entering the inland areas.

More than a thousand people disembarked from the airship, waiting at the dock for the passenger ship to Haisha City.

After half an hour, a huge passenger ship slowly sailed into the port.

There was a sharp and funny sound coming out of the magic loudspeaker on the dock.

"Hi! Ladies and gentlemen, the steamer to Haisha City has arrived, and some passengers on board are hurrying up!"

Zhang Xing and the crowd approached the giant wheel.

I saw a lot of small figures above busy and nervous.

"Well! Isn't that a dwarf?"

Indeed, the sailors of the whole ship are dwarves with short stature but thick limbs.

Moore, president of the Blacksmiths' Guild, said that many dwarves who have no strength in forging, but do not have blacksmithing skills, do some hard physical work in all empires.

In addition to being sailors, there are also miners, lumberjacks, construction workers, and so on.

It's all about living and having to do these heavy work.

However, the dwarves (dry gan) are quite satisfied, mainly because these jobs are paid a lot, which is enough for them to drink and eat.

After paying 1,200 gold coins and buying a first-class cabin, Zhang Xing came to the deck.

"Wow! This passenger ship is so big!"

Sorina exclaimed.

"What is this, and what is bigger, it can hold more than 5,000 people."

Zhang Xing said lightly.

"Ah! It's so big, it's unimaginable. Zhang Xing, have you seen it?"

Sorina asked curiously.

"This ... of course I've seen it!"

Zhang Xing gritted his teeth and lied.

When he came to this continent, the passenger ship under his feet was the largest he had ever seen. As for the bigger one, it was on the earth.

I just remember it was a cruise ship and I forgot the name.

The cruise ship is 400 meters long, 18 stories high, and carries 5,200 passengers.

There are thousands of theaters, restaurants, and golf courses.

In short, this is a mobile palace, only you can't imagine, without the services they can't.

I'm afraid it's not enough to use extreme luxury.

When Zhang Xing saw it online, he was also shocked and praised the development of modern technology.

Sorina didn't ask, she was completely attracted by the style of the passenger ship.

"Beautiful lady, is this your first time on this passenger ship?"

Just then, a magnetic (Xing) sound interrupted Sorina's interest.

Sorina turned her head, smiled resignedly, and did not respond.

This is a very handsome man, in his twenties, with a long face, and with a gorgeous dress (body sh n), looks charming.