Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 770: Full reception

"Elder Fifth Mountain led all the soldiers to kneel down to Lord Zhang Xing!"

"The Elder of the Sixth Mountain led all the people to kneel down to Lord Zhang Xing!"

"The elders of the seventh hill lead the whole ..."

"Eighth Mountain ..."

"The Ninth Mountain ..."

Zhang Xing flew to the main peak all the way, all the people who had been kneeling on the ground or descending from the air.

The nine dragons beside him (body sh n) accepted the worship of thousands of people for the first time, and suddenly felt a solemn momentum from his body.

Dragon's heaven is belligerent, and then there is a lot of worship.

Worshipped by so many people, Kowloon's vanity was greatly satisfied.

They raised their proud dragon heads, put on a domineering posture, and looked down at the crowd.

At the main peak, a 60-year-old man (body sh n) in a black (color) robe headed down from the knees kneeled on the ground.

(Body sh n) The dozen or so (body sh n) old men wearing silver silk hem and black (color) robes, followed by hundreds (body sh n) old men wearing blue (color) robes.

Zhang Xing knows that these are the high-level personnel in charge of the affairs of Tianya Mountain.

"Tianyashan Master Xinchang respectfully invites Master Zhang Xing Wan'an!"

"I'll wait for Master Zhang Xing Wan'an!"

Hundreds followed with respect.

Zhang Xing didn't say anything and looked coldly below.

I want to see what you can say. If you want to survive, you must show some sincerity. If you want to fool me with a few words, that's the only way to die.

These people also have a certain status in the (killing) hand group. Although they are not core members, they are enough to deter a party in the third and fourth countries.

"Master Zhang Xing, I'm waiting for you (body sh n). You must also know that today, this kneeling has broken its own way."

"So, from now on, I will wait for His Majesty to return to His Majesty.

"Tianyashan has only one family member since then, that's you, Mr. Zhang!"

Xinchang knew that it would be useless to say too much, just to show sincerity.

The rest is up to Zhang Xing, to kill (sha) to follow you.

After listening, Zhang Xing knew a little what they were doing.

Let me be the boss and lead you against the (kill) hand group.

In other words, let me be a shield and attract (kill) most of the power of the hand group.

But this is not the most important thing. Even if they don't surrender, the (killing sha) hand group will send the strongest (strong qiang) force to attack (kill) against me.

Their sole purpose is to survive.

Humph! A bunch of old things who are afraid of death.

However, this is also a human (Qing Qing), (killing sha) organization such a huge organization, not everyone can be so loyal.

Now that they have (off tuo) left (killed) the organization, my goal has been achieved.

It doesn't matter if they die.

It is believed that the influence caused by Tianyashan's betrayal will shock the world, and it will also be a big blow to the (kill) band.

As for how to place them, Zhang Xing didn't have a good idea at the moment.

It is not impossible to accept them, but their loyalty makes people have to doubt.

They can betray (kill sha) the group can betray him Zhang Xing.

The premise is that there must be enough power to suppress Zhang Xing.

This is true of an empire.

After considering it for a while, Zhang Xing decided to take over this power.

This is equivalent to taking over the organization of the (killing) group in Damo.

The newspaper outlets scattered in various cities and towns just come in handy.

As for the disobedient person, it should be (kill sha) (kill sha), and it should be changed.

Some people want to use this to show loyalty.

Yes, yes, I did not expect to attack Tianya Mountain this time, but did not destroy them, but instead turned into their heads.

This is a pleasant surprise.

"Since you choose to surrender, I won't (kill sha) you."

"To give you a task, I will let all the bases in Damo take orders from me."

"Can you do that?"

Zhang Xing said lightly.