Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 771: Established Tianlongmen

"Please rest assured, I will do it immediately."

Xinchang was able to survive when he heard it, and his eyes suddenly turned on. This thing Master Zhang commanded was too simple.

The entire organization and personnel list of Damo was in his mind.

Others are family members, elders, and church owners are even more than happy.

I didn't expect Zhang Xing to spare them so quickly.

"Big boss?"

Zhang Xing frowned, he didn't like the title.

I'm only nine years old. It's more appropriate to be a small head.

Oh no, what's it like to be a master, just change the name.

"The title will be changed in the future, Tianyashan will be changed to Tianlongmen, and there will be eight hundred and eighteen halls."

"Reserve the (qingqing) reporting agency, and the rest of the department you take care of."

Xinchang and others nodded energetically, indicating that they had made a note.

Zhang Xing thought again, what does Tianya Mountain rely on to support more than 10 million people.

Although it is near the sea, there is no dock, and there are still strange peaks. There are hard rocks everywhere and there is not much land to cultivate.

Do they go out to hit the house and rob and rob.

"What business is there in the mountains?" Zhang Xing asked.

"Go back, we have our restaurants, casinos, auction houses, drug stores, blacksmith shops in all towns in Damo."

"There are also some small and medium-sized families that are also in our hands."

"There are not many large families, only three."

"There are three other metal mines and four gem mines."

"The profits from these businesses are enough for us to spend."

"Most of the gang members are in this area with family business, usually planting some living crops, or planting some herbs, hunting in the mountains, etc."

"They will be given their military battalions only when they are fighting. They are not usually used."

"Most of the income is turned over to headquarters."

Xinchang explained.

Zhang Xing understood.

Ordinary gangs are still very poor, only these high-level people are rich.

They have a lot of industries, after all, Tianyashan is also a Damo country in the Ming Dynasty.

However, these belong to my Zhang Xing's, and the (killing sha) group's financial path is a little less.

Yes, in the future, we will use this method to strike (kill sha), but we don't have to fight (kill sha) (kill sha).

"Oh, yes, you can help me find someone, or a family with an Oriental surname, whose ancestors fled from the border town to the mainland 120 years ago."

"Your main direction is to start from Chishui, Fuguang, and the imperial capital, including villages and towns around these cities.

Zhang Xing ordered.

If he was looking for him by himself, it would be the same as Brother Dongfang, and he would not find it for more than a hundred years.

"Master, please rest assured that our manpower is sufficient and we will find it for you in the shortest time."

"The other thing is, should we hold a grand ceremony to invite some local power families to celebrate the master's ascension together?"

Xinchang promised and patted the horse (Fart Pi).

Zhang Xing also had to admire the former big master, who changed his face quickly, and had a strong adaptability (strong qiang).

"Enthronement? Do you think I'm going to be emperor?"

Zhang Xing frowned and said coldly.

He does n’t eat this (set of t o), everyone in the flattery (love i) listens, and Zhang Xing is no exception.

But he is a promising young man, how can he be confused by this flattery.

"Subordinates misrepresent, misrepresent, Master Wangwangmen forgive me!"

Xinchang Weiwenuoluo said.

"The ceremony is not necessary, let's keep a low profile."

"I don't think it will be long before your old owner will lift the old bottom of Tianya Mountain."

Zhang Xing smiled, the meaning of the words was self-evident, Xinchang heard, his face (color) changed.