Super Driver

Chapter 1490: Hook family

Thinking of this, he directly involved the few people in front of him, plus the spaceship, into the system space. with

At that time, Rondo had simulated the captain's signal and sent a message to the core universe.

"Everything is OK, General Bull Rhino is patiently investigating related news about the super system!" Takashi

As a high-level intelligence, Rado is very simple for him.

After sending this news, Su Qiubai knew that time was very urgent, he must destroy the coordinates of General Niu Xi! no

Then, if the wooden fish demon has any doubts, he will probably send someone again!

Although it is said that Su Qiubai's strength is not what it used to be, he does not want to use force to solve the problem until Wan De already.

After all, this time I was facing a demon, the real demon!

What kind of means a demon will have is definitely not something Su Qiubai can simply imagine. All

So, be careful. destroy

The coordinates of General Bull Rhino are imminent!

Only in this way can the security of the Northwest Star Domain be guaranteed.

From the integration of Wusu City to the complete victory of Hetian Mansion and the occupation of the Northwest Starfield, Su Qiubai had only one purpose! that

It is to ensure the safety of the earth.

He doesn't want to affect his family and friends, and the land on which he lives, because of anything.

So, after destroying the coordinates of General Bull Rhino, he planned to go to the core universe himself.

The Grand Lord will not deceive himself, inspired by the engulfment of the original, the explosion period of the entire engulfing space is still months away. All

Therefore, I have to find all the earth fragments and upgrade my driver's license to the highest level in the past few months ... s class! To

At that time, what secrets are hidden in this super system and devouring space ... will also be completely revealed! Indeed

After these small players in the fixed spaceship had the coordinates of the core universe, Su Qiubai did not hesitate any more and directly destroyed the coordinates left by General Niu Xi. and also

That is to say, now he can go to the core universe at any time by the coordinates left by those small team members, and of course he can return at any time. but

Yes, the wooden fish demon wants to send someone over, but it is impossible!

Subsequently, Su Qiubai returned to Wusu City and met with Jiayi in secret.

Today's Northwest Star Field is basically under control. Before leaving, Su Qiubai naturally had to communicate with Jiayi to prevent any accidents. "

Are you going to the core universe? "listen

After Su Qiubai's words, Jia Yi's complexion was solemn.

That place, but the real danger is perilous, it is said that there are a lot of demons.

Although Su Qiubai said that he already has the strength of the nine-level peak, the place in the core universe is definitely not as easy as imagined.

"In three days, I will go to the core universe, there is something to do before!"

Nodded, Su Qiubai said.

Later, he left Wusu City, and Jiayi didn't know where he went. ...


The northwest star field, in a very remote star field, has a planet called Wu Yue. This

The planet can also be called a very large force, but compared to Wusu City, it is nothing. One

This place has been occupied by the powerful Hook family. Say

Since this Hook family, it can really be called a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. but

However, the so-called unpredictable situation, the powerful Hook family suddenly came to a very scary strongman more than a year ago.

This strong man launched a **** crackdown on the Hook family, which eventually led to the death of the patriarch of the entire family. At the same time, the Hook family was also occupied by the guy named Tian Kui. he

It is basically a devil. After the occupation of the Hook family, he kept killing ... making this once rich place into a **** on earth. and

At the same time, the Hooks did not see any glimmer of hope, and the warriors in their veins were constantly being slaughtered. ...

... "

Father, all memorizers have been found, and soon the ancestors will return! "

In a secret altar underground, a girl said watching the old man next to her. This

Here is the last hope of the Hooks. and

This girl, if Su Qiubai saw it, would be surprised.

Because of her appearance, she looks exactly like Mu Chunxue on the earth and Nika in Wuhai World.

"Be prepared and start recalling ancestors tonight!"

Taking a deep breath, the middle-aged said.

His mood was also very exciting. The Hook family, which was once glorious, became what it is now, which is really sad. and

Now they have found a way to rise again, and that is to return the former ancestor Hook!

This Hook is a woman.

She used to be very powerful, but in order to seek a new breakthrough, she finally broke her spiritual mark and let all the fragments re-enter the cycle.

Today, the Hook family is facing such a crisis, so eventually these descendants are also the heirs who have found all the memories and intend to wake up Hook.

At the same time, just below the altar, there was a dark room where several girls were sitting together.

They looked exactly like the girl outside. No

Wrong, naturally they are Nika.

Even Yu Chunxue is here.

At that time, Su Qiubai never expected that Nika would be taken away by the woman named Hongyue.

Not only that, even Mu Chunxue was caught here as well.

In addition to the two of them and Hongyue, there are two other girls who are also the inheritors of Hook's mental fragments. this

At the moment, their moods are very complicated.

Because once the next ceremony is over, all of them will die in this world and turn into a woman called Hook!

Although it is true that they were born because of that woman, but now they do have their own lives, are they really willing to give up? four

All the girls were silent.

Suddenly, footsteps rang out, and Hongyue came in. she was

His expression was very firm. After coming in at this moment, he looked at the four people and said directly. "

The most glorious moment in our lives is coming, aren't you excited? "

Facing Hongyue and her words, Nika and Mu Chunxue were all silent. Excite


Should I really be excited? true

Becoming another person, as if he has never appeared, this is really not a happy thing. "

What are you thinking? If it weren't for Hook's ancestors, how could there be you! Now is your time to sacrifice for the Hook ancestors and the Hook family. Why are you so hesitant? "

Hongyue could not wait for the answers of these people, her face became serious and her voice rose a lot. This

The four girls were all she found!

Because she is also one of the fragments, Hongyue can find them all through the telepathy between them, and use various methods to bring them here. Ny

They remained silent, in fact they didn't even know what to say.

When facing death, no one will be so calm as imagined.

Not to mention that they are forced in a sense. "

Humph! Really a bunch of fools, anyway, you can't help it! "red

Yu finally snorted, and left the room directly, leaving only four girls silent. "

Can we survive? "

Suddenly, a timid voice sounded. she was

The name is Xiaozi, from another small planet, and now his face is full of despair. "

Maybe not. "

Shaking his head slightly, Nika said. she was

I don't know how to describe her mood. She also wants to know about Xiao Zi's problem. but

But now, there is no hope. "

Glad to meet you ... "Mu

Chunxue made a noise at this time, with a smile on her face, looking very relaxed, and her eyes were watching the girls around her.

The three people who were desperate because the expression of this sentence changed a little. real

Only themselves can understand how desperate this is.

Mu Chunxue's smile is the smile in despair. ...


Ten minutes later, the entire altar was surrounded by the remaining members of the Hook tribe. he

Their eyes were red, with indescribable madness. All

Some people understand that now is their last hope. Only with the resurrection of the ancestors can the Hook family kill Tian Kui and regain their former status.

Finally, everyone cheered as the old man appeared. with

In the back, several girls followed Hongyue.

All eyes were on them, and everyone's reactions were different.

These girls are the spiritual fragments of the ancestors of Hook.

Facing the eyes of the audience, Nika and Mu Chunxue were still silent, but Hongyue was very excited. she was

Feeling that she is on a road to greatness, this greatness ... makes her feel very proud! on

In this way, five people stood on their positions, with a stone platform in the middle. Pick up

Going down, with the opening of the energy circle, the five girls ’spiritual marks will be separated from the body, and then the dead Hook ancestor will return!

No one thought how sad it was for the five girls to die, and no one felt sad for them.

Everyone is looking forward to Hook's return, and for them this is the most important thing. phase

By contrast, the death of these five girls is nothing.

After all, this is Hook's last chance.

Finally, as the energy matrix began to inspire, both Nika and Mu Chunxue looked very painful.

After all, this is to take away all their spiritual power, and in the end they are no different from the walking dead!

However, the mutation happened at this time.

"Haha ... it's really interesting, is this your hole card?"

A laughter sounded suddenly!