Super Farm System

v1 Chapter 103: open a branch!

Nearly a month has passed since the last time, and Ye Chen and his brothers will have a big day.

The world's first store (flagship store) opened!

11:58 at noon!

With the deafening salute, Ye Chen cut the red ribbon in the handle of a large scissors.

Business begins!

"Small two ~ come to a stack of sauce beef ~ there is boring!"

"Small two ~ braised pork, fish-flavored pork, braised fish!"

"Quick, Jingyi, let's go to see the champion, the champion is so handsome~ I seem to be able to take a photo~"

"Look there! There are still eunuchs and palace ladies! The waiters are actually dressed as eunuchs and ladies!"

"This shop is interesting, it looks like the dishes are not bad, go in and have a look~"

The scene outside Ye Chen and Liu Yi can't see it. There are more than 100 kitchens in the kitchen.

The busy days are in full swing!

That's right, this is the branch of Ye Chenkai!

Use a lot of vintage elements~

Whether it's packaging, or the clerk is ingenuity - everywhere is different.

If you add the delicious food, this store will definitely be hot!

The shop located in Lingshan Street, Erhuan is a three-storey hotel bought by the three brothers.

The decoration time of the past month has made this store stand out from the crowd~

These ideas are all thought out of Ye Chen’s sudden whimsy.

The à la carte waiters are all male, dressed in a plain gown, with an octagonal watermelon cap and a thick white long towel on the shoulders! Shop second!

The waiters who serve the dishes are divided into men and women, men's ones are super-supervised clothes, women's one-piece women's clothing, each time the dishes are four men and four women lined up!

There is also a champion for everyone to take pictures, and it’s a slap in the face.

Attracted a group of small girls to take pictures.

The tables and chairs in the hall are also different everywhere, and each table is different!

Grinding table ~ eight stone stools around.

Chess table ~ four black four white eight extra large chess pieces ~

Stump table ~ grotesque wood root carving around ~

There are also more exotic tables, which are chosen according to the preferences of the customers.

Even the plates are varied, the mini-plates, the enlarged conch shape, and the heavy-weight can also choose the mini toilet~

It can be said that even if there is no food in Ye Chen, as long as the food is not too difficult to eat, it is absolutely full of fire!

"Ye Chen, how did you come up with these novel ideas?"

Liu Yi was doing the various dishes given by Ye Chenjiao while watching Ye Chen with the eyes of worship.

Yes, worship!

A lot of whimsy ideas make people shine. Even Liu Yi, who has come to see it for a long time, is surprised to see it now.


In fact, these are all through the system of scanning, all the interesting hotels, food stores, and small stores on the earth are analyzed one by one.

Moved the most interesting essences here, just like a hodgepodge, all the classics are together!

If there is no guest shop is this scene, it will be very weird.

But if you come back with the name and come back with Ye Chen, you are full of people!

All these weird things are perfectly integrated!

Several customers holding the toilet plate bumped into a few customers who were holding the plate, and they looked at each other's food novelly~

novel! Fun!

"Shop 2! A bowl of fried eggs!"

"Small two ~ come to a milled dish!"

The plates are free to choose, but everyone's meals are the same, but these novelty things drive the nerves of everyone~

The price on the price list in the store is also divided into two groups!

One group is ordinary food, just like all the dishes in the hotel! Price civilians ~ good quality and cheap!

One group is the food that Ye Chen and Liu Yi personally cook, this kind of food is expensive, but it is still limited purchase! Still have to wait in line! And often can't buy it!

It’s really too many people eating at the same time!

This hall can serve thousands of people at the same time, plus the above-mentioned private rooms and elegant seats~

The entire first store (flagship store) in the world can serve 3,000 people at the same time!

There are more than 100 cooks in the kitchen. Everyone has their own specialties, and most of them are Sichuanese!

This is because Ye Chen has directed a dish and has upgraded the skills of their main staff to master chefs!

Only Liu Yi and Li Tiezhu, Ye Chen taught them the most popular dishes.

Li Tiezhu stayed at the food street store, and Liu Yi was brought to the second ring flagship store by Ye Chen.

By Ye Chen, a big hand, a kitchen, Liu Yi has the final say, the position of the chef!

Because he is leaving!

Leave a period of time to complete the special task of the system: the mystery of life!

Leave Liu Yi a red wolf pan ~

Leave the shovel to the pillar of a small Chinese master.

All are delicious +1 attributes~

Now the cooking skills of the two have passed the training of Ye Chen, and they have been able to reach the craft before Ye Chen. Although there are some shortcomings, non-professionals can't eat it!

During the period, Ye Chen participated in 7 hunting, in addition to getting a shovel of a small Chinese master, he also got a bottle of red syrup! ! !

I remember that Ye Chen was directly forced at the time. Is this what?

System word: red syrup, back to blood 100!

"I am second to the Austrian, can this kind of thing also have?"

Although this is said, Ye Chen still left this bottle of red on the farm in case of emergency.

The monsters during the hunting are also varied.

Crazy Duck ~ Angry Chicken ~ Barbarian Sika Deer ~ Holding a Donkey's Nail Cat ~

Now Ye Chen has been able to fight with the rhubarb, although Ye Chen did not get anything but a few props during this time.

But the rhubarb has been upgraded!

The current rhubarb has been level 3!

Attack power 4!

Just a little bit worse than Ye Chen~

Already an indispensable partner in Ye Chen’s battle. Many times the danger is coming, the rhubarb is coming out to save it~

Looking at the first store in the world where everything is booming, Ye Chen is satisfied with a smile~

I saw a lot of regular customers~

Lao Zhang! monkey! Nie Xiaobei! Tan Jianguo! Old grandson! Old Li head! Liu Yueqi! A Wei! Wait a lot, there are so many familiar faces~

They all followed the footsteps of Ye Chen to the flagship store!

"Congratulations to make a fortune ~ Goddess of Wealth to send money ~ Niangniang order a little more, leaving a little more fragrance in the hands~"

With a loud cry, this is the voice of the store when the customer orders food~

"Shake it, Jin Yuanbao~ roll it, double it~ Congratulations to the grandfather for making a fortune~"

This is a group of small eunuchs who put the cold dishes in the bottle and shake them hard. They still have to say the words of Ye Chen!

"Come on! Little Pink is going to the upstairs collar~"

A big mother with a heavy makeup at the door yelled at the exit~

This is the doorman of the new store!

Everything is messy, but gives a feeling of alternative and novelty!

Seek praise, ask for a ticket~