Super Farm System

v1 Chapter 120: Catch the ducks on the shelves~

But his temper and strong self-esteem made him stand there reluctantly.

I am afraid that he knows that he is wrong first.

"It seems that the second brother will have to suffer in the future. This will be a disadvantage after the hot temper."

Ye Chensi wants to go, decided to stand up and block the knife for the brothers.

After all, ~ is a brother!

It’s a brother who should have a hard time!

"That, don't bother, let me be fair, my brother said something wrong, but you don't have to be so excited."

Ye Chen stood up and confronted the chef and everyone said it.

"Who are you, your brother? It seems that there is also a kind of thing in the dog's mouth that can't spit out ivory."

The chef looked at Ye Chen and said that his brother was wrong. He felt that he was more arrogant and his expression was more arrogant. Even the people around him thought that Ye Chen was going to be jealous?

At this time, even if there is something wrong, you should be a bit harder.


This is a slap in the face of everything.

Ye Chen’s heart is also a little angry, even if they are wrong, don’t talk so hard to listen to it?

Give your face~

"But to be honest, this dish is really like a pig food!"

Ye Chen does not intend to settle down. He is not afraid of anyone, whether he is the strength, the cooking, or the personal relationship.

Is that still a soft bird?

"What? You say a rabbit again!"

"Pig food!"

Ye Chen put his face cold, and the standard poker face in the store was put out again.

"The big words, you have the ability to do it, you don't eat the dog. Hehe~"

With the addition of Ye Chen, not only did the big things become smaller, but the contradictions were even more intensified.

This time, even the recruits who have not come in outside have heard the news.

Finally, there are 5 people who are not allowed to be named by the communications forces, Zhang Bin and others!

The party that looked at the quarrel was Ye Chen and Wang Jun, and Zhang Bin’s eyes showed a sinful poison and gloating.

Ok, noisy, when it’s time to make things big, let my sister blow the wind in my brother’s side, and cure Ye Chen’s sin!

However, the next thing was unexpected, and Zhang Bin’s idea of ​​making things big was dead.

"Being cooking? Can you~"

Unexpected answer to everyone!

Actually promised!

A recruit, a logistics chef!

Actually, I have to compete for cooking!

To compete is the chef's strengths!

"Haha, laugh at me. Your new recruit is a newborn calf. You are not afraid of tigers. Are you still better than cooking? But the old cows don't bully you. If you win the old cow, what do you want me to do? Just do something."

"However, if you lose, it is not difficult for the old cows to apologize to these two young people! Don't come to the cafeteria to eat later!"

The logistics chef is surnamed Niu, and everyone has become a master of cattle~

The temper is big, but the heart is not too bad, it is a temper.

Therefore, his encounter with Wang Jun is the collision of fire and fire.

"Okay, a word is fixed."

To everyone's surprise, Ye Chen actually agreed, this army is a canteen, and will not come to the canteen to eat later, then eat it? This is equivalent to forcing Ye Chen to directly retire!

The correspondent on the side stood up and wanted to say something, but was stopped by the Wang team.

This is getting more and more interesting. Originally, he also wanted to stop it and get rid of it.

But he looked at Ye Chen’s well-prepared appearance and stopped the action. He remembered Ye Chen’s unexpected performance. Did he surprise him again this time?

"How is that compared?"

Ye Chen took a look at the sleeves and went up to ask.

"Simple, this big pot dish is made by me. Everyone can eat it. This is the level of me. You can make a pot of rice or rice, put it aside, and let everyone have a good meal. Finally, everyone will raise it. Vote by hand, more votes are won!"

The cow chef gave the place a finger and pointed to the cauldron behind him. This is the must-have for the big pot. Two people can work together to lift it up. They are usually placed there, stirred with a large spoon, and will not go to the top. pot!


Ye Chen went up and looked at the ingredients on the ground, potatoes ~ eggs ~ rice ~ tofu ~ green vegetables, etc. ~ there is no meat, it seems that the meat has been used up by the cattle chef, what to do?

Looked at the big pot of rice, and the eggs, Ye Chen’s heart moved, then come here.

Gold fried rice!

Looking at the number of people behind him, Ye Chen bent over and raised the eggs on the floor.

Oh, a burst of eggs, shells~

There is already a pile of eggs at the bottom of the cauldron. Ye Chen holds a large spoon in his right hand and stirs it directly with a large pot as a bowl of Duang~Duang~Duang~.

The cow chef behind him licked his mouth and saw the egg and the egg for the first time.

Laughing at the dead~ I got the strength of the boy~

Then Ye Chen adjusted the fire under the furnace, and the left hand held the handle of the cauldron, and suddenly lifted the pot.

"I rely! False?"

"My day~bug has appeared."

"This ~ this **** is a plastic pot?"

Four groups of people around the crowd watching the lively new soldiers directly stupid, and even the sitting team also stood up.

Ye Chen’s single-handed pot directly shocked the four.

Even the cow master has grown up, looking at Ye Chen in the pot!

Ye Chen didn't have the time to see everyone's reaction. He turned all the big pot of rice into the cauldron. The weight of the pot was even heavier, but Ye Chen was also a left hand, and then he stopped!


The cow master took a sigh of coolness directly in his mouth, not to mention the cooking skills, and Ye Chen’s strength was a natural power!


Looking at the left hand holding the cauldron, the right hand big spoon to transport the spoon like flying Ye Chen, everyone is skeptical, this is still not a **** man.

Just when everyone looked at Ye Chen’s cooking skills in a silly manner, there was a sudden burst of aroma in everyone’s nose~

This aroma has rice scent~ there is egg fragrant~ there is still a taste that can't be said~ in short, it is very fragrant~


Smell the aroma coming from the nose, many recruits who have not yet eaten, and the throat swallowed unconsciously.

咕噜~咕噜~ The stomach also began to protest.

The Wang team who ate a few meals also quickly put down the chopsticks, and actually had a look forward to Ye Chen’s food.

The cow master who was not convinced just now sniffed the sniffing nose. This fragrance is good~


Just when everyone looked at Ye Chen and put the pile of fried rice upside down, Ye Chen had already made it, and put the big iron pot back to the original place~

"Get the basin!"

Ye Chen looked down at the egg fried rice in the pot, and did not return his head.

Standing next to the deputy of the master of the cow, he immediately subconsciously responded and went to the end basin.

With Ye Chen, pour the rice in the pot into the pot~


Directly shaking the eyes of everyone, what is the rice of this golden 飒飒 飒飒 ??