Super Farm System

v1 Chapter 203: Father and son!

"Dragon blame, what are you doing?"

Commander Ye said to Ye Chen with a grateful and reproachful tone~

He is very grateful that this dragon group member actually came forward at this moment, for his second son!

"Isn't that the chef last night? How come you come in?"

"Hey, this Ye Weiguo general is too big, and he has boasted of Haikou. If you don't fight, you have to fight..."

"But it’s not easy for this dragon to complain that an outsider can do this step."

"Yes, I see this young man is also a personality person~"

Most of the generals on the high platform know the dragon grievances, and the food he makes makes them forget to return, and they will never forget!

"I want to be punished for him!"

"This is not the rule, this hundred military sticks are not exactly the same as you on him!"

Ye Zhenguo stood up and said something angry.

"Unruly? I remember that there is such a thing in the military regulations. If someone is willing to be sentenced to others, they can only add five times!"


Ye Chen’s words directly detonated the leadership of the entire high platform, and everyone looked at Ye Chen as if they were watching monsters!

Yes, there is such a rule in the military regulations, but since the establishment of the army, no one has ever used this military regulation!

Five times the sentence!

Unintentional is suicide!

No one wants, no one can afford this punishment!

This is why Tianwei is unpredictable, but there is a good life in heaven~ a chicken rib!

I didn't want to be mentioned by Ye Chen today, and I am willing to be sentenced to Ye Weiguo!

"No! Dragon blame, you know what you are talking about?"

The first objection is actually Ye Weiguo, five times the penalty, five hundred sticks is five hundred army sticks!

This is the first example of no one before!

"Dragon complaints, thank you for doing this for Ye Weiguo, but my family can't harm your life!"

The second objection is Ye Yongjun, the commander of the leaf, the dragon blame gave him medicinal liquor, which is equivalent to saving him half life. How could he look at the dragon blame to commit suicide?

If it is a hundred army sticks, it is extremely dangerous!

The five hundred army sticks are ten dead and no life!

"Dragon blame, your loyalty, we all saw it, you are a man, Ye Weiguo has your **** good blessing ah~"

"Yeah, this guard is recruited, it’s so touching."

"I didn't expect the young people now, there is such a fearless spirit, I am very grateful~"

A few people who know that Ye Chen is a member of the Dragon Group has been praised.

"I said, I am going to be punished for him! The military regulations clearly indicate that if you implement this rule, you must give priority to the proponent!"

"This ~ this ~"

Looking at the face of the declining Ye Chen, even at the same time, Ye Zhenguo did not know what to say.

Ye Yezi is also looking at the whole army with a look of embarrassment~

At this time, you have to make a choice.

"According to the requirements of the dragon complain!"


Commander Ye Xing is still subject to the military regulations. The priority of the military regulations is prioritized~


"Everyone is quiet, the situation has changed. I will read and change the third order below."

"Because General Ye Weiguo’s **** is autonomous, he is willing to accept the punishment of Ye Weiguo with five times the additional sentence, and approve it according to the military regulations."


"I rely on it, my mother is deaf? Five times more punishment?"

"Five hundred army sticks? I rely, is this **** suicide?"

"Will it be a play by Ye General, looking for a ghost?"

"Do you write a pen? People in the Dragon Group! Do you understand? People are short of? What do you use to buy people's lives?"

"Right, I think this person is familiar, what about you?"

For a time, all the people talked loudly, even the people who manage the order were chaotic, and what kind of military rules did his mother follow?

"I rely, isn't Ye Chen?"

"Yes, I am too far away, but it is really like Ye Chen!"

The troops that occupied only a small area in 300,000 people were the recruits of the 108 troops in the Luzhong Military Region. They all knew Ye Chen.

But their words can't be heard by others, and the leaders on the high platform are even less likely to hear.

"What is this for Long Brother? Is it for his father?"

Ye Shishi smacks a small mouth and looks incredulously at Mu Xiaoqin.

"Well, it should be like this. Is there any five times more penalty? Will it be five times more penalized?"

When talking about Mu Xiaoqin suddenly widened his eyes and licked his mouth.

"Yes, five times the penalty! There is such a military regulation in the army, only the willingness to be punished!"

Listening to the wind and thunderstorms with a shocking look at each other, they are also Ye Weiguo's guards!

But ~ they don't dare and don't want to be punished for others - let alone five times the sentence!

For a time, all the people were staring at the cold, arrogant figure on the high platform~

"Dragon blame, you ~ you ~ I will not let you be sentenced for me, Commander! Give me an execution!"

Ye Weiguo’s eyes are shining with tears~

Dad has been sorry for your mother and child for many years. How can you still let you be punished for me?

Although he thinks this way, it is also for Ye Chenhao~

But Ye Chen thinks this way too. Is this father's body still going to be a hundred-legged stick?

The son also has a son's consideration, this is the father and son!

This is a loved one!


Turning around and not looking at Ye Weiguo’s figure, it’s a bang out of the world~

This sound is like a dragon and a tiger, even the 300,000 sergeants in the last row can hear it clearly!

The generals and the colonels in the ring were shocked to see the young man in front of him~

How can this energy be in a thin, thin body?

The two executioners behind him looked at each other and turned their attention to the commander of the military region.

Ye Yongjun!

Looking at the cold and serious eyes of the dragon blame, Ye Laozi closed his eyes in pain and waved his hand~

In a place that no one else can see, the old man actually wiped his tears!

Dragon Resent~ I don't know why you will treat Ye Family like this, but our Ye family owes you!

Thank you~


The commander on the high platform sang high and the two execution sergeants took the army stick and walked up.

This stick is made of eucalyptus, which is very hard. Everyone often says that 榆木疙瘩 is this~

It can be seen how hard this wood is!


Looking at the two executioners, Ye Chen took off his shirt and leaked the bronzed skin.

There is no trace of fat in the body, and the small pieces of snake-like muscles are presented in front of everyone.

Although there are no giant meat burrs filled with foreign protein powder, each muscle seems to contain explosive power!

One knee on the ground, the arms are stretched directly to the ground~

And carrying the head, the eyes are calm, like a spring, looking at the front of the 300,000 sergeants!

Everyone present at the scene was admired, worried, and looked at Ye Chen with a pity.

Whether you know someone you don’t know, you have to stretch out a big thumb and say a word~

Iron man!