Super Farm System

v1 Chapter 67: Three new products shocked debut!

Just when everyone turned their eyes to the dishes, they found that the dishes of this new product are also very unusual!

Just explained by Lao Li and Xiao Zhang, and the richness of the wine has always been attracting attention.

Did not notice the dishes of this new product!

Braised fish!

Sauce beef!

Boneless chicken feet!

Three new products on the table were on display!

The braised fish is packed in a fish-shaped long dish, which is very high under the porcelain plate, and a strand of white gas is released.

The fish is not lying flat in the fish plate, but standing in the plate as if swimming in the water!

The whole fish showed only one fish head, the fish eyes were white, the mouth was slightly opened, and there was a hot air in the mouth.

The rest of the place is covered with layers of soup, perhaps differently. This braised fish is more like garlic.

The whole soup is full of garlic and ginger, plus the tempting and tempting soup, which makes people's index finger move!

Under the illumination of the light, the whole fish, including the soup, is slightly illuminated, and the white gas under the fish plate is sprayed out, as well as the heat in the fish mouth~

This sells ~

Full score!

Looking at the common beef sauce in the family, this is even more shocking.

I saw that the piece of beef was cut as thin as a piece of paper, and it was like a layer of yarn. The layers of beef pieces were combined to form a lotus flower. The layers of lotus flowers were stacked one after another. Gives a perfect visual impact.

Below the lotus is the sauce soup, the lotus-like beef is slightly white, and the sauce is black.

Give a sacred feeling that is out of the mud!

This sauce beef ~

This knife ~

Full score!

Finally, everyone turned their attention to the most inconspicuous dish of chicken feet.

Why not look at it? Because this dish has no bones and feet, it is a far cry from the sale of the first two dishes.

I saw the white blue and white porcelain plate neatly placed with 6 chicken feet, which is chicken claws~

Chicken paws are white, slightly transparent~

No pickled peppers~ no soup~ nothing!

This is not right, especially the few guests who have no bones and chicken feet.

Ye boss, is this a lie?

Or is this a pit? Just let me jump in?

Several people expressed dissatisfaction, and another person took the chopsticks and did not give up to the claws.


Just listen to the crisp chopsticks head and the sound of the collision, the boneless chicken feet such as QQ sugar is generally softened~

The whole paw was mentioned in midair, and as the height increased, the paws were soft and boneless, and they also bounced in the air~


I have never seen such a chicken feet.

From the leg bones to the mouth, with the closure of the mouth, a strong scent of pickled pepper and the unique aroma of the chicken claws exploded in the mouth.

The person who eats the chicken feet feels a hot face and a numb tongue~ this feeling~

It’s cool!

Especially the ribs in the chicken feet~



Chewy enough~

It turned out that the bones of the whole chicken's claws had been pulled out, and the position where the bones were empty was filled with pickled pepper soup~

This pickled pepper is a special soup provided by the system.

Spicy and refreshing, combined with the chicken feet, absolutely delicious!

"Shuang! Cool! Cool~!!!"

The man who had eaten the boneless chicken feet jumped up at once, this taste, this feeling ~

The whole person seems to have sublimated, and the world around him feels more vivid and the color is brighter~

This chicken feet~

This taste~

Full score!

"Zhang Ge, this wine is on the head ~ 咱 first eat a dish?"

The monkey put the wine dish and pointed it to the sauce beef and boneless chicken feet on the table.

"Okay, try it first. This dish is expensive enough. You can taste it one by one, but you can't grab it~"

Lao Zhang and the monkeys are supervising each other and looking at each other. You are eating together with me.

Others did not have a drink, and the new products in the front were not tasted.

The braised pork set and other delicacies are all served.

After all, sauce beef and chicken feet are more compatible with wine.

Eating the braised pork like a layer of cake in his mouth, Nie Xiaobei feels happy and bursting~

Usually she is a bit fat, but she has forgotten the weight loss goal of a woman's life.

Looking at the busy appearance of Ye Chenjin in and out, Nie Xiaobei felt that she was very satisfied~

The scene that emerged in my mind is actually a family of three. Ye Chen is cooking at home as a family to cook a man. When she gets home from work, the family eats the warm scene of braised pork!

The food looks at the braised fish in front of you, and there is nothing in the eyes.

When you eat goods, you usually eat fish. This fish is a squid.

But can squid have sea fish delicious?

As the most common and most common freshwater fish, every household is always eaten.

But the taste is really like that.

Carefully peel off a layer of sauce and sandwich a piece of fish with dip.

Sweet and sour~


The meat is white and tender~

The entrance is instant~

This fish is actually not staggered?

Is this still a squid?

If Ye Chen will definitely answer here, I remember that the scene at the time was also asked by Ye Chen.

The system is now: This fish is a black-backed fish unique to the 20,000-mile pure water in the sea. It looks like a squid, but the scales are finer, the back is black, the meat is fine and can be eaten raw, there is no thorns and thorns, it is a braised fish, etc. A great ingredient for small whole fish dishes. After being cloned into the farm fish pond by the system, the fish pond does not seem to be large, but it completely simulates the living environment of various fishes. It is also feasible to raise sharks and whales in the later stage (as long as the site is large enough).

At that time, Ye Chen’s face was so shocking~

The sea fish of 20,000 miles under the sea seems to be very bullish~

Do you want to raise a shark to play?

The other side of the old Li head is eating a chicken feet and drinking wine. The combination of the two is to make Lao Li excited to shoot the table directly~

I have never felt this way, and I feel that my tongue is not my own.

Spicy ~ wine spicy ~

Spicy ~ dish spicy ~

But why is it so fragrant after the two come together?

Old Li likes to stop taking drugs.

Even the old grandson stretched out his hand to eat a piece of chicken feet, but he was also beaten by the old Li, and he was firmly guarded in his arms~

I don’t know if the old grandson is eating too much.

This sauce beef ~

Really chewy~

If the old grandson is not mistaken, this beef is not ordinary!

This is definitely not the meat that the average feed cow can come out.

He used to eat the meat of the snowy yak~

That incense~

But the teeth!

He also ate the meat of African bison~

That incense~

But the bite is not bad!

But what is this beef?

Pick up a thin piece and you can swallow without biting~

Smooth and tender~

It’s super chewy to pick up a thick stack!


Plus the sauce of the boss~ This beef is stuffed with boring ~

Perfect match!

The most important thing is that fragrant ~ cool ~ no teeth!

For us who have eaten beef, it is a very painful feeling!

For the old Li to reach out and want to clip the hand of beef is also unceremoniously open!

The two old men are also red face until now when they are young on the battlefield.

Author: feel good pro, remember to praise one point oh ~ Thank you ~