Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 1231: Killing the willow!


When Ye Chen and Xuanyuan Huangdi read the system information, they were dumbfounded, killing people like this?

"Is there a presence of murderous willow in the Alcicle?"

Ye Chen asked, if there is such a pet on the Alcicle, why is it destroyed by the Zerg?

The system is now: Of course, the strength and growth rate of killing willows is unquestionable, but even the Al Klein star can't tolerate the murderous endless absorption of the corpse, and the summons on the Alkali star are mostly farm energy. It evolved and there was no flesh and blood to absorb after death.

The system is now word: and killing Liu has one of the biggest weaknesses, that is, the slow moving speed. Once it exceeds the attack range of the killing willow, the skill of the long-range attack does not have any resistance.

"It turned out to be."

The last sentence of the system is to say why the killing willow is not the mainstream pet in the Alcoa Star. The warfare that has been painstakingly cultivated can't keep up with the speed of others, and the people of Al Klein also have some remote attacks. .

This makes the status of murderous willows not very popular in Alcicle.

The system now: Even if the murderous will break through to the fourth-order or higher, the slow speed of the order can not be changed, as long as the attacker will attack, and sooner or later, the killing will be killed.

System word: Killing Liu in the Al Klein Star is a non-grade pet, the difficulty is particularly large, the strength is increasing at full speed, the strength is full of stars, but the practicality is only one star.

There aren't many people who can get the seeds of murderous willows, but these people don't have much thought to cultivate this horrible plant that **** flesh and blood. Even if it is cultivated, it will not really affect the role of himself.


"It’s not a very popular murder in the Al-Aqley Star. It’s a good fit if you use it here."

Ye Chen’s face suddenly leaked a look of surprise, killing Liu is slow, but don’t forget that the portal will not move!

As long as the murderous willow is left in front of the portal, the worms that are rushing out are divided into the attack range of the murderous willow, which is simply a super fortress!

"If you don't want to be late, it's useless to think too much. Since there is no other good way, let's try it first."

"We don't know if it's useful to kill the willow. If the attack range is slow and the attack speed is slow, this constant pest attack will not work."

After doing it, he took a shot, and a sealed small box suddenly appeared in Ye Chen’s hand.

When Ye Chen touched the small box, there was a feeling of intimacy that rushed into my heart.

The consciousness of killing Liu!

After all, it is only a plant pet, although it is called a pet, but this killing can not communicate with the owner.

And Ye Chen used the pet quota to bind the killing willow, the double hair has a certain connection in consciousness, Ye Chen is the owner's identity has been fixed.



Just when Ye Chen just opened the box and saw the slender sapling, suddenly a strong consciousness fell into the spaceship, the earth consciousness!

With this sentence, Ye Chen and the murderous Liu seemed to have another layer of vague but unclear relationship.

"Mother, is this?"

Ye Chen was stunned and holding the murderous Liu in his hand. The earth consciousness suddenly broke into a foot and he didn’t understand what it meant. "I heard all of your conversations. In order not to let this murderer grow to an uncontrollable level, I used the law of the universe to make it sign with you when it was the weakest. Master servant contract."

"If its power exceeds your disobedience or rebellion against you, the cosmic law will destroy its consciousness."

"Since you call me a mother, how can there be a mother who is not considering for her children?"


As the earth's consciousness sounded in Ye Chen's mind, Ye Chen's eyes gradually became moist. Since the death of his mother, there really was no one who could call him a mother to care for him.

Although the earth consciousness can't be divided into gender, but since it is called, then it should be...

"Thank you……"

Thousands of words were turned into two words, closing the eyes and feeling the huge figure, Ye Chen suddenly made a decision in his heart.

Certainly someone who is called a mother will not be hurt!

"I will do my best to get this war between humans and Zerg, and I will do my best to protect my mother... Earth!"

Son of the Earth!

From then on, the shortcomings of Ye Chen's life are compensated by the earth, and the mother's vacancy is filled by the earth!


Ye Chen, who opened the hatch and flew down the spaceship, came to the front of the portal. The appearance of Ye Chen made many warriors surprised. Although they were fighting in this endless battle, they could still control the whole scene. Live.

But the arrival of Ye Chen has made many people think that there is a stronger monster.

"I'm fine. You concentrate on defending your position. The dead body of the monster you don't need to be transported away is just here."

Ye Chen waved his hand and had already led the team's **** nod to lead the killing of the enemy.

However, Ye Chen gently took out a small sapling from his arms and dug a small pit on the island where the earth consciousness deliberately rose, and then buried the small saplings.


"What is Ye Yejun doing? Planting trees? At this time, he still has the heart to plant trees?"

"Yeah, General Ye’s routine is too deep. He simply can’t think of what he wants to do. Is planting a representative on behalf of the request?”

"It seems to be the sapling of the willow tree. It is all seawater that is planted here, and it can't live."

Ye Chen’s behavior caused many people to spray the tea and meals in their mouths in an instant. The battle has lasted for more than ten hours. Although everyone is worried and nervous, everyone still has to eat and drink water toilets. Ah.

Just in time to catch up with the meal, everyone saw that the seedlings planted by Ye Chen instantly spewed out the mouth.

This is doing a hairy, so **** and horrible scenes and scenes, there are still leisurely and elegant to plant trees?

"Call~ I hope that you can grow up well. If you can live in this small island, it is the moment when I can take off and fight back!"

Ye Chen silently made his wish when planting this small sapling, just as many people would make a wish after planting the tree.

The same is true of Ye Chen who planted the murderous willow.

If all goes well, Ye Chen hopes to let the murderer replace him, but he has thought of a note that can quickly grow strength and effectively reduce the attention of the Zerg.
