Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 327: Unbelievable existence

System word: special mission decisive battle has been completed

Reward: Forging method upgrade!

Get a new practice: "The gas burst"

"Air Explosion": By scanning the earth information, we can get some qigong mental methods, integrate all the mental operation routes and force methods, scientifically analyze the benefits and operation modes of Qigong mental methods on the human body, and form a gas explosion.

The system now reads: "The gas burst" is divided into three layers, each layer is divided into three sections, the upper middle and lower sections.

The gas bursts: the gas is the aura of the heavens and the earth, and the gas is stored in the Dantian area through the oxygen transport function of the blood red blood cells. Once needed, it can be transferred to the whole body. Explosive is the combination of the Chinese martial artist Xiaolong Master's Jeet Kune Do and the Forging Method. Detonate infuriating in a very short time and exert explosive power! This is a gas explosion!

Just when Ye Chen and Long Aotian talked, the system didn't know whether it was a slow shot or was stimulated by Long Aotian's words, just moved out of the new reward, watching the violent blast, and Ye Chen suddenly felt. There is a stream of air in the lower abdomen, which is very comfortable, and this airflow can be detonated at any time, so that he can increase his strength and speed.

System word: As the host completes a special task, the reward gas bursts, directly forming a sense of temperament and running route, hope that the host will practice more.

The system now words: the host level ~ gas burst on the first layer of the upper layer!

"I rely on this system, the iron tree blossoms for the first time so generous, directly skipping the lower and middle sections of the first floor?"

Ye Chen clenched his hands and looked at the words with excitement. Every Chinese who does not want to have Qigong?

I did not expect to realize this wish today!

The reason why Long Aotian is so strong is because of Qigong!

The system is now: Alcisco has only forged body method, no qigong. After scanning the Chinese people's physique and meridians, it is easy for ordinary people to absorb and store the aura of heaven and earth. Since ancient times, there has been a practice of practicing instinct. It is impossible to imagine Al. Klee's forging method combined with Huaxia's Qigong method will create a monster. . .

"Hey ~ forging law to practice the body, gas explosion to repair the inner, is this double repair? Hehe~"

The system is now: After scanning, why the Chinese people are more suitable for other people to cultivate the true gas is not clear, and no answer is found.

Listening to the words of the system, Ye Chen smirked and touched the head. The special physique of Chinese people is easy to cultivate instinct. The reason is of course ~

We are all descendants of the dragon! You don't understand this!

"Xiao Chen? Ye Chen?"

"Big brother!"

Just when Ye Chengang had come back to God, Long Aotian and others looked at him with a strange look. How could this be a smirk?

"Ah? Oh, Big Brother, the second brother doesn't have to worry. I just thought about a problem and there is a breakthrough in the practice."



Sure enough, listening to Ye Chen’s answer, Long Aotian is more certain that Ye Chen is a hermit, and only the Chinese Hermits will practice! Practice infuriating!

The second brother, Wang Jun, looked at Ye Chen with a look of confusion. What kind of exercises would he have when he was a big brother?

"Congratulations! Congratulations!"

Long Aotian’s heart was slightly shocked, but it broke through. Now it’s not his opponent to play the game again.

"I was just about to introduce some foreign forces with you. You will be in a daze. Do you still want to listen?"

Long Aotian took a sip from the tea from Liu Zhendong and smiled and looked at Ye Chen.

Maybe in the future ~ the safety of the entire China will depend on this young man!

"Listen! Long Brother, please speak!"

Of course, you have to listen. This is related to the system and your own personal safety. If you don't have anything, you will get a metamorphosis. They still don't know.

"Okay, then I will ask you first, have you seen foreign sci-fi blockbusters? Vampires, werewolves!"

Long Aotian smiled and looked at Ye Chen, who was opposite.

"I have seen it, how~~."

The last word has not been exported yet, Ye Chen has reacted, will not? ? ?

"Yes, you guessed it, these are not only in the movies, but in reality! Just ~ not so perverted!"

Long Aotian's words like a lightning bolt to Ye Chen to the Raymond circle, vampire? Werewolf?

"Yes, there are no things in the world. The vampires and werewolves in Europe and other countries have saints on the right side, the pharaohs and zombies in Egypt, the ninjas and the yin and yang in Japan, etc. These are all true!"


Long Aotian’s words not only thundered Ye Chen, but even Wang Jun, Zhang Shuqi and Liu Zhendong were also thundered.

"Dragon Brother~ You~ are you kidding?"

Ye Chen couldn't believe his eyes wide open. How is this possible? How can it exist in reality? . .

When he thought of this, he suddenly stopped his own thoughts. In front of him, Long Aotian also had the airflow in his body. . .

Doesn't it mean that the practice is there?

Since the practice of the law exists, there are such powerful people in China, why are there no such things in foreign countries?

"No jokes, the last time a spy from the United States was hit by me, it was a catwoman... In the process of fighting, she actually leaked two cat ears and tail. The speed doubled. But the strength is still those, just running fast, I did not catch."

Long Aotian recalled the scene of the day, did not know what he thought of, his face turned red, and then he looked at everyone.

"Not only cat girls, werewolves and ninjas I have met, but the strength is average. After the werewolf turned, the hair was strong, the claws were stretched, the power doubled, and I was killed. As for the ninja, there are only some obstacles, and I think that Clever, being shot by Captain Xu."

Long Aotian said here, the look of disdain on the face is very obvious, it seems that even if it will transform, the added strength is not very abnormal.

“Do you know why we have never seen these species in China?”

Long Aotian’s face suddenly showed a look of pride, and asked an eyebrow.


Ye Chen, a black line of cooperation, how is the big brother like the child, directly said that it is not finished?

"Since you have asked sincerely, then I will answer you with great compassion..."

This time, not only Ye Chen had a black line, but even Zhang Shuqi and Liu Zhendong looked at Long Aotian without a black line.

Is this the ruthless Chinese first team captain Long Aotian?

"Oh, don't tease you, because the hermit is one! The hermit of China is the most powerful of all the forces! They don't dare to invade China, the dragon has the scale, and it must die! The hermit has long issued a statement." Any evil forces seen in China will be determined!"

No wonder Long Aotian’s face is proud of his expression. It turns out that the power of China is so strong!