Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 387: means

"You! Hey~"

Situ Ya is a woman, and she is a good woman with good temperament, although she is older.

But some of the old virgins of the other sentence said that some of them could not stand.

Originally, she thought that Ye Chen was a Chinese general. In this case, she should not be able to confront her, and she would not even beat people.

This dish has also been eaten, and the wine has also been drunk. It should be suffocated to death and patted the **** and left.

The result did not come to mind~

Ye Chen is not bound by the world, and she is directly open to her! ! !

Look at the other side's self-cultivation, look like it doesn't matter~

She can't stand it anymore~

The diners around were listening to their ten-year squatting, and found that Ye Chen gradually gained the upper hand.

Everyone in the heart is admiring Ye Chenzhen for five bodies, and the strength of the people is strong~ the cooking is good~ even the cockroaches are not falling.

It’s amazing~ my brother.

And with Ye Chen's counterattack, the sentence coherently actually said the general thing.

Just like this political marriage~

Let everyone know that Ye Chen does not respect the elders, but political marriage has no feelings at all, and he also said the ambition of Situ’s family. This makes everyone look at Situ’s eyes full of disdain~

Situ Nan poisoned Ye Laozi, and contacted Ye’s family to murder Ye’s father, which made people feel bad.

No wonder Ye Chen will treat Situ Ya like this.

"Oh, good! Ye boss, I support you, this kind of person should be embarrassed, I did not expect to shamelessly let you call your mother, really shameless."

A voice that didn't know where it came out suddenly rang, maybe it was afraid that the other person remembered himself. This voice was covered with a mouth.

However, there are so many people around the world that they can't find the source of this sound, and this is a loud noise.

It triggered the condemnation of the people. The law did not blame the public. Everyone said that the Situ family wolf ambitions, and that Situ Nan was shot.

"Father ~ Father ~"

Situya didn't think that things would develop like this. The practice before Ye Chen was very popular.

One person has a heart, and this is the case that the Situ family is wrong.

This public opinion made Situ Ya, a woman who only talked about contracts in the office and conference room, and who had a slap in the face, did not know how to deal with it.

"Cough~ This is the chassis of Yejiazi, let's go!"

"Hey! David~ let's go~"

Situ Xiong’s feelings of forgetting me have disappeared, and my heart sighs. Is Situ’s family really wrong?

Otherwise how can it be so unpopular?

And this Yejia kid is indeed a talent. If there is such a thing, should he be his grandson?

After all, Situ Ya is his stepmother. . .

But both sides have hatred that cannot be opened. This is a dead knot that cannot be solved~

Ye Chen’s mother is lonely for a lifetime, and finally she is depressed and can say that Situ’s family has the responsibility to leave.

Ye Chen did not get fatherly love from an early age, and the growth of single-parent families is also this matter.

As for the shooting of Situ’s family, Situ Nan, and Ye Chen’s detachment, the hatred of both sides can only be paid for by blood.

Situ Xiong, who figured out all this, sighed, this is really a narrow road. If Ye Chen did not appear, now Situ’s family is estimated to be a military-business unit, and it is even stronger.

Turning his head to the three Davids who still ate and the fat manager shouted, Situ Xiong took Situya to leave the world's first store.

This 仗~ They didn't get the light.


Just as Situya followed his father to leave, Ye Chen picked up his teeth with a toothpick and suddenly stood up.

The three Davids who had just been prepared were given back to the seat.

"The game has not announced the results, what are you so anxious to leave?"

Looking at the embarrassed expression of the three Davids, Ye Chen said to the three of them, as if Situya and Situ Xiong did not exist.

The three tribes of David are the ones who are their own bosses. After all, they are the chefs hired by others. If they default, they have to deduct a lot of money. Although they have money, but who will be too much money?

On the other hand, their own esteemed opponents, the new senses and various shocks that Ye Chen brought to them today made the three people bow down, and they admire Ye boss in their hearts.

I thought for a long time, watching everyone’s eyes gather here, David bit his teeth~

"Ye ~ Ye boss ~ We lost this game, we don't have to announce it. We will stay, just follow the gamble."

After all, David is the predecessor of the Kitchen King Championship. He has his own pride and self-confidence. Looking at Ye Chen’s eyes, David feels that as a chef, the first thing to have is credibility, and they are also foreigners. Very focused on credibility.

Since I lost, I will follow the gambling contract. The breach of contract will be a big deal. The three of them have a good cooking skill, and they are afraid that they will not earn money.

"David! You~"

When the fat manager listened to David's answer, there was a slight panic on his face. This David was always able to get it from abroad. He didn't expect a game and lost them to the first store. . .

This time, go back and don't say that the deputy general manager of Datang will be removed. If you can't get a job, you can't keep it.

"Hey! Good~ okay~ I didn't expect Ye Hao to have such a character. This time, my apprenticeship has been planted, let's walk."

Situya had a sigh of resentment in her eyes. This time she came to the scene, and she was completely confident that she could win several chefs in the first store in Jeju.

But I didn't expect to kill a half-bite in the middle of the road. Let's take a look at the lively, they steal the chickens and not eclipse the rice, and lose the wife and the soldiers!

The sly stunned Ye Chen and David, Situ Ya helped the old father to turn and go outside.

This is the first time in her life that I am so embarrassed~

Usually in the mall, that time she was not so arrogant, headed forward and greeted the respectful and humble eyes of everyone.

But today, looking around the group of ridiculously watching the bustling eyes, Situya feels never so embarrassed.

"Oh, David, are you? You are good, very credible, come ~ done~"

Ye Chen sneered at the Situ family and disappeared from the door. He patted David's shoulder and said it was boring.

"Oh! Right~ Hanging at the gate~ The new rules of the store, the people of Situ's family are not allowed to enter."

Situya and Situ Xiong, who had just walked to the gate, suddenly trembled, and Situya gasped with a look of anger.

"Yaer~ You see no, there is a mountain high in the mountains, there are days outside the sky, there are people outside the people..."

Situ Xiong now admire Ye Chen’s means. This ring is a ring and the enemy’s temper is dead.

If you don't have to be on him, he would like it very much~