Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 402: the truth


"This ~ this is true?"

When the number one and all the remaining children read the video and materials. . . Everyone trembled and asked, looking up incredulously.

"Nights, you should know that most of the information obtained by Montenegro is provided by the nightingale. It is the largest intelligence agency in the world, and their information will not be recorded without confirmation. Once recorded, it will be recorded. Not far from ten!"

Ye Chen took back the information of the nightingale from the last person and said to everyone.

"As for why cherry blossoms and poppies are rebellious, so that they sneak back to the base to steal information, it is also affected by this information, and the person who provides this information is me!"

Looking at everyone's surprised eyes, Ye Chen smothered him with cherry blossoms and poppies. How did he tell the information of the mandala through the nightingale, and he didn't want to find such a man when he was investigating the mandala. File.

"The documents and materials I saw in this video are your life! As for my identity~ I will tell you later, and you~ are not abandoned, abandoned garbage! But organized by Montenegro for trafficking or smuggling Chinese baby coming over!"


Ye Chen’s words were as shocking as a bomber, and everyone in the room was shocked. Everyone’s eyes were full of horror.

"This is impossible! This is not true! How can this be? Then our sacrifice, what do we insist on? Allegiance to Montenegro? Allegiance to Dahe? Hahaha~"

No. 1 is no longer the previous calm and wise, a face of crazy face staring at the video, they know the information captured by the cherry sister and the poppy sister.

No. 1~

Huaxia Renhe Hospital baby boy entered the Montenegro organization in March 2002~ The current training program is excellent!

No. 2~

The baby girl of Huaxia Liren Hospital entered the Montenegro organization in November 2002~ The current training program is excellent!

No. 3~

. . .

No. 4~

. . .

"This is not true. My brother and I are not abandoned by the Yamato nationality. The instructor said that we were thrown out of the trash! It was abandoned garbage! How could it be Chinese? Is it being trafficked?"

On the 4th, he turned and slammed into his brother's arms, and looked at the scene on the screen with tears in his face.

At the moment, not only her, but all the children are as crazy as they are, holding their hair in their hands and slowly squatting down.

The big eyes of the eyes are slightly open, and even a trace of saliva unknowingly flows out without knowing it.

"Children, I know that you can't believe this fact for a while, but what I want to tell you is that you are not abandoned garbage. You are the children of China. You have loved your mom and dad, but they are the most despicable by Montenegro. The means to get into Montenegro, from which the flesh and blood separated!"

"I believe that your parents are waiting anxiously or looking for you. There are no parents in the world who don't love their children. You are not alone."

The most hated of Ye Chen’s life is the **** and the abductor, and Montenegro is the biggest abduction organization he has ever seen!

And actually the children who are selling are my children in China! ! !

The system is now: Uncle can bear, can't stand it, kill them!

"Hey~ you don't say that I have to kill them. If this kind of organization exists, it is the source of crimes that endanger the people!" Ye Chen’s words seem to wake up the unacceptable children~

"I am not abandoned! I am not rubbish! I am not a waste! Hahaha~"

"Yes! We are not rubbish! We are stealing and stealing from Montenegro~ It is Montenegro!!!"

"I didn't abandon the baby. Then my mom and dad didn't like me. I didn't love me. It was Montenegro who stole me!"

"Yes! It is Montenegro! Let us separate from our favorite mom and dad, they made us an orphan, and deceive us for so many years! I hate!!!"

For a time, all the children stood up at once, and the eyes revealed strong resentment and hate!

They hate this kind of action in Montenegro, they hate the cruel training of Montenegro, they hate the ruthlessness of Montenegro!


"Who are you? Why do you help us? Since we know that we are Chinese, why do you want to save us?"

No. 1 is the most calm and powerful leader. After a short period of loss and pain, he immediately began to analyze the cause of the incident and the motives of the person in front of him.

"I tell you who I am, and the questions behind you don't need to be answered."

"Oh? Who are you?"

On the 1st, looking at Ye Chen curiously, this person is too young, what can he come to?

"My name is Ye Chen, the general of China, the boss of the Red Flame Army! As for why I help you~ In fact, because you are my compatriots, my sons and daughters of China ~ the descendants of the dragon!"

In the eyes of Ye Chen, there is a deep pride. Huaxia has been up and down for 5,000 years. In addition to the hot Wu Gang, when he came out, he was caught by China.

When did you eat too much?

And Ye Chen, the son of Huaxia, made 108 children feel a stranger, and inexplicably felt a pride that could not be described in words! ! !

The successor of the dragon!

"Since the situation has been clearly stated to you, then I will ask your opinion."

Ye Chen made a look at the cherry blossoms. If someone chooses the wrong answer, they can only take care of most of the children.

"Do you stay in Montenegro or go back to China to find your loved ones!"


Ye Chen’s words made a group of children in the room suddenly overwhelmed, and many children’s eyes were filled with unimaginable fear and fear.

They lived in Montenegro from a conscious beginning, trained in Montenegro, never left here, and the problem of suddenly letting them leave made many people feel overwhelmed by the stupidity.

Ye Chen has already had psychological preparations. You want to live in your own home for a lifetime. You have never seen outsiders and strangers, nor have you ever left home. Are you afraid of going out and seeing outsiders?

Therefore, he is afraid that some children will not be able to stand the sudden fear. Ye Chen lets the cherry blossoms pay attention to the expression of any child.

If there is any objection, then stun it and throw it here, let it go its own way.

"Back to China! I want to go back, I am going to find my mom and dad~ I am not an orphan!"

"Yes, I have to go back and ask Mr. Ye to take me back. I don't want to stay here for a moment. There are countless children who are dying, I don't want to be the next one!"

"Every day is training day and night, and in this case, the next death may be me."

For a time, all the children are rushing to return to China.