Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 440: Prepare for the state

If you don't come to provoke me, if you don't provoke me, then the little master will kick you down from the position of the captain!

He still doesn't know that the fear of the dragon thorn is not a hole in the wind. Someone told him to let him protect Ye Chen.

Because Tengchun has already released his words, as long as he meets the dragon grievances, he must teach him lessons!

But after all, this is not what Teng Chun personally said to him, so he is not good to tell Ye Chen.

Then Ye Chen followed the dragon thorns to the outside of the building outside the Long Group base.

After checking, the two people came to the elevator again, waiting for ten seconds, the button board turned over~

"We will go to the corps to report there first. Then I will send you back to the third floor. It is estimated that everyone has returned."

Pressing the button of the underground minus eighteen, the two waited for the arrival of the elevator with peace of mind.

"Ye Chen?"

Just as the two had just stepped out of the elevator, a familiar voice passed into the ear.

"Xu team?"

"Xu team is good!"

Ye Chen did not expect to just open the elevator outside the corridor and actually stood his captain, Xu team Xu Dongqiang.

The two quickly took a salute and looked at the Xu team in front of them.

"When did you come back?"

"Just ~"

"Is this going to report? Then I will wait for you~"

Xu team patted Ye Chen's shoulder with a happy face, then stood here waiting for Ye Chen to come out.


"Come in!"

With this majestic and serious voice, Ye Chen pushed open the door, facing the door is the spacious high-tech desk of Long Aotian, and Long Aotian looked at them with a serious look.

There are outsiders present, Long Aotian has always maintained that majesty, after all, to manage the people under the hand, too friendly is not conducive to management.

"Reporting the Dragon Team, the Dragon complains come to report."

"Reporting the Dragon Team, Long Ting came to report."

When they entered the door, they gave Long Aotian a military ceremony. Then, behind the hands, they listened to the arrangement of Long Aotian.

"Well, this time, except for a few people who have participated in the mission abroad, most of them have come back. I think you also know that the annual National Day is the most need for our Dragon Group to be vigilant and the most important moment!"

"The people look at the prosperity and power of the country, but only we know that behind this seemingly calm and spectacular scene, many lawless elements and hostile forces are likely to take advantage of it and come to the chaos."

"That's the duty of our existence! Then then both of you have your own tasks and listen carefully."

Long Aotian's right hand is on the desk, the index finger taps on the table, and each of the impacts is not loud, but in the ear of the dragon, it is like a drum, the dragon team is waking them up, causing them Value!

And this voice to Ye Chen is just an ordinary knock on the table, and Long Aotian's momentum is in front of him at this moment, there is no feeling.

Just as the action of ants may be noticed by weaker ants, but it will never attract the attention of elephants.


Ye Chen and Long Thorn have a waist and a square, and they are staring at Long Aotian.

However, when Ye Chen was speechless, Long Aotian actually squeezed his eyes at the place where the dragon thorns could not see.

"The task of the Dragon Thorn protects the safety of the national leaders on the high platform. If there are any changes or harmful activities on the audience's platform, they will immediately stop. If the situation is serious, let's play first!"

"Yes! Guarantee to complete the mission!"

The dragon thorns lifted his right hand and took over the task of this year. He also did this task before. Although the spirit is concentrated at the same time, it is often shocking.

"Dragon blame mission, prepare for the state banquet! Entertain foreign guests! Nothing else needs you to blend."

"Hey~Yes! Guarantee to complete the mission!"

Ye Chen didn't think that his task was so simple. Everyone else had to monitor the dynamics of everyone at all times. At the same time, he concentrated on protecting the country's leaders, and he actually did cooking.

However, if you hear the ears of other dragon group members, Ye Chen’s task can be much more difficult than them.

National banquet~

This is not something that ordinary people can do. All foreign guests, all national leaders must taste it!

If you put a little more salt and salt, and put a little less salt, it will affect their feelings about China, so this is really not difficult, it will not.

"But the Dragons, this is too many people, I need to call in a lot of helpers."

Ye Chen thought for a moment, this foreigner who can participate in the state banquet will have hundreds of people, and foreign journalists waiting outside, as well as foreign guests, will be more, and absolutely must be a unit.

"Oh? This is not anxious in advance. I will take you to see the leader when I do it for a while. When I talk about it, let's go out now, and there are still people waiting for you upstairs."

Long Aotian’s eyes flashed a smile, I don’t know how Ye’s brother would handle this after going up, but for Ye Chen’s strength, he is not worried at all, and his brother Ye’s draw will be upstairs. Lose it?

Sending out Ye Chen and Long Bing, Long Aotian opened a few buttons and instantly raised a row of displays under his large desk.

Ye Chen and Long Bing, who just walked out of the office, and Xu Dongqiang, who was standing in the corridor, also showed it in a LCD screen in the upper right corner.

However, this display only occupies a small position. Throughout the door, from the entrance door to the elevator, and then to the last eighteenth floor, all the places can be seen in this display.

But there is no video of the 19th and 20th floors!

"Ye Chen, listen to the dragon team, there are people waiting for you upstairs... It is estimated that what I am worried about has really happened."

The dragon thorn that just came out of the door was ugly, and I didn't expect that the things he was worried about were actually fulfilled.

"Afraid of hair! Dragon grievance is my soldier, I cover you!"

Ye Chen hasn't answered yet, and Xu Dongqiang, who has a great hearing, has already said it.

"Xu team, where is the captain of the vine..."

When I heard the words of the Xu team, there was a gratitude in the eyes of the dragon, and it was his friend of Ye Family who could help Ye Chen at this time.

"Don't worry about the fake mother, like a sunflower book all day, the feminine death."

The Xu team snorted. When he heard it, he knew that the dragon thorn was worried about Fujiwara. Fujiwara was not very popular in the dragon group. He always gave a feeling of extra feminine feeling, but he had to admit that this pseudonym is really fucking. Strong!

Moreover, Fujiwara actually released the rumors because of the dragon's affair, because Fujiwara's friends are not many, and he can accept less of his feminine.

"Then I also went to find my captain and see if he can help me."

The Dragon Spurs came here to ask his captain to help out. I didn’t expect the unexpected team to take the initiative to help Ye Chen.

If it is coupled with his captain, then Tengchun will be ranked first, but also to measure the consequences.