Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 454: The National Day of the National Day~

Tianhua Plaza, located in the center of Beijing City, is located in Donghuaan Street, Dongcheng District, Huaxia Jingcheng, Tianhuamen in the north, Zhenghuamen in the south, Huaxia National Museum in the east and Huamin Town Hall in the west.

It is 880 meters long from north to south, 500 meters wide from east to west, and covers an area of ​​440,000 square meters. It can accommodate 1 million people to hold a grand rally. It is the largest city square in the world.

none of them!

This is the pride of China. Usually, a flag-raising ceremony will be held in the morning. Many people will gather here, but today, the sun has leaked out, but the flag-raising ceremony has not been held.

You know, in China, this rising flag is a very sacred thing. It can be said that it is rain or shine.

From January 11th to June 6th, the flag is gradually advanced from 7:36 in the morning to 4:36 in the morning, with an average of about 1 minute in advance every day.

From June 22 to December 30, the flag-raising time was gradually postponed from 4:46 to 7:36, with an average of 52 seconds per day.

From December 31st to January 10th and from June 7th to June 21st, the daily flag raising time was constant at 7:36 and 4:46 respectively.

It is so strict!

It’s so powerful!

And if one day, the flag does not rise on time, then there is only one possibility, that is, the military parade! ! !

As a Chinese, in the capital of the country, in the world's largest city square (Tiananmen Square), to see the sacred military parade, the meaning is self-evident!

So in the first few days, the number of people in the capital began to skyrocket, and all hotels and prices began to grow wild. This is incredible in a group of foreigners, but people who come and go on the road have to sigh, people so many!

"Grandpa, this person... really much~"

Ye Chen, standing on the tower, accompanied his grandfather, Ye Yongjun, to stand together and watch the densely crowded people downstairs, spectacular!

The matter of the state banquet has already been arranged, and when he finishes here, it is the moment when he shows his cooking skills.

This time we must bring the prestige and food of China to the world!

Let them know that the ancient Chinese country with a long history of 5,000 years, this dragon has woken up!

"Yeah, we are a lot of people in China, and the country is rich. Looking at the foreigners, there are shocks and thoughts in one by one. I guess that all the stomachs are leaking water, I don’t know how to drag them. It."

Ye Yongjun looked at a group of foreigners in the next corner of the building with a sneer. This group of people is big, and the US Secretary of Defense, the British royal family, the Prime Minister of the island, Abe, etc., are coming!

There are also several kings and heirs who do not know the name of the country. Many small countries have sent important officials to attend. This has not been heard before Ye Chen.

However, all of them are ill-conceived. No one wants the re-emergence of Huaxia in front of us, once again standing at the top of the world!

Mei Jianli’s defense minister, as well as Abe of the island nation, and the president of the country of the rod, all gathered together, and they were very close to each other.

"The rise of China is unstoppable! The dragon has a counter-scale, and it will be angry! Whoever dares to give Chinese eye medicine, I will give him poison in the rice!"

Ye Chen looked at the group of people downstairs, especially the US Secretary of Defense, the Prime Minister of the island, Ampere, and the president of the great country. The eyes flashed a bit of sarcasm, the wolf ambition, the guilty of my Chinese thief, and recently in the international arena. Actually joined forces to engage in military exercises near the Chinese territorial waters.

The investigation tower has also been established in the country of the stick, and this account will be counted with you sooner or later!

"Let's go, let's go to the lobby, the time is coming, we will meet the foreign guests at eight o'clock, we have to rush."

Ye Yongjun, the process of this parade, has experienced many times. Now it is only seven o'clock. This person has already been crowded with audiences. Although these foreign guests have come in advance, the Chinese heads have not officially received them. They are coming at this time. Here is also to look at people, look at the excitement.

At 8:00 in the morning, the first project of the National Day, to welcome foreign guests began ~

The heads and Li Qingzhi and several commanders were warmly welcoming with the guests from all over the country. The door of the hall greeted the audience and all the leaders of the country came in.

Ye Chen is still the first time so close to so many heads of state, full of Chinese and foreign reporters all focus on these people, at this moment~

The whole world is paying attention to the prosperity of China, National Day!

This was followed by a photo of the national leader and the guests. This set of procedures is still the same.

However, Ye Chen relied on his excellent hearing, but he also heard the dialogue between the leaders of the countries. The US Secretary of Defense and the island nation, the leaders of the country, had a warm face and a head and a friendly conversation.

"Hua Xia's National Day is really crowded, and it is impossible to see this kind of grand occasion in other places~"

Mei Jianli’s defense minister said that his face was kind, just like an old friend meeting and chatting.

"It’s a drop, Huaxia is a lot of people. This large population is also the key to winning the war~"

The amp of the island country is a running dog of the United States, and some things are not good for the owner, he can serve it.

"If our country has one-third of China's population, it is estimated to be the strongest country in the world."

The president of the Guozi Country also said that the Chinese did not say how Huaxia was, but the meaning was that Huaxia had no other advantages except people.

"Why, if China did not invent gunpowder, the iron hoof of China in ancient times ruled most of the earth, and there is a place where your projectiles are hiding? But my Chinese people are kind and invented this for fireworks entertainment, but I did not expect to be The wolves’ ambitions have been stolen and made into weapons."

The head of the squad is so irritating. If it is not in the Ming dynasty, the US Jianli has a slight advantage in the military, he directly opened up.

Listening to the head of the head, Abe and the President of the Co., Ltd. looked at each other with amazement. The head of this session is very strong.

"The people we brought last time were defeated by the first master of China, Long Aotian. After returning, many people who were able to hear this news felt dissatisfied. They all followed the registration and wanted to go with China~ first~ People try to try, I hope you promise."

A few people are prepared. Since the last failure, they have been furious and have been looking for the strongest talents in their country. This time they have brought them as a bodyguard, just wanting to be at the grandest ceremony in China. , to China is an ugly.

The leaders of other countries are also curiously looking forward to it. This is the grand ceremony of China. If you propose a discussion, it is not good to win or lose.