Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 489: Sudden accident

Finally, in the grateful and unconfident eyes of the old man, he trembled and took out a dirty one-dollar coin from his pocket, and he was embarrassed to look at the other clean white palm.

Will this money taint the other's hand?

"Think about it~ Grandpa, is this money not willing to pay me?"

Beauty can not abandon the old man's dirty hands and money, actually stepped forward and grabbed it~

However, no one in this scene feels awkward. No one thinks this woman is unreasonable or overbearing.

Instead, this action is extraordinarily cute and beautiful.

"This is a good girl~ morning brother, I suddenly want to cry, it is so touching."

Lu Yingying suddenly clung to the side of Ye Chen, looking at this harmonious scene with happiness, the world is still a lot of good people.

Full of positive energy!

"So hot days, so many people, I hope that everyone will not throw litter and cigarette butts. The age of the old man is older than his parents. Are you willing to let your parents go to pick up **** and smoke?"

Unexpectedly, after getting the yuan coin, the beautiful woman shouted at the crowd, and helped the old man to sit down in the shade.

"Well, this woman has a good character and is a good girl."

Look at the other party's dressing age should be around twenty-seven, but Ye Chen's eyes are so good, but I can see that this woman is walking, it is definitely a place. . .

At that time, the boys were studying the skills of watching women in the dormitory. Anyway, men were not serious together.


When I heard this woman's words, everyone warmed up the palms again. Everyone tried to put their own behavior and quality up. The garbage and cigarette butts were also thrown in a special garbage bin.

The voice of everyone’s speech has also been reduced a lot, and the quality has been improved.

Then everyone left with a look of admiration, but they were talking about the most beautiful woman in the mouth. Everyone was warm in their hearts.

"Let's go! We should go in and have fun, goal playground, go forward!"

Ye Chen, after seeing the girl comforted the old man, after changing into a pair of sneakers in the carriage return and locking the car to the playground, they also quickly stopped to go inside.

Along the way, Lu Yingying's several girls have followed this woman as an example, saying that in the future, they will also be a good woman who is not worthy and has a temperament.

"Identity ~"

"Ye Chen?"


Ye Chen quickly stretched out his index finger and snorted. Under the excited watchful eyes of the ticket seller, a cold sweat took the ticket and fled.

Then Ye Chen took Lu Yingying and others and excitedly went to the Disney Playground.

A group of young people laughed and laughed along the way, and Ye Chen felt that he had let go of all his thoughts, as if he had returned to the most pure, happy, and **** era in college.

"Morning brother! Look, it's B-BOX. A lot of people are onlookers. Let's go see it."

Lu Yingying took Ye Chen and a group of small friends and rushed forward, and there was a burst of verbs and verbs.

There was no instrument on the stage, just a young man holding a microphone in his hand, one hand covering his mouth, and the other hand rhythmically mimicking the instrument.

"It's actually a bit of a skill, it's interesting."

Before Ye Chen, I only watched this magical performance mode on TV. I didn't expect to see a big stage when I entered the playground. The show on the show was a stunt.

With the rhythmic music of the handsome guy on the stage, many young people under the stage intentionally imitated it.

"It’s so handsome! If I can have such a stunt, it’s really like picking up girls and playing.”

Lu Yingying's little friend, a young man with an envious look at the screams caused by the handsome guy on the stage, envious ah~

“B-box originated from Mei Jianli and belonged to hip-hop culture. At that time, black people liked to dance and play, but there was not much money to make music, so the sound from the mouth was used to imitate the sound of the instrument, and finally formed slowly. The scale and the clock mode."

Ye Chen smiled and admired the performance on the stage. While slowly speaking about the origins of the b-box, he remembered that he was poor at home, and he had learned a b-box for his ex-girlfriend Wang Xue. Now think about it. It’s funny.

"Really, this is actually because of the gods created by the poor? It's amazing~"

"It’s still Ye’s great talent, this one knows, long knowledge.”

With Ye Chen’s remarks, a group of small friends looked at Ye Chen with admiration. The man not only has to behave like it, but also has strength, but if he adds a little bit of knowledge, it is really a killing of all women.

"In fact, I want to say that this B-BOX is created by China."

Ye Chen suddenly said such a sentence, attracted all the small partners' onlookers, and even the tourists who were close to him looked at them and waited for his explanation.

"When the Chinese Qin Qin was assassinated by Jing ~ ,, but the mouth shouted: catching assassins, assassins, assassins, assassins..."


This interpretation of Ye Chen directly detonated the laughter of this group of friends, even Lu Yingying's smile is not low, the more reserved girl laughed a forward and backward.

"The young man is a talented person! There are unique opinions, hahaha~"

Several people who are watching the show just heard Ye Chen’s explanation, and they couldn’t help but praise.

Ye Chen took a look back at the tourists who spoke with him with sunglasses and hats, then pulled Lu Yingying and went on.

All the people on the road were very awkward, and all the entertainment items such as the Flame Mountain, the Labyrinth, the Corsair and so on went down one by one.

"Hey~ It’s not a good thing to be too strong. It’s not a little bit of fun to play with these exciting things..."

Looking at the group of friends who are brave enough to play these exciting games, Ye Chen said with a speechless voice.

Yes, Ye Chen’s current physique is not very sensitive to these speeds, weight loss and other conditions.

"Time is not early, should we go back?"

Looking at the playground where the sky has gradually darkened, the speaker has already started broadcasting the opening hours, letting the tourists begin to evacuate.

Many dangerous rides are gradually closed, waiting for the last wave of guests to leave, they will stop.


Jingle ~~

Ah~~! ! ! !

what! ! !

Just when Ye Chen was preparing to leave, the accident happened!

Suddenly I heard a scream, and the sound of a metal bump came out.

"Not good! It was an accident over the sky."

Ye Chen’s hearing is far more than ordinary people. Isn’t the sound coming from the location of the roller coaster that they just played?

He just heard a strange noise when they were sitting, but did not think deeply.