Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 585: Favorite Chinese Xia Xia


Hearing the discussion around, Willbow stunned the crowd and tried to find the guy who said the truth, but because too many people did not find it, and the enemy is currently, he is not in the mood to be true with them.

If it is normal, such a good opportunity, he will never miss it.

Then he glared at Ye Chen with his eyes glaring. This question was asked by him. If he didn't ask, then nothing would happen!

"You give me to die!"

Verbow also did not care what the man in front was, and his head was hot, and he had already waved a huge fist and rushed toward the face of the morning face.

The other two may have cooperated with Willobo many times, and they looked at each other. Even the shameless ones punched in different directions.

"Turn on the super-neural reflex arc!"

In fact, Ye Chen can see the movements of several people without this talent, but he wants to feel the use of this new talent, he will face Roberts immediately, and he may be familiar with the wolf before he This skill.

System word: Super neural reflex arc will consume a lot of mental power of the host, in terms of the current mental power of the host, it can only last for 3 seconds!

"What? Three seconds? Last time in the base?"

The system now: the last time the host was only turned on for less than a second, although the host feels that the time has passed very long, in fact, the outside world is less than one second, which is the state after the host accelerates the nerve reflex arc.

"What? Less than a second? How do I feel that the fly has looked like it has been four or five seconds?"

However, seeing the explanation behind the system, Ye Chen slowly accepted this fact, but it was used again this time. Otherwise, if he faced this talent with a strong enemy, it would be a waste.

"It seems that this super-neural reflex arc is a hole card and can only be opened at the most critical moment!"

In the three fists that seem to be as fast as the phantom in the outside world, at this time in Ye Chen’s eyes, it’s like a snail crawling. The time seems to have entered the stillness. Ye Chen turned his head and looked at the expression of everyone around him~

The cartel was a panic in his face. The eyes revealed a trace of worry and fear. I didn’t expect this killing of Matt’s big brother to be quite affectionate. Just from his pleading for himself, this person is a maverick, but The heart is not bad, so you can make a friend.

And Luna’s proprietress’s eyes are full of expectation and doubts. Do you wonder why I dare to face these three powerful blacks, and expect me to beat them or be defeated?

There are also the expressions of these three black people in front of them. Ye Chen is also looking at it all. The eyes of the three people are also looking forward to an expectation. Of course, there is still a trace of anger and resentment, but Ye Chen knows that this expectation is to look forward to them. A punch can solve the battle!

Then Ye Chen stretched out his hands and gently twisted Verbo’s fist. The fist that turned toward Ye Chen was actually aimed at a companion around him, and then the man’s fist was aimed at the other. A black man, of course, the last three fists did not fall on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen, who did all this, returned to his seat and sat down again.

"Turn off the super-neural reflex arc~"


With a finger of Ye Chen, the system directly shut down this talent~




Just when the outsiders had a flower in front of him, they only saw the man in front of Wei Bao’s hand and raised his finger, and the three fists of Wei Bao actually waved to the companion! Every punch is on the face of their own people~

"How is this going?"

Originally, I still had some expectation that this yellow-born person could experience the hard battle and have outstanding performance. Luna suddenly opened her eyes, and it was incredible that this mouth could be put into an eggplant.

In the face of such unexplained and understandable things, she is not expecting, but rather a little scared~

"Is this little brother a magician? Isn't it a magician? Why did the three of Willboo fight themselves after a ring?"

At this moment, Cartel had no fears and fears in his eyes, but looked at this Chinese brother with a look of surprise, but he was also shocked and stunned, unable to understand what happened.

As for other alcoholic people, it is even more ignorant of them. They have squinted their eyes and looked at the magical performance of this yellow race.

"I think he must be a Chinese! Only the magical Chinese will have such an incredible person."

"Huaxia people? Is it like Huaxia Wusheng Li in the United States? Yellow people, listening to him just said that it really is a Chinese person."

"Yes, I know a little Chinese, this person is absolutely Chinese language, the magical China has come to our beauty again?"

This kind of performance of Ye Chen can be described as inconspicuous. In the face of the three men who are in the face, he actually only made a snap.

Then the three suddenly became as crazy as they were, attacking themselves?

Wheeled forcing, who can install our big leaf morning!

These people’s reactions are said to be many things. In fact, they are all a matter of moments. All of Weibo’s three people were stunned and puzzled and flew out by their companions. They slammed into the wine table behind them, directly Senseless.

"This time really slowed down. I counted 3 numbers, and it took only one second outside. I just counted 9 times in 3 seconds, and the time really slowed down."

Ye Chen didn't even look at the three people of Willbo who were on the ground. Instead, he looked like a konjac. He looked down at his fingers and counted his talent time.

"What happened just now?"

In the eyes of Will, he looked at Ye Chen in front of him with a trace of fear. How did he punch out, and the two punches that had been with his friends for many years finally fell on their own faces?


Is it the legendary magic?

Just like witchcraft in Africa?

The three people of Weirba quickly stood up, but they were afraid and fearful in their eyes, but if they were really witchcraft, they were not afraid, because if they found a trick or got close, the wizard would even be an ordinary person. Not as good as it is!

"Wei Bao, this may be the oriental magic, just now he may kneel down for us, but this kind of thing is ahead of time, after using it once, it is not very good, let's go!"

"How do you know so clearly?"

Although Wilbur thought so, he didn't know the principle of this thing. He heard the companion say this, he asked with a swollen face.

"What I usually like to watch is the Chinese Xia Xia film, the English version!"

The black man who was asked, replied with a proud face and a half-swollen face.


When Ye Chengang was a good talent, he heard the black man’s proud answer and almost smiled.