Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 608: hijack!

When coming out of the dragon group base, Ye Chen licked his sour shoulders. Is this taking him in the wind?

One by one, like a wolf, ordered a meal, although the mouth screamed at the wind, but Ye Chen did not run a dish.

The time for the final action was determined by Ye Chen. All the resources and manpower needed were also free to let Ye Chen come to mobilize.



"Well? Why doesn't Lu Yingying pick up the phone?"

Ye Chen strangely listened to the blind sound in the phone, frowned and then dialed Liu Yi's phone, but the result was a burst of buzz.

“Does the two bathe? Or go shopping and forget to bring a mobile phone?”

In this way, Ye Chen dialed the phone of the Red Flame Army Stone. Yancheng left dozens of Red Flame Army, and several people specially protected Liu Yi and Lu Yingying.


When I saw the call from the mobile phone, the excited voice of the stone came from the mobile phone. This is the first time the main public called him.

"Stone, you call the two people who protect Lu Yingying and Liu Yi. I don't have to call the two of them."

Ye Chen’s voice was still very calm at this time, only thinking that Liu Yi and Lu Yingying went shopping and forgot to bring a mobile phone.

But after a few minutes...

"What! The two protection personnel did not answer the phone? You quickly sent people to the school and Huawei Community to see."


The stone also feels that something is wrong. The mobile phone that is usually sent to protect the mobile phone is definitely powered on 24 hours. It will never be turned off or owed. This time, 2 people are shut down, and the caller Lu Yingying can’t get through the phone. It’s not right. It is.

Until this moment, Ye Chen felt that something was wrong after hearing the report of the stone. It is normal for this person's phone to be unreachable. It is also a coincidence that the two people's calls are not answered, but the four people's calls are not answered. It is absolutely impossible!

problem occurs!

Ye Chen’s heart suddenly panic, Lu Yingying is his girlfriend, the relationship between the two has been very good, harmonious, very pure, and he can feel Lu Yingying’s love for him and even his admiration.

The original good mood has also become heavy due to the occurrence of this incident.

"Grandpa, I won't go home, I have to go back."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen said with a heavy face to Ye Yongjun. They had said that they had to go home together for a few days. I didn't expect this to happen.

"Have your little girl had an accident? Then go, if there is a need, call Grandpa, Grandpa will support you."

Ye’s expression is not very good. If nothing happens, if there is something wrong, who is this courage?

"Well, then I will take a step first."

Ye Chen left this sentence, and the black tiger was smashed out under the gaze of Ye’s father, and he turned the throttle and went straight to Yancheng.

"Lord, the two protectors have been stunned. This coma has been around for a long time. It is still found that they are coming to you. If you push forward, it is estimated that you have been stunned."

Tan Xiaowei and the stone and others looked ugly and looked at the two people on the ground who were in a coma. These two people are all from the Red Flame Army. These days, they happened to be secretly protecting Liu Yi and Lu Yingying. Who knows this happened.



Ye Chen’s face was gloomy and terrible at this time. The thing he didn’t want to see was still happening. The first time he thought of it was kidnapping. He used Lu Yingying and Liu Yi’s safety to marry him. Then he knelt down and carefully observed the two Red Flames, still in a coma.

"System, why are they stunned for so long?"

According to the general coma or stun, it will wake up in a short period of time, not to mention the physique of the Red Flame Army.

The system is now word: the meridians in their bodies have been intercepted. According to the system's speculation, this is the method of the Huaxia warrior. The host can dredge their meridians to wake them up.

"Well? Warrior?"

Ye Chen’s face changed, his hands were on the wrists of two Red Flames, and they actually met an energy like infuriating in their bodies, and this energy was full of attack type, so Ye Chen actually produced a share. The illusion, this energy is full of evil!



It’s cold!

This is the feeling that this infuriating brings Ye Chen, and Ye Chen’s gas burst is to absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth, and Ye Hao’s body is full of vitality, his infuriating spirit is full of masculine and awe-inspiring!


After feeling this instinct, Ye Chen’s face is even more ugly. This person is definitely not a good person. Will Lu Yingying be safe in his hands?

"Hey ~ Lord?"


At this time, the two Red Flames, who were dredged by Ye Chen's meridians, woke up and looked at Ye Chen in front of him with amazement.

"When did you get attacked, and who did you know?"

Ye Chen browed and pulled the two up. He wanted to know how the two men were attacked. Is Liu Yi and Lu Yingying safe?

"I was attacked yesterday morning. I stopped a car in front of the first store. The people in the store knew that they were themselves. This car stopped there every day. But~"

The man looked at the electronic clock with the calendar on the wall. Is this the second day?

"but what?"

"I saw a middle-aged man who had to look like he was fifty years old. He stood at the door of the first store. At that time, Liu Yi was just getting off work. It was very surprised to see this man's face. There was still a trace. Resentment, the man went to her."

"I saw that the situation was wrong. I quickly got off the bus to protect Liu Yi. As a result, I didn't take two steps. I felt that I had a flower in front of me. The man actually came to me, and I didn't remember the following things."

The Chi Yanjun took advantage of his sour neck, he was found in the car, and it seems that he has been in a coma for a long time.

"A man in his fifties?"

Ye Chen frowned and fell into meditation, which allowed the people of the Red Flame Army to be stunned when they had no time to respond. They were also blocked by the meridians. This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.


And Liu Yi was surprised and resentful when she saw this man, indicating that Liu Yi knows this person!

Who is that?

"What? You also met this man?"

Just as Ye Chen was still thinking about the key moment, another stunned Red Flame Army suddenly burst into surprise.


Ye Chen heard the flash of light in his eyes and met?

"Then I was attacked yesterday afternoon. At that time, my mother came home from school and suddenly encountered a man in his fifties on the road. I was rushing from the car and the result was just a few steps away. , I was fainted in front of me."