Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 664: Forbidden!

"Little white, phototherapy to rhubarb treatment."

Just when the two sides confronted each other again, Ye Chen suddenly waved his hand and came out with a white parrot. The parrot had several golden long hairs on his head and looked very beautiful.

"Dead leaves morning, every time you come out, you are working. When you have good things, why don't you call me?"

When Xiaobai came out, he flew his wings and flew to the head of rhubarb. Although he complained in his mouth, the relationship between several pets was very harmonious. When he saw the injury of rhubarb, it quickly opened the phototherapy.

"What the **** is this? Who knows what happened just now?"

"What was the golden light just now? Is it Ye Chen's card? This super-slam shot is unscathed? It's too abnormal."

"Great, William, he is still alive, he is still alive, I must go to China to find him, I have to ask him if he has a girlfriend. Hehe~"

For a time, people who were watching videos all over the world were surprised to talk about it. They wondered how Ye Chen resisted the strongest blows of Yuqing and Chimao!

"Yu Qing, are you okay?"

The humanoid monster Gong Yu looks at the brow furrows and the white breeze is wrinkled, of course, if he can still see the eyebrows.

"It's fine, but it's hard to believe that the other side can withstand the strongest blow of Chimaru. It seems that we have to join forces."

Since I don't want to understand how Ye Chen resists his strongest blow, then don't think about it.

While checking the status of his own and the state of Gong Yu, Yu Qing decided to enlarge the enrollment. This is also the ban of the Yin and Yang division. It must be performed by two people above the Yin and Yang divisions to succeed.

"Do you want to use that?"

When Gong Yu heard the rain, he was shocked. Has the situation reached such a serious situation?

But looking at the giant squirrel that had been playing with him for a long time, he was surprised to find that the injury on the dog was slowly healing!

Then he glanced up and locked the white parrot on the head of the rhubarb. I saw that the white parrot had a faint white radiance, and it was confirmed that the recovery of the giant scorpion was definitely related to it.

Can't drag!

Opposite to this, the rain can be forced into such a way, there are giant alien beasts around, and the means of endless people, Gong Yu actually produced a sense of fear.

"Okay, use that ban, but no one can resist the other, this takes time."

Gong Yu twisted the huge ugly head and looked at the Yin and Yang teachers who were dead and wounded. If no one came to drag the other side, how would they display it?

"This time, only the victory over the other is the key, come out!"

Yu Qing’s question about Gong Yu seems to have been prepared, and he did not answer but took out a remote control.

Roar! ! !


For a time, from the ruins of the manor that had just collapsed, there was a sudden buzzing sound. I saw that the ruins swayed and suddenly rushed out from below. A dozen of people were not ghosts. !

And these monsters are as fast as lightning, and they all have the power of the king's peak! ! !

"This, what is this? How can there be such a monster in the world? It is terrible, too cruel."

"Is this a zombie in the movie? How can it appear in reality, what the island country is doing!"

"Bastard, who is the person in charge of the island country, who gave him the right to let him put these biologists on the battlefield!!!"

For a time, with the appearance of these dozens of figures, the whole world has fallen into a crazy discussion. This inhuman product is definitely not created by nature itself.

This full suture, as well as the remote control in Yuqing’s hand, have shown that these monsters are being produced!

"Oh, didn't you think? I thought I didn't have a card? They are my cards. Only one of the hundreds of successful biochemical people will produce a senior biochemical person, each with the power of a king!"

Perhaps it is that Ye Chen will die, perhaps to show his strength, Yu Qing actually stunned Ye Chen.

"You still haven't resisted putting them out. For this inhuman experiment, only the islanders will do it, and they will be complacent and proud! Go to hell!"

Seeing these dozens of humanoid monsters with weak breath, Ye Chen’s inner anger is simply breaking through the sky. In the rain, if hundreds of successful biologists will produce a biochemical person of such strength.

What did the dozens of biologists explain?

Thousands of biologists have been made!

And these are human lives. . .

"You give me to die!"

I saw Ye Chen, this pair of eyes was red, and the hand lifted the wand had already rushed to the other side, and the rhubarb saw the head of his own after rushing out. After the small white earthquake flew out, it turned into a lightning rush.

"Give me a stop, Gong Yu~ fast!"

Now that you have exposed these monsters that shouldn't be in the world, you must kill each other. As for what to say to the world, he has already taken care of it.

"Gossip! Quickly block the base city, all the information is locked, how can this rainy and sunny adult dare to use all these scientific research results, which can let me explain to the other side."

The person in charge of the scientific research base watching the video in the underground laboratory is crying for tears. This kind of thing is absolutely unseen, anti-social, anti-human existence.

He squatted at the table and turned back to the rampant madness of all the staff.

If this rains and wins, it's better to say that these monsters give a reasonable explanation.

If the rain falls and then loses in this situation, he will not say that the black hat is not guaranteed, even the little life is difficult, and will certainly be killed as a scapegoat.

"Rheum, kill! Don't be merciful."

Ye Chen saw the numbness in the eyes of these monsters, and his heart hurts a little. These islanders and beautiful people who are thousands of knives are damned.

And his shots are absolutely unrelenting. Only killing these people is a complete relief for these people.

"Miya Yu, yin and yang ban, eight snakes dedication! The power of the snake!"

Yuqing knows that these dozen senior biochemical people can't drag on Ye Chen for a long time, and quickly came to Gong Yu with his red pills.

"Yin and Yang ban, eight snakes dedication! The power of the snake! Take the battle!!"


I saw that Gong Yu had already been disfigured at this time and returned to the size of a human being.

With the rapid completion of the two, the two actually came together slowly, and the two men's handprints were printed with a positive print and a negative print, which was actually making up for each other.

With the seal of the two, the two men not only turned their eyebrows white, but even the hair slowly turned white. Finally, in order to superimpose the energy, Chimao also slammed back to Yu Qing.