Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 679: Came two masters who have just finished

"Is this Chen brother not having a problem with his brain? If you don't talk about the price, throw a thousand dollars? And this store name..."

Xiao Zhang took Ye Chen out of the store and walked back with excitement. He picked up the money on the table and lighted it one by one.

"Go, you have problems. I think this person is not simple, the idea is novel and interesting, the work is informal, and the shots are not inky. This is what a big man should have."

Contrary to Xiao Zhang’s attitude, Su Xiao was also immersed in a meditation after Ye Chen’s departure. This is completely different from the image of the crazy girl, and it looks very sophisticated.

"Yes, yes, people are big men, people who do big things, the result? Isn't it a small restaurant?"

Xiao Zhang heard Su Xiao praised other men who were not convinced, but the other party was to take care of their business, and it was hard to say.

I took the notebook with joy and handed it to Su Xiao!

It turned out that Xiao Zhang only publicized and pulled the guests, and then contacted the manufacturer to make and deliver. This design is actually Su Xiao's work.

Therefore, Su Xiao’s right to speak in this store is very heavy.

"After I finished designing, I quickly made it for others. When we go to him to eat at night, we can take care of each other's business."

Su Xiao put his hand on the palm of his hand, stretched out a lazy waist, opened the computer and started the plaque design, and Xiao Zhang nodded and agreed.

If the food is affordable and delicious, they will not have to cook afterwards.

System word: The host's mentality has been kept well recently. Actually, I didn't feel lost and sad because of the sudden disappearance of strength.

"Cut, Xiaoye is just an ordinary person. The wind has been shining for a while, and the people have paid their own strength for the motherland. Why is it sad to say sad?"

"Again, even if this strength really can't come back, with my current value and circle of friends, I am still very happy. Do you think that Xiaoye will really open a black shop for a lifetime?"

Seeing the current word of the system, Ye Chen licked his mouth and went back and said the idea at this time.

The system is now: Hey, yes, the mood is very peaceful now, but I don’t know if I will meet in life, will you long for strength?

Ye Chen’s mentality at this time is really good. Many people will be greatly disappointed after suddenly losing their strength. They can’t even accept the current situation. You can think of the strength of a million enemy, the realm of the name, and suddenly return to the original. All the scenery is gone, and all the loaded woods have.

The average person can't stand it!

But what the system doesn't know is that Ye Chen's original ideal is not a big hero in the world, nor is he the kind of force that wears a cloud arrow and meets thousands of horses.

He wants to be very simple, open a small shop, live quietly, nothing more!

Ye Chen, who had no father since childhood, was very sensible since he was a child. He also saw a lot of people in the world. The mission of this system is to let him realize the essence of the world and the strength is respect!

But Ye Chen used this task time to think about his life is not happy!

This is somewhat contrary to the original intention of the system, but the human mind is beyond anyone's control.

So ~ no hurry!

Oh, oh~

I bought a box of the cheapest Hadgate from the next-door hawker, which was the cigarette he could afford when he was poor.

Slowly take out a cigarette and take out a transparent lighter for one dollar to ignite yourself. A spicy **** spreads from the chest, it is this taste!

Moved the stool at the door of the store and found an inconspicuous position. So I looked at the cars on the street and looked at the cars in the street. The pedestrians came and went.

"Oh, the time is really fast. The time of the year is down. The things that I have experienced are estimated to be experienced by others for a lifetime. Nanke has a dream! Nanke has a dream!"

The smog in the sky caused Ye Chen to fall into a short memory, and finally shook his head ridiculously.

How old is he?

Less than 24 years old!

Has it actually begun to recall life?

"Boss! Boss! You want to marry!"

Just when Ye Chen was still meditating, a fat man led a little girl and came in. The man saw that he was already at work, and he was a lot older than the little girl. The little girl dressed up. It is very fashionable, but when you look at it, it is just a student.

"Oh, hello, want something to eat."

Ye Chen didn't think that someone came in at this time. There are many people on the road. But most of them are hurrying workers, either going to work or going home from work, and rarely come to these shops to eat.

On the contrary, some students and small couples come to visit more, but these students have no money. . .


The man sat down and grabbed the little girl with one hand, and the little girl did not evade, let the other side touch.

Also thrown a wink at Ye Chen.

"Egg fried rice."

Looking at the two silently, this **** will not be two people who have just finished the gun. . .

There are many technical schools, universities and factories nearby. I heard that many people drive to the school gate when they are free to find their own goals.

"only this?"

Don't even say that this buddy really just came out from the front hotel, while touching the girl's hand, while also making a look to Ye Chen.

"There are dishes, but it's a bit expensive..."

Ye Chen silently watched the two unprepared, and did not hide it. It was a shameless person. . .

Is this woman selling it?

Actually so bright and unconstrained?


"Rely, Laozi has money, and quickly take the menu."

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, the man took a large man’s hand from his armpit and squatted on the table. Even the tone of his speech was not peaceful.

He is wide and fat, and has a fat head and can make the money that this beautiful girl relies on!

At this time, Ye Chen actually said that this dish is expensive!

Angry, the beauty is on the side, actually others say that the food is expensive, this is to look down on people!

"Hey~ no menu, what do you say, I will give you a quote."

Ye Chen also knows his own words to misunderstand others, but it is estimated that the other party will know that he is not joking, and simply do not explain.

Besides, the other party is out of the gun. It is estimated that the girl and him do not know each other for a day or two. It is estimated that they have been taken care of.

And those who can support others are definitely not bad money, then this single business should be able to become!

Ye Chen’s brain was running fast, and he calculated the pros and cons, the man’s mentality and the love of his face. His face was full of smiles.