Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 682: What is your shop called? Pit people!

As for the special price list, only the gold card holders can see it now, and most of the time this menu is useless, because the cook did not come!

This price list is particularly expensive, but everyone is rushing to make an appointment. This is Ye Chen's price list!

There is a god-class cooking + god-level ingredients + delicious talent price!

For example, an egg fried rice Ye Chen is 88rmb, that Liu Yi is 66rmb, and the Red Flame Army is 56rmb. As for the ordinary chef, the price of a few hands with Ye Chen or Liu Yi has only 26rmb.

Of course, this ordinary chef is compared with Ye Chen, if it is placed in other restaurants, it is definitely the star chef's chef.

Therefore, this fat man who does not have a gold card, the sales general manager who often queues up to eat has not eaten Ye Chen's food! ! !

"呲 ~ ~ ~ delicious, so delicious, my goodness, my tongue will be swallowed."

The fat man feels that this money is too valuable at this time!

This is like a starving ghost, and the opposite Xiao Jie held a spoon and looked at it. This fat face slammed, and actually covered the bowl of Mapo tofu, she did not have a gap to put the spoon into it. . .

And this fat brother disgustedly eats, screaming and screaming, and Xiao Jie is frowning with disgust.

"That, brother~ can you let me taste it?"

Although the disgusted frowning, but the fat brother has previously cursed, all kinds of people to bring people to the field, and now even her regardless of the eating, thoroughly caused Xiaojie's inner curiosity and longing, before and after The contrast is too big!

"Ah? Oh, you eat, you eat!"

Was awakened by the sound of Xiaojie beauty, this fat brother rubbed his mouth with embarrassment, and some of them refused to push the big bowl of Mapo tofu forward, and the eyes were full of disappointment!

It is so delicious!


As Xiaojie put Mapo tofu into her mouth, she was completely lost.

She has never been so delicious since she was so big!

This head stunned, and like the fat brother just now, blocked the bowl!

"Hey, Xiao Jie, don't just eat it yourself, let's go together."

When the fat brother looked at the situation, he pulled the bowl and placed it in the center of the table. So you grabbed a spoonful of me and grabbed it.

Subsequent fish-flavored pork, Mao Xuewang and other dishes also completely conquered the two people, and both of them actually shed tears of happiness.

"Brother, you said that if you are so fat, don't rob me. I am still in the age of a long body. I should eat more and make up more."

"Xiao Jie, the girl has to keep a good figure, the brother is already so fat, and there is no image of it, but for the good figure of Xiaojie, this sinful cholesterol will be given to me..."

The two people began to compete for eating and eating, and Xiao Jie looked at the gate of the door, and the morning eyes of the morning door of the Hudmen were even more radiant. The uncle was handsome, had muscles, and could burn. The best thing is that this dish can sell so much money!

Looking at the opposite obesity and earning food with her, usually said that she loves her more and more, and in the face of this food, she is actually a disgusting and disgusted.

Hook up Ye Chen!

This is the next goal set by this little girl.

However, if she knows how to pursue Ye Chen, how good the girl she has rejected by Ye Chen, how beautiful and **** she is, she will definitely have no such idea.

Destined to the goal of failure!


At this time, the cell phone of the fat brother on the table suddenly rang, and the fat brother who was immersed in the food and the Xiaojie who was immersed in the fantasy were awakened.

"Hey? Ah? Oh! I am in the middle of the business world. The location is the central location of the business world. Oh, there is no signboard at the entrance of the hotel. Next door is a canteen and design advertisement."

The fat brother hangs up the phone with a look of embarrassment, and this suddenly remembers that he just called someone!

But at this time, you let him find trouble with Ye Chen on the grounds of being pitted. He really can't open this mouth!

Because Ye Chen's craft is absolutely, the full value of this price!

It’s better than the first-day half-day team’s meals! ! !

After a while, Ye Chen suddenly came to the door of four or five cars. Although the car is not very expensive, it is like a hundred thousand, but there are quite a few people down.

Four people in one car!

Add up to twenty people~

"General Manager! I brought people here. Who is dare to hang our general manager? I am **** you for breaking this store!"

Leading is a lean, lean and tall man. These people are the ones he came to, but he called several of his friends and colleagues.

Just now, the fat brother told him to let him bring more people. There is a girl around him who wants a scene. Go back and ask everyone to eat K songs and so on.

And this man like a telegraph pole is a flatterer. The chance to catch this flattering really gives up all the power, and the seven great aunts are all brought over.

"Hey~ Xiao Li, I am here."

Seeing so many people present, this fat brother was a mess inside, and his heart was extremely complicated.

Although some of them proudly saw Ye Chen and Xiao Jie, this scene, this row, life can be installed several times?

However, it was extremely incomparable and the price was very good, but the absolute value!

This huge oolong, let the fat brother stay in the same place for a while, do not know what to say next.

The man named Xiao Li walked to the door of Ye Chen with a group of people. He screamed. The people who opened the shop including Xiao Zhang and Su Xiao of the advertising design were surrounded. How was the opening of the new store blocked?

Looking at the situation is still coming to the scene?

"Husband, this uncle is doing something wrong? This is the rhythm of the shop."

Su Xiaoyi’s face was pulled and pulled Zhang’s arm. Her impression of Ye Chen was good. Besides, it was a bit uncomfortable to see this situation in the neighborhood.

The rabbit died of fox sorrow and was bullied to the door. The businessman did not want this to happen.

Seeing so many people onlookers, this little Li is just an ordinary person, but in this kind of scene, how rare this opportunity is, and the triumph of the heart can be imagined.

"Is this shop? What is the name of your broken shop? Actually dare to black our general manager?"

However, he is only an ordinary person after all. Before he does things, he always has to explain things to him. He has to take care of it and speak out loudly about the general manager of Ye Chenkeng.

It doesn't matter what he said, the fat brother's face is even more ugly, and this thing can be adjusted.

And the neighbourhood of the neighborhood is leaking a contempt for Ye Chen.

No wonder people come to the door. . .