Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 683: Black shop is not black!

It is not easy for a businessman to do business, and it is inevitable that he will have a squabble or anger with the customer.

Generally, these are not big problems, so the merchants in the neighbourhood of the neighborhood will not look up and see the neighbors.

But there is a situation where even the neighbors will not help, that is, pit people.

The gentleman loves money and has a proper way. This businessman pays rent, water and electricity, cares for people, and has the capital. It is okay to add some money to earn some money.

After all, if you don’t open a store to go to work, you will have a lot of salary in a month. It’s a lie to say that a penny is not worth fighting.

But the pit people can be different, and the pits are abducted ~ the pit is in the first place, showing everyone's dislike of the pit people.

Generally, the bronzes of ten dollars are said to be tens of thousands of gold, a million, this is the pit people!

So after everyone heard this sentence, everyone looked at Ye Chen, who was still smoking there, and cast a contemptuous look and eyes.

"The name of the store? Did your fat manager tell you? Black shop!"

Ye Chen frowned, and some incomprehensible asked, did he just talk to his two people about his name?

"Black shop? I rely! Little brother, you are very arrogant? Where is it mixed?"

Ye Chen has a look of fearlessness, plus the dead pig is not afraid of the hot water and the name of the black shop. Xiao Li is not willing to do it easily. If there is no power, the other party cannot be so arrogant. . .

So he wants to ask the other person's way to make plans again. Don't take the lead in order to take the lead.

"Hey~ This guy is really fake? Black shop? This name is so personal? No wonder it will be pitted."

"Black shop? My God, this person is a triad? This is a fearless thing. It is a black shop. I think this little brother is not an ordinary person."

"Do you want to play with us? Someone called this name, I think this little brother just opened, is it deliberately saying this to scare each other?"

The crowds around the time have been discussed, and the crowds here have attracted more people to come here. There are students, employees who go to work, and the most lacking of Chinese people is curiosity.

As long as there is something, they will come over.

"I am very arrogant? You have so many people rumbling around my shop, and I have been screaming and not talking, I am arrogant there?"

"As for the name of my shop, it is indeed a black shop. The signboard has not yet been made. Hey, Xiao Zhang and his girlfriend will send signboards in the afternoon. I don't believe you ask them."

After the completion of this sentence, Ye Chen pulled out a cigarette again, and ignited the fire and swallowed the clouds and no longer took care of them.

Seeing everyone watching, Xiao Zhang nodded nervously and confirmed that Ye Chen’s name was indeed called a black shop. He quickly retired and hid in the crowd, for fear that these people thought they had something with Ye Chen. relationship.

And seeing Ye Chen’s love and ignorance, I can’t figure out how the real Li Xiao actually rides the tiger!

If the other party’s arrogance and arrogance can be seen, he will say it again!

If the other person is called or has a background, then he will go through the game and give the general manager a face to withdraw.

But the ambiguous look of the other party actually made him wonder what to do next.

"General Manager, do you see it? We all listen to you."

This little Li is a personal fine, the effort of flattering is like a fire, this head is also very flexible, since he is not sure, then it is not installed, thrown to the general manager.

If the person with the background is directed by the fat brother, his responsibility is small. If a person with no background is played, the general manager puts in a handful of fire and will definitely remember this kindness on him.

The ball was thrown to the fat manager.

"Hey~ misunderstanding! Big misunderstanding!"

This fat manager can't figure out the truth of Ye Chen. The other party is so calm, and dare to take the name of the store so arrogant, it is certainly not simple.

Did not see the license plate 74110 on the street is not the average person can hang.

The second is that this craft is absolutely worth the money, it is not like the pit people he said!

The incident just came too suddenly. Xiao Li’s drink was too fast, so he couldn’t stop it, and he was in the same place.

It wasn't until Xiao Li kicked the ball to him that he woke up like a dream and shouted at everyone with his hands raised.

"Hey? The general manager is not that you said that a black shop has given you a pit? I didn't expect this store to be really a black shop."

Xiao Li saw the reaction of the general manager, and it was suddenly forced. Some incomprehensible questions asked him to make the power of breastfeeding here so many people support the scene. The general manager misunderstood?

Then what should he do?

This promised to eat, and K songs, the most important thing is that the general manager said that there are many students here, he asked for a few, this misunderstanding, are there any conditions?

"That's all my fault, it's my fault. This black shop owner is definitely not black, the price is fair, and the taste is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. I don't believe you ask this girl, she also eats."

At this time, the fat brother can't wait for this little Li to have a few feet. What he wants now is how to make good friends with this store owner. After that, bring some customers to come and eat. So good taste, even the first store does not have, no need to line up. Where can I find such a store?

In order to increase persuasiveness, the fat brother quickly pointed to Xiaojie, a college girl.

Then I got a nod of Xiaojie’s classmates, which made everyone very puzzled. What is the matter?

Black shop owner is not black?

This is the joke that they have heard the best laughter recently. This will say that the boss is still calling people. Now people come to say that it is a misunderstanding. Is this person a neuropathy?

Everyone has a contemptuous look at the fat brother in the eyes, this buddy is sick?

Are you cheating on this hot day to play?

"General Manager, then these buddies?"

Xiao Li saw such a scene is not very good on the face, he is here to move the crowd to bring people to force, so the end of the tiger's tail?

And the conditions for this agreement are adjusted?

"Hey, everyone will go to dinner with me, I will treat you today. This is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this black shop is really not black, everyone is scattered."

"There are bosses, I can't help them, it's all my Meng Lang."

After saying this, the fat brother will bring the guests to the store again for the sake of the future, he actually gave Ye Chendao an apology.

And our morning Ye did not hear the same, still squatting in the hands of Hadmen in the hands, life is full!

Ye Chen did not care about the cause of this incident, but was there to think about the various aspects of life through this matter.

"Wow, this uncle has a good fan, and the one that doesn't sound is actually flattening this thing? And so many people are actually not afraid of it? This is pure man!"

Xiao Jie, the child still in school, saw Ye Chen’s musing look, and his eyes had a small star.