Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 690: Applicant

With the morning bursting of Ye Chen, Song Hua, who was talking, was suddenly stunned, and there was a trace of grievance in his eyes. He looked at the ridicule and shaking his head in the eyes of those people. He turned his face and followed a few people. It is.

And when he left the door, he still roared in the distance, as if blaming the boys why they didn't help.

"Do you say that fighting like me will scare away these guests?"

Ye Chen looked at the guests who were still very cautious around, and thought of it inside.

The system now: The arrogance of those sports students just made everyone feel a little unpleasant, and the poker face that hosted this day made these diners feel your numbness and ruthlessness. In the end, this 是 makes them faintly With a hint of fear and resistance, it seems that there is only one way to solve the embarrassment in front of you, that is to bloom your chrysanthemum-like smile.

"Rolling the dice ~ you are just like a chrysanthemum smile. It is a smile of sunflower!"

The system now reads: 呃~Chrysanthemum and sunflower are silly and unclear.

"Who has just queued up, welcome to the black shop."

Ignore the system's weirdness, in order to pull back the image of everyone in the hearts of the people, let everyone feel their sincerity and amiable, Ye Chen actually really laughed.

The kind smile that suddenly blooms on this face has a strong contrast and psychological difference with the previously indifferent poker face.

"Hey, boss Chen, you still don't want to laugh and look good, rest assured, this is not your fault, we will not go."

"Yes, these children are the education and education. They don't have the honor and do not understand the rules. If they go up in the future, they will ignore the law!"

"Talking about Chen Boss, are you just working on those hands? Are you still working hard?"

For a time, I want to understand why Ye Chen laughed so much that they made a statement to Ye Chen. They would not affect Ye Chen’s position in their hearts because of a mouse.

"That ~ that boss, are you so busy, need a waiter?"

Just as Ye Chen smiled unnaturally and prepared to continue cooking, a weak voice rang behind Ye Chen.

"Xiao Jie?"

Ye Chen turned her head and looked at the girl standing at the door, but this did not recognize it at first sight. After seeing it for a few more eyes, she found that this was the little girl who the fat manager brought a few days ago.

The girl who was not loved by Ye Chen, the student girl of the technical school, but what surprised Ye Chen’s eyes this time was that the girl’s temperament changed!

Wearing a white t-shirt, an ordinary blue jeans, sneakers, it is extraordinarily youthful and pure.

A few days ago, I was dyed with nails, thick makeup, and a pair of glamorous dresses. This is the main reason why Ye Chen looked at it several times.

"Hey, boss, it’s not that I said you, you should hire a waiter. You are so busy with such a good business."

"That is, this meal has to go to our own end, the boss is not short of money, hire a waiter, I see this girl is good, pure and lovely, pretty pretty."

"Yeah, there are so many schools nearby. It’s not expensive for the boss to hire a student. If you come to the door, you will be there."

The diners around said that they heard the words of the girl at the door.

"Hey, if you know that this child's dress is not worse than the previous sports, if you are so small, you don't feel that you don't support you."

Ye Chen arrived not to reveal the girl's shortness. After all, this girl is still small, but it is a pity that she has gone astray.

The system is now: knowing the mistake can improve Mo Dawei. I think the host should not only look at other people's past, but also look at the present and the future. Can people not be sages?

"Well, you are waiting here, come and talk to me after the guests are gone."

Seeing the current word of the system, Ye Chen was silent and felt that he was too radical. Besides, the society is now very open, but he is somewhat uncomfortable with the traditional ones.

"Thank you boss, thank you boss."

After receiving Ye Chen’s reply, Xiao Jie, who did not have much hope, was overjoyed and thanked several customers who had just spoken for her.

And did not wait for the Ye Chen arrangement, see where it is dirty, where there is garbage, this Xiao Jie has actually started cleaning.

"That Chen Ge, you are no one at this time."

Xiao Zhang and Su Xiao, who have been here for 2 years, look at Ye Chen, who is going to enter the house again. He quickly screams and shouts, for fear that he will not be able to insert Ye Chen and enter the kitchen again.

"Hey~ let you come over a few days ago, don't listen, wait outside, I won't line up, I will ask you to eat a dish."

Ye Chen smiled and looked at the two of them, and Ye Chen said to them a few days ago. He came to eat early, and now everyone is on the line. He can't make an exception.

"Oh, okay, I didn't expect Chen Ge to be so hot. I misunderstood what you meant two days ago."

Xiao Zhang remembered that three days ago, Ye Chen said that he wouldn’t have a chance, and thought that Ye Chen had something to do or couldn’t do it.

I didn't expect people to be overcrowded and not on the team!

"Husband, I said that Chen Ge is not an ordinary person. Last time I gave people three hundred dollars, you still have a night with me, a man."

Su Xiaoyi’s gesture of a victor looked at Xiao Zhang around him, and Xiao Zhang nodded without hearing the rebuttal after hearing this.

The development and rise of this black shop is really too fast, from no one cares to the present moment is full, unimaginable.

Not only they, but other neighbors and shop managers are also amazed.

In this way, when Xiao Zhang and Su Xiao lined up and finally arrived at them, it was already more than 7 o'clock in the night. This meal had already passed, and the two had already stared at the hungry straight.

And at this time, the people waiting in line outside the store are almost gone. After all, the crafts of Ye Chen have not been spread so widely.

"Huh ~ Chen Ge, we are starving to death, and finally lined up, I really don't know why there are so many people here."

Su Xiao squatted on the back of her chest and sat on the back of the table. Xiao Jie quickly packed up the tableware on the table.

I also gave them a cup of tea.

"Oh, there is no way for craftsmanship, and there is no desire for even money every day."

Ye Chen pointed to the big wallet that was bulging around the waist, causing Xiao Zhang and Xiao Jie to be jealous.

The system is now: I am giving you a perfect score.

"Chen brother, I think this little girl is good, I work very hard, I am also very good, and there is really no personal help in your store."

Su Xiao looked at Xiao Jie’s nervousness. As a woman, she still told Xiaojie a good word.