Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 699: Flying dragon car dealer

"Remember! As you are strong, all people will slowly squat, and you will be crowned as king!"

Ye Chen’s last sentence used a game slogan, of course, there has been a change, but Xiaojie’s girl should have never played, and the reason why he said this is because this sentence is very **** and very forceful!

"This ~ this ~"

Sure enough, I heard that Ye Chen’s words have slowly stopped crying. I think about the situation at home, there are two younger brothers who are going to take the exam, and Ye Chen’s saying that relying on others is always an Adou, she The double fists slowly tightened again, but this time it is the determination to work hard!

"If you are because you have fallen, it is even more unnecessary to cry as someone else."

Seeing Xiao Jie’s change after hearing his words, Ye Chen’s heart was a bitter smile, how could it be so cool every time he persuaded others, but he couldn’t pass the mountain’s mission?

"People are not sages, you can't get rid of mud, you don't get dirty, you don't want to swear, you should have heard of these words, but what I want to say is! Who knows who this land has come out of this society? Change a place to be new!"

Ye Chen’s first half of the sentence made Xiao Jie’s eyes flash a longing, but the second half of this taste directly made her dumbfounded. Is this persuasive?

However, the impression in the eyes is real. Indeed, it is good to do something wrong, and there is no marriage and childbirth. Some of the pre-marital behaviors are!

As long as you can be a woman, be a good wife and a good mother!

"Oh, yes, I will give you a wide heart. According to them, are the girls who filmed in the island country damn? Do you know that the girls in the movie and the wild clothes are coming to China once, they are all like dogs? Put it together..."

The last sentence of Ye Chen directly said that on the idea, the line is the champion. If the woman is shameless, it can also make countless men competing for it.

"Where are you persuading people, hey, let me go, I am fine, and then hold me and shout."

I glanced at my boss, and Xiaojie, who was happy with the words of Ye Chen, smiled with rain.

At this moment, she seems to have been born again!

The system is now wording: What can you do without it, what is the mud that is not stained, did you not yesterday? It’s not that people’s lives are poor, but if other women don’t get rid of you as a dog. . .

"Hey~ Don't say so straightforward, this stalk is not mentioned."

Ye Chen, who was told by the system, quickly transferred the topic. Ye Chen was still the traditional Ye Chen. It was only to understand the heart of the poor girl. The system said it was good. These verses are no better. As a reason why other women are as dead as no one.

I want to be a blind man, but I want to set up a memorial archway. How can I have such a good thing!

This is the true idea of ​​Ye Chen.

It’s just that Xiao Jie’s change is more thorough. In addition, there are reasons for poor family, and it’s hard to work hard and work hard. It varies from person to person.


"Hey~ a pair of dogs and men who share the same pains and sorrows, don't dislike each other, perfect match! Perfect match!"

Song Hua’s brother suddenly slaps his hand and slaps his hand. This drama has been almost watched. This time has come for a while, and the younger brother’s poss have been put on for a while.

Then it’s time to do business!

"Drafting the uncle, what do you say? Little white face, owe it is not!"

"That is, there is a kind of you coming over and single-handedly, and you are beating you!"

When I heard the insult of my boss, the two red tigers at the door were angry and they were on the spot. They are afraid to go up and fight now. The boss has not issued an order yet, in case the boss’s rhythm is destroyed.

The two of them played, this group of shelves can begin, but I don’t know that Ye Chen’s reason for not taking it now is that his strength has not recovered!

"You two clowns still dare to swear, you said that you are the two people and one car who gave you the courage to play here? If it is not urgent today, I have already given you two small dishes."

"Is it, what kind of person is this group of people behind my brother? This is the bodyguard of the bodyguard company. Everyone has a unique skill. Everyone is a trainer!"

When Song Hua’s brother’s words were just finished, Song Hua’s jumped up and swayed, and he couldn’t wait for himself to be the master of these bodyguards. Even his brother was superfluous.

"Xiaojie, their words are hard to hear, and they will be retribution in a while."

Ye Chen ignored the confrontation outside, but instead poured two cups of tea, a cup of his own, a cup of clean.

"The monkeys should also come. They are actually staying here to see the store. The news should have been sent out very early."

Ye Chen sat down again when the two men just rushed, and then his heart calmed down.

He is eager for strength, but he is eager for the kindness and hatred on the spot!

But if you sit quietly and watch a good show, it is a pleasure.

Sure enough~

Just as his voice just fell, there was a burst of motorcycle humming sounds from far away~

"Who said that they both have two cars, is this bullying our dragon car dealers?"



I saw more than a dozen locomotives rushing from all directions in the high-tech zone, and with the roar of the engine, these dozens of motorcycles were actually in the black shop and the group!

"The monkey boss is behind, we first stabilize each other, the boss said, the people who come here today can not let go, and do not recognize the boss first, the boss is not expected to reveal his identity in this shop. ”

This is why they just called the Flying Dragons instead of the Red Tigers. These people are the ones who have just arrived in the first batch after receiving the notice from the boss.

Moreover, the monkey boss is particularly accountable, and everyone in Ye’s boss should not say anything, just dragging people, enclosing people, and teaching people.

"Flying dragon car? What is it? I think you are a sick person, do you know who I am?"

Song Hua’s brother’s brow wrinkled, and these dozens of people still don’t put them in their eyes. After all, behind him, dozens of bodyguards who can beat can be behind him, and his enthusiasm is very good.

It seems that this scene is too small today, but it has been once in awesome, and more people are watching more.

"You~ you are! Are you? Jade Emperor?"

The head of the locomotive man thought for a long time and suddenly came out with such a sentence. This is a wonderful story on the face of Song Hua and others.

When I first heard this person talking, I thought he recognized himself. After the second half of the sentence, I realized that I was playing them.

"Second Olympics, since you don't know how to lift, let's stay, Lao Tzu is the agent of XXX star, Song Hao! When the hospital reimbursed medical expenses, remember to report my name! Give me a call!"