Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 729: War is so cruel

System word: warning! caveat! The aircraft has been locked and the aircraft has been locked.

Ye Chen, who was sitting on the plane, was shocked. This has just flown to the Ike border. Has it been locked in the weapons of prevention and control?

It can be seen that in the war years, everyone’s tight nerves and everyone’s self-defense, even Ye Chen, who has not yet entered the battlefield, are somewhat creepy.

Fortunately, the United Nations logo was printed on the outside of the aircraft, and they were not attacked until the morning of the fall.

"It’s a mess, the US’s strong soldiers are rampant, and the island countries, the countries of the countries and the Indonesian countries actually use the United Nations to help the United States. Is the local Helm regime actually united with some mobs?”

This is the information that Ye Chengang got off the plane, and some people sent the information. The people who sent the information were the Chinese soldiers, and our own people, these people were the ones who came here a few days earlier.

"Report the captain, please come with me after the team is assembled."

Ye Chen, where they landed on the plane, was not a large airport. It was just an abandoned road. Maybe it was not known when this place would be blown up by a stream, and it would not be used as a runway in the future.

Looking at the young man who was tired in front of him but his eyes were very excited and excited, Ye Chen smiled and patted him.

The news of the arrival of the Red Flame Army has already spread in the peacekeeping forces. The Chinese soldiers are of course eager to wait for their arrival, but many other military forces have sneered and despised their faces. Of course, everyone in each country only has Take your own troops.

"Get off, go to the meeting place first."

Ye Chen waved his hand and everyone began to walk on foot. The road was full of car wrecks, broken houses, and ordinary residents who were hiding in the ruins of the ruins.

Ye Chen looked at each other and looked at the look of these people carefully.





Seeing the arrival of these people, Ye Chen, no resident smiled and greeted each other. On the other hand, all kinds of unforgettable hatred flashed on their faces. They could not tell the purpose of the arrival of Ye Chen, as long as they were not Ikes. Get out of Ike!

This is the voice of the residents~

Ye Chen, the city where they landed is Moose City, one of the three major cities in Ike. The entire Iq people have a population of 23.58 million, and 95% are concentrated in Moose City, which is divided into two major factions. Large people are very complicated.

In the past, the bustling streets were full of traces of war. It seems that a few days ago, the US Jianli army attacked here, and at this time, on the side of the road, you can see the soldiers wearing the beautiful clothes. The machine gun is questioning every pedestrian.

Ike, this is a country with war and smoke. After another bombing, the dust of the sky gradually receded. The blue sky and the strong sunrise are now over the desert.

Haj is an Ike taxi driver. He is driving his dilapidated yellow taxi on the road this day. On both sides of the road, the broken wreckage of the vehicle can be seen everywhere. From time to time, the tanker of the US soldier is sent. .

Hay drove while cursing: "damn war!"

Two days ago.

A missile landed in the market at the door of his house, almost destroying everything. Fortunately, he survived.

So he decided not to drive a taxi anymore. He decided to wait for his last business to finish today and leave the place with his wife and children.

Haj turned to look at a photo on the left side of the drive. The glass of the photo frame was broken, but the smile on the photo and the wife and the three children still made him feel happy. He said to himself: "Sarah, Children, I love you, we will meet soon, wait for me to put the last one

The business is done. ”

Soon, he went to a checkpoint, parked two tanks along the road, and many soldiers with live ammunition stood on the side of the road.

A soldier reached out and let him stop, Hay set his mind and stopped the car.

In the past few days, there have been few civilian vehicles coming out of Moose City, so now that there is a taxi in the road, there is only one taxi.

Several beautiful soldiers stepped forward, one, two, three, four, five.

One of them looked at the broken car and bent down and asked, "Where are you from? Where are you going?"

Haj smiled and replied in a foreign language that was not fluent: "Sir, I am coming from Moss, I want to leave this place, the war is too dangerous!"

As he spoke, he handed the soldier a cigarette and fired it. He asked: "When will the war end?"

"Come on, our army will be able to liberate your capital soon." The US soldier took a deep breath and looked satisfied. He saw the photo frame in the car and asked, "Is that your wife and children?" I also have two children, who are about the same age as them."

Hay looked at the beautiful Jianli soldier and still smiled and replied: "Yeah, they are the people I care about the most. I left here not long ago. I will go see them, maybe not coming back, the war years. Driving a taxi is too dangerous, I don't want to do it."

The beautiful soldier had probably not met the Iraqi resident who smiled at him for a long time, so he was in a good mood, leaning against the window and saying to Hae: "When we overthrow your dictator, you can Come back safely."

"Maybe, but I have to go see my wife and children, are you interested in going to my home? My wife will eat for you. Go with it, and finally lie down and do not accept your money."

The soldier shook his head and said, "We have a task in the body. We can't go. Let me say hello to your wife and children." He suddenly remembered something and asked, "Yes, the South is a battlefield. Where are you going to see?" What about your wife?"

Haj still smiled, picked up the broken photo frame, kissed the photo, then turned his head and looked at the soldier, saying, "Paradise."

What Hay can finally see is the expression of the soldier’s twisted because of fear, and the cigarette butts that slipped from the fingertips.

Then, Hay pressed the button to detonate the explosive.

This is his last counterattack against those who violated his country.

boom! ! !

Ye Chen looked at the black smoke checkpoint in front of him. Some of the beautiful Jianli soldiers who had just talked and laughed at the moment had no bones at all. Their remaining comrades looked at the surrounding Ikes with fear and hatred. .

The damage is slowly accumulated, and hatred is slowly fermented like this!

Haj’s family was killed by a beautiful bomb, and they could retaliate against all the US soldiers without the murderer!

The soldiers who were not murderers were killed for no reason, and the remaining companions retaliated against all Iq people!