Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 765: Two thirty-three!

On the other side, a burst of noise rang at the scene, and dozens of American chefs had already started their own production, and everyone prepared their best dishes.

They want these Chinese people to know that the real food is beautiful and the world knows that the real chefs are their beautiful people!

However, Ye Chen saw a sarcasm in the corner of his mouth, and a loophole in his opponent was already in his hands.

No matter how good the other party is, it is useless!

"The rice is cooked, the rice aroma is too good to smell, my goodness, good fragrance~"

“For the first time, I think rice is the best food in the world. It’s just too sweet.”

Compared to the chilly setting of the western food of Mei Jianli, the fire of rice on the Chinese side is busy.

The aroma of rice bursting far and wide, the tens of thousands of people on the scene actually squinted and sniffed the rice.

Especially the hungry people on the ground, the big eyes, the eagerness in the eyes are already in words.

"Big Brother~ Do you want to give them some rice first?"

"No, they are extremely lack of nutrition, plus eggs, can't wait a few minutes anyway. This is why I chose egg fried rice, fast!"

Ye Chen certainly knows how much these hungry people are eager for these meals, but Ye Chen thinks more comprehensively. These people only want to fill their stomachs, but Ye Chen also needs to consider the nutrients they need.

And these eggs fried rice for the hungry people, the eggs inside are all the farm **** eggs provided by Ye Chen!

All the ingredients are not available with the god-level ingredients, Ye Chen, but he can still afford to add the eggs.

System word: This **** egg is rich in protein, fat, yolk, lecithin, vitamins and iron, calcium, potassium and other minerals needed by the human body. The protein is super protein, which has great damage to liver tissue. The repair effect. The yolk and lecithin are rich in super DHA, which can greatly repair the damage of the brain nerve. As for the vitamins and multiple minerals contained in it, only one egg can be used to supplement the lack of nutrition these days!

This is the stalwart of the god-level eggs, and it is also the main reason why Ye Chen has taken out these eggs with great heart.

This egg is a big tonic for those hungry people who have been hungry for many days and have been suffering from malnutrition and various vitamins.

"There are still five minutes!"

Wang Jun looked at the watch on his hand. It was five minutes before the two-thirds of Ye Chen’s regulations. But the rice was cooked, and the egg fried rice was very simple.

Sure enough, in the eyes of outsiders who are still busy and nervous, all the Red Flames are relieved, five minutes?

It is too easy for these Chi Yanjun, who are seven or eight times more ordinary.

"Dennis, we are getting better! Isn't it just two and thirty? I really want to try them out, let them know that food is not rice! Not who steams a rice is a chef!"

"Yes, let the people of the world look at these hungry people for a while to grab our food, their rice no one cares, hahaha~"

"No, so many hungry people, their rice must not be left, even if they are piled up, these hungry people will not let go, how can this highlight our delicious?" "Even if these rice are left, they must give priority to our food, and others will be annoyed and painful for not getting our food."

A group of beautiful chefs have fallen into their own obscenity, imagining the rude cowards of the opponents in front of the people of the world, on their stage, in their field!

This kind of opportunity will not happen once in a lifetime, but this time let them come across, that is, to show up in front of the people all over the world and let the people of the world know their moments!

So this time, the cooking speed of these groups of people is also fast and the amount is large. It is absolutely super level.



Just as they were still immersed in their world, the Red Flames camp there sounded a burst of screams, but this time the voice was no longer so neat and no longer crisp.

Because there are many soldiers whose pots are modified, they can't be upset. . . Hey~

However, Huaxia's spoon is an atmosphere. Every time at this time, the audience watching the chefs' cooking will look at them. I saw these chefs with the pots, and the hot oil in the pot instantly burns. It’s up.

One fireball, one fire dragon is particularly dazzling. In addition to the rice and scrambled eggs that are tumbling in the fire, the rich aroma of a fried egg is instantly filled in the air.

This unique sizzling atmosphere is an atmosphere that cannot be achieved by cooking in any country in the world.

Look at the group of chefs who are working hard, either cutting slices of cooked steak or squeezing salad dressing, as if painting a painter.

On both sides, a enthusiasm, a cold and clear water, in the end who can be better?

The system now has the word: It’s a mystery here, and the fart competition is not comparable. . .

"time up!"

With the prompt of the system, the time is just as good as the two-and-a-half-point pointer. Ye Chen’s low-sounding drink has stopped the action on hand.


Perhaps more than two thousand stoves are the result of egg fried rice. The whole slum can smell a burst of scrambled eggs and rice fragrance from the far-off location.

This kind of Chinese cooking and unique enthusiasm is also the first time to show it to the people of Ike and the people of the world.

Most people have seen Western food, because it is easy to learn, as long as there are tools and ingredients, follow the instructions on the book to do it, how many seconds of baking, usually can be made.

However, the Chinese food can be greatly different. The addition of trivial excipients and seasonings, according to the change of the ingredients, the simple and simple egg fried rice, actually makes people all over the world look silly.

Because of the difference in the stove, everyone in order to come out the same egg fried rice, only one spoonful action is strange, the use of the pot, the shovel that can not be turned, and the stove user who is transformed by the gas tank, even put that The sawn iron was attached and a gas tank turned up on the fire.

Just like the stove that popped the popcorn on the roadside of the road!

“When you eat rice, the people in the first brigade maintain a good order at the scene, and the hungry people in the slums have priority, and each person has one limit!”

Ye Chen’s considerations are not unreasonable. People who are hungry for many days cannot eat too much for the first meal. Otherwise, these people can’t control their appetite and often break their belly!