Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 845: Field beam

"The old man, apart from these animals and plants, is it strange that there is nothing particularly strange?"

The Xuanyuan Tomb is definitely a place. Although the grandfather said these things are very magical and unbelievable, they will definitely not be the seat of Xuanyuan Tomb. Ye Chen directly asked the place names.

"Strange place?"

Father Jiang once again sighed and stunned, and his eyes gradually became confused. Although their residents lived here for generations, the connection with the outside world is still too small. Maybe they feel the usual place outside. People will feel strange?

"Oh, yes, I think of it. There are two places in the strangest place. Of course, other places are more strange, but these two places are places where people in our village think they can't understand."

"Oh? Father, please."

Ye Chen once again filled the old man with a filling, and there was some excitement in the heart. The place where the father could feel strange was not really special.

"The first one is the cold and warm hole! The cave has a dividing line. The west is warm and the spring is cold. The east is cold and biting. Is this place strange enough?"

The old man shook his head and said, while carefully observing Ye Chen’s expression, he also wanted to see the surprised and amazed expression from Ye Chen’s face, but Ye Chen had already been there.

"Well, it's strange enough, what about the other place?"

The place was strange enough, but the system and him were not found anywhere, so there was nothing surprising on his face.

"Another place is even more strange. We all call it Shenxian. The Daijiashan at the foot of Laojun Mountain, at noon on sunny days in February and August, there will be a strong white light in a field here. The eyes don't dare to face up. This light is concentrated like a flashlight, and it can shine on the mountain more than 200 meters away. It is brighter than the sun, about 2~3 minutes each time."

“And it’s equally amazing that in this field, the farmer has dug a strange hole. The hole is about 40~50 cm in diameter. There are a pile of egg-shaped eggs in the hole, and there are about 4 eggs per egg. The eggs were big and opened, and they were all earth. What is more peculiar is that the hole dug in the first day was mysteriously blocked after a night."

I heard a flash of shock in Ye Chen’s eyes, and the expression on his face fell into meditation. He didn’t go to this place where the old man said, but there is an instinct. This place is very important! As if something is calling him.

"Father, have you ever seen an animal with a face and a body like a bear?"

Ye Chen’s words came out, and Jiang’s opposite chopsticks suddenly fell to the ground. The original look of Ye Chen’s surprise was also stagnant.

"You~ have you seen a bear?"

Ginger's face flashed a trace of awe, listening to Ye Chen's question, he must have seen a bear.

"Well, I saw it, and this is the hair that it left behind."

Ye Chen took out the hair that was left in the same place and handed it to the old man. Jiang Lao’s face was carefully taken over.

"Oh, I didn't expect the patron saint to still guard us."

When Jiang’s old sentence came out, he was shocked by Ye Chen, the patron saint?

"Yes, this is a kind of creature that existed when there was a bear. It can be said that we have the patron saint of Xiongshi, and the name of Xiongshi is also because of the bear."

Ginger's words refreshed Ye Chen's cognition of the bears. When he first knew the bears, his first reaction was a beast or a wild man, which was definitely dangerous and would be detrimental to humans.

I did not expect that in the mouth of Jiang Lao is actually the patron saint of Shennong and Xuanyuan?

Then everyone is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, that is the patron saint of all Chinese?

"When the Chiyou Devil led the tribe to burn and rob the place everywhere, it was the Chiu Devil who was defeated by Xuanyuan and Shennong. The role of the bear was not negligible. Of course, this is a legend, a legend circulating in our village. ""

Shaking his head and sighing and telling the story of the past, Jiang Lao recalled the glory and prestige of his ancestors, and then looked at the smaller and smaller villages, which is sad.

"Why didn't the father lead everyone out of Shennongjia?"

Ye Chen asked very strangely. There are wolf and tiger leopards in this place, surrounded by mountains. Although the air and environment are good, it is too serious to derail the society.

"Hey, ancestral training! Zu Xun ah~ We have a Xiongshi ancestral martial art that has been handed down since ancient times. It is said that Emperor Yan came here to collect herbs. Although the magical powers are vast, they cannot climb the cliffs, so he Set up 36 ladders and climbed the cliffs. Since then, this place has been called Shennongjia."

"And Xuanyuan, the Yellow Emperor, later came to Yandi to jointly study and develop the great cause of China, and settled down in Shennongjia, which is the origin of Xuanyuan and Shennong in the village."

Jiang Lao’s words never talked to outsiders. This time, it may be boring, and I don’t know what to say. All kinds of ancestral training and legends have been told to Ye Chen.

"Later Shennong took medicine to treat the people in Tianmen, and the gods are gods..."

Ginger said, the head was getting lower and lower, and it was actually the suffocating stamina that came up and fell asleep on the table.

"Call~ It turns out that the magical Chinese, the mysterious China, the great Yan and the Emperor!"

Ye Chen quietly stood up, then left 2 bottles of boring, and quietly covered the door.

"System, determine Daijiashan at the foot of Laojun Mountain, we rushed over."

Ye Chen calculated the time. Now it has just entered February. If Jiang Lao said it is true, every year in February and August at noon, the field beam will shine, just that time!

"I hope to finish the task early and go home for the New Year..."

This year's Spring Festival is because of the moon, it will be the end of February to celebrate the New Year. If the task can be successfully completed, Ye Chen can catch up with the time of going home for the New Year.


Saying goodbye to this village with Xiong's descendants, Ye Chen is advancing rapidly according to the system-determined route. There is an intuition that Ye Chen feels that the field beam is not normal!

The system is now: When you arrive, the front is Daijiashan, and the field under the mountain should be the field that Jiang Lao said.

With the explanation of the system, Ye Chen looked at it, and saw a large field at the foot of the mountain, and this Daijiashan is no longer in the deep mountains, and many villagers are farming in the mountains.

That is to say, there are people in the magical field who are farming!

The reason why the system says that the field is the glowing field that the old man said is because it can't scan the land!

That is to say, you can only see it, but you can't sweep it!