Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 902: Hefa Tongyan

Ye Chen looks like this temperament and talent, many people lament that it is a pity that he does not mix entertainment, but many people also believe that if Ye Chen enters the entertainment circle, it is estimated that many stars will be covered by him.

Now on the Internet, there is often a star out of the limelight or anecdote will have a lot of sounds, and each voice will come to the end, you who and who is the general, is a slag.

Of course, most of these stars and Ye Chen's comparison are male stars. Now many fans have turned pink after Ye Chen leaked out this thrilling dance.

As for the fans' camp, it is still very stable, but some people speculate that Ye Chen always plays the heartbeat character, and he will be able to show his voice and be shocked.

Ye Chen, who had been lingering with Lu Yingying for the night, came to the first store alone. Today, the first store posted a notice of temporary closure. Only Ye Chen sat down in the hall and sat down.

Of course, he also prepared a few side dishes and a jar of boring, and in the absence of knowing that the other party is an enemy or a friend, this hospitality still has to be.

As for the outside world, Ye Chen did not care, because the old man he was going to face might be the first strongest human warrior he faced in reality.

"Master, are you kidding me?"

Ye Chen had some big heads and bargained with the Yellow Emperor who was sitting on the farm drinking a small wine. Just now the master actually told him to take all the third-order masters on the earth into the knees!

Is this a joke?

"Whoever has a leisurely joke with your kid, know that the two big rivals the planet is facing now are two alien races! Not an enemy fight, but a war between races!"

"So not only do you have to be strong, you have to collect the talents of the world to prepare for the unexpected."

The words of the Yellow Emperor are not without reason, but Ye Chen is now strong?

Let him collect all the talents in the world?

At least the third-order characters can be seen by the Yellow Emperor. These people are old and not dead. They are the old monsters of the demon. They are more thieves than Ye Chen. How can they be squandered by Ye Chen?

"I have decided that since the mission of the system is to explore the major dangers of the earth, then in the process, we will certainly encounter many third-order powerhouses, try to put them down, if we find very evil humans directly smashed, disturbing You must first be inside, you can't let them drag the entire human race."

The words of the Yellow Emperor were shocked by Ye Chen.

"Don't say if I can beat them, even if they can beat them, but how can they conquer each other?"

Ye Chen is now most worried about the human heart, the human heart separated from the belly, how could it be so easy to surrender the other side?

"Do you know how the whole China and China were unified with Yan Emperor? How many tribes in the major tribes, there will definitely be things that people are inconsistent, but then we found a way, that is Xuanyuanjian!"

"Xuanyuan sword?"

Ye Chen heard a flash of surprise in his eyes. Is this Xuanyuan sword not just a sword?

"Do you know why this Xuanyuan sword is the sword of the Chinese holy road? It is engraved with the sun, the moon and the stars, and the mountains and rivers. The hilt is a book of farming and animal husbandry, and the book is unified. The subgraph has its meaning and truth." "And the last sentence of this unified strategy is to bear the brand of the people, the Xuanyuan swordsman has the world, do you think it is white?"

Huang Di smiled and shook his head, as if in the face of Ye Chen, he showed up the face of the teacher. These days, Ye Chen is giving him classes, which makes the Yellow Emperor somewhat uncomfortable. The opportunity can be well grasped.


"Yes, branding, this Xuanyuan sword is not only a weapon to be invincible, but also an artifact that can imprint the soul of the other party and make it loyal. If you defeat the opponent and make a contract, the other party cannot betray the sword master, which is why I want to set You will give Xuanyuanjian to you after a heavy test."

"Because if the person with a bad heart masters this sword, then the world will be chaotic! The sword of the Holy Path must be in the hands of the people who truly serve the country, otherwise it will not be a merit, but a catastrophe."

The Yellow Emperor’s face explained the power of Xuanyuanjian, and Ye Chen’s side was also shocked and widened his eyes. I didn’t expect this Xuanyuan sword to be so strange, but it can still control people’s hearts, and it’s really an artifact in the hands of upright people. Mastering in the hands of evil devils is the magic weapon!

Everything depends on the user's mentality and strength.

System word: The third-order organism is approaching, warning!

System word: The third-order organism is approaching, warning!


Ye Chen, who was chatting with the Yellow Emperor, was suddenly shocked by a systematic screen. It seems that the system itself is also very cautious about the third-order powerhouse. After all, the strongest person in the Al-Aqley Star did not break through the fourth-order. People.

"Hey, this first store is so deserted, there is no one guest?"

"Well, but it’s so sweet, I have never smelled this smell..."

Just when Ye Chen started his spirit and carefully observed the surroundings, suddenly he had a flower in front of him, and there was already an old man with white hair and white whiskers on the opposite seat. The old man had to be white but his face. The skin has no wrinkles, and the red flutter is like a child.

Crane hair girl!

Only to see this, Ye Chen played a very cautious look at each other, this person is definitely not simple.

Moreover, the other party's body law actually made Ye Chen not see it clearly, as if there was such an old man on the stool in front of him, the strength is terrible.

"If the elderly can appreciate a thin noodle, please eat."

Ye Chen smiled and handed the other pair of chopsticks. By the way, they poured out two cups of boring and pushed a cup of the past, and the other party did not hesitate to pick up the past, as if the two were old friends who had not seen for many years.

"Well~ good wine! Good food!"

"This taste is simply unbelievable. I thought that the food made by Chef Liu Yi was already delicious. I didn't expect Ye Xiaoyou's cooking skills to be better, wonderful! Wonderful!"

The old man took a bite of honey-baked chicken and took a sip of it. After shaking his head, he shook his head and praised it. Ye Chen had spent a lot of brains to entertain the third-order powerhouse. Finally, the newly created honey-boiled chicken was boring. The dumplings were taken out as the main dish, and at this time they were favored by the old.

"The old gentleman is not afraid of poison in my wine?"

Ye Chen also took a drink from his own drink, then put a piece of chicken into his mouth and enjoyed closing his eyes.