Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 955: Striking light

"Don't brag before the results come out, and don't be too angry to blow your steak up."

Ye Chen’s face is expressionless. If he is outside, he has to smash this Kloof’s meal, but so many people are present and the world is watching the big game. He is afraid that if the anger of Korver is aroused, the other party will ignore it. all.

So he was also talking when he was talking, and his face was hung up with an expressionless poker face in order to hide the sarcasm.

Then, Kloof's Italian pancakes, also known as "Bisha", Italian bibimbap "Salito", and dessert "Shaqimei", also made the judges and staff at the scene open their eyes. Every dish was opened. It will cause constant exclamation.

The aroma of each dish, as well as the shape, including the color, is also a bright spot for everyone. The cooking of the gods is not the same!

"The feast, this Kloof player only made these dishes but actually gave me a feeling of feast, it is incredible."

"Yes, this Kloof player didn't do his best in the morning game, otherwise the morning would not give me a feeling that is not as good as Ye master. Now this taste definitely exceeds the master's cooking skills."

"But the master's carvings are definitely not comparable to Kloof. I think that the current taste is more than Master Ye, but if you count the carvings, the scores of the two are really different."

A group of judges actually split into two camps because of Kloof's afternoon play. One team kept nodding to support Korver's current food better than Ye Master, and a team with Lin Tao or admiring Ye Chen's judges supported two. People are not divided.

But what to say, Korver’s full play is definitely beyond the taste of Ye Chen!

This is the unanimous feeling of all the audience and the judges!

"Cut, I didn't take it seriously in the morning, otherwise how could this kid be my opponent?"

Kloof heard a faint smile and contempt on the face of everyone's comments. This is his current thinking.

"Cut, I don't use God-level ingredients in the morning. These judges don't know what to expect after eating this work?"

Ye Chen listened to the comments of the judges and the on-site guests and also leaked a trace of ridiculous and incomprehensible smile. The last one is the winner!

"I think Kolver is definitely the first time this time. The Italian restaurant culture also has a long history. The perfect score has not been said."

“Italian cuisine originated from the court of the ancient Roman Empire. It has a rich dietary flavor of Florence in the Renaissance era. It is known as the “mother of European cuisine” and enjoys a high reputation in the world, which is worthy of its name!”

Italian cuisine is very rich and there are thousands of dishes. The long-standing Italian meal has had a profound impact on the dining of European and American countries, and has developed a variety of factions including Farre and Meijianli. Therefore, it has the reputation of “the mother of Western food”.

Since the construction of the Roman city in 753 BC, the Roman Empire has developed advanced ancient Roman civilization on the basis of the essence of ancient Greek civilization. The royal aristocrats headed by Florence City have researched and developed cooking techniques and cooking. Exquisite chefs show their strength and power, and use it as honor and glory.

Therefore, the general civilians at that time thought that as long as they could become masters of cooking cuisine, they would have the opportunity to be in the aristocratic circle, and even the whole country would be filled with the research and development fun of cooking skills, and the development of the catering industry would be pushed to the heyday, and then laid out. The sacred status of "the mother of Western food" and affecting most of Europe, is known as "the ancestor of European cuisine." ”

This is the history of Italian food development, definitely a great enemy of Chinese cuisine!

The system is now word: It is recommended that the host open these dishes together, which will have unexpected effects.

"Well? What effect?"

Ye Chen looked at the current word of the system, did he know what effect he had on his own food?

The system is now: As a matter of fact, you are not going to be cool, cool and windy food, you will know it later.

Listening to the system, Ye Chenben's inner heart was gradually excited.

Kroof continues to infuse the ingredients in the food field. The taste of this food is absolutely straight to the farm crop, and the so many years of Kloof's culinary skills are the first ones in Ye Chen, and the Italians that have come to the fore. Gourmet.

Ye Chen even had some embarrassment in using God-class ingredients. Although he believed that his food would be stronger than the other, it is inevitable that these judges could not distinguish the subtle differences.

So after hearing the system, is there any surprise inside?

"The next player in this competition is also the pride of our China, the work of General Ye Chenye, let us keep our eyes open!"

After all, Li Hao was a Chinese, and before Ye Chen had solved him for a while, with a hint of gratitude and pride in his heart, it was absolutely blood and could drive the atmosphere.

With his words, all the guest judges also came to the front of the last player, looking at the five insulation covers in front of them, everyone has some expectations inside.

Although the judges have just heard the praises and comments of Italy's Kloof, everyone has retained their own illusions before uncovering the last player's game.

Especially this person is still Ye Chenshi who was tied with Kloof for the first time!

"Come on! Ye Bo's food will definitely not be lost to this foreign cricket. How can the judges' short-sightedness know the profoundness of Chinese cuisine? I don't know what kind of works Ye boss will use to interpret Chinese cuisine!"

"Yes, our 1.4 billion Chinese people have been unswervingly supporting Ye Boss, I have been to the boss of Ye’s first store in the world. I have never forgotten that kind of delicious food."

"The most hateful and favorite leaf boss, his cooking made me know what is delicious, and let me know that I used to eat pig food! Every time I saw his news, I would think of the hot and sour potato. Silk and egg fried rice, too tangled!"

The exciting moment is coming soon, and all the Chinese people have their eyes wide open and staring at the five insulation covers on the table.

I don't know what kind of food is waiting for everyone after the one cover is uncovered.

"Slightly prepared a few side dishes, please tasting."

Ye Chen’s judges in front of him finally leaked a smile, and then they quickly opened the five insulation covers with lightning speed!


Striking light!

Just as Ye Chen unveiled the heat shield in front of him, a glaring light actually lit up from the five plates!