Super Farm System

v2 Chapter 958: Food Testing

Two leeks, three vegetarian dishes, and a jar of boring.

This is the food that Ye Chen made in two and a half hours, and it is also a dish that shocks the world's cooking and will shine!

"Mr. Ye, are you fluorescing this food?"

A foreign judge cautiously asked, in front of Ye Chen's gleaming food, he felt that he was so small that the problem of this bright and honest did not dare to ask.

"Please rest assured that this food is completely non-toxic and harmless. It is a new type of spice that I have recently developed and will not cause any harm to the body."

Ye Chen looked at this group of people who wanted to eat and didn't dare. I wanted to ask the judges who didn't open their mouths and laughed.

"Call~ I will say, how can Mr. Ye bring up things that cannot be eaten? I can rest assured now."

"I should not lie with Mr. Ye’s character and popularity. Would you like to taste it? This is really tempting."

"I still have to wait, I want the food inspectors to check and finish eating. I don't want to have any bad influence on the body because of my mouth."

After hearing the guarantees of Ye Chen, many judges said that they would like to taste his food now, because the aroma in the air is too tempting, plus the food that looks so tall everywhere, few people can Resist such a strong temptation.

"I suggest that you still let the food testers check the safety of this food first. Some people may not take care of their reputation in order to win."

At this moment, suddenly a tall, one-of-a-kind chef clothes were brought to the front of everyone with a sneer and sneer by the tall muscles of the inner muscles, watching this beautiful food in his eyes. There was a glimmer of shock and admiration, and of course there was such a hint of ridicule and ridicule!

In order to survive, this Ye Chen actually made so many tricks!

Yes, he does not believe what Ye Chen said. These judges thought that Ye Chen’s current price and status would not lie to them because the game was just a competition and there was nothing special about it.

Ye Chen will not ruin his reputation because of this game and make bad things.


Kloof knows that Ye Chen’s food is not only for participating in the kitchen king’s competition, but also for his life and death game with Ye Chensheng and death!

Therefore, in the face of life and death, Ye Chen is obviously aware of his reputation. He does not believe that this glowing thing is non-toxic and harmless!

In order to win, Ye Chen also tried his best to use all his skills, but this is also his most failed failure!

If this food is detected to be toxic and harmful, no matter what kind of food Yechen is doing, how good the taste is, how good the visual feast is, and lose!

"You really disappoint me. I don't want to compete with me. There are a lot of tricks."

Krofer sneered into Ye Chen's ear and waited for the arrival of the food inspector on the sidelines.

In order to prevent the contestants from bringing in some bad ingredients or ingredients in violation of the rules, the top chefs in the kitchen competition specially invited the most authoritative food inspection bureau personnel in Beijing to bring the equipment to the scene.

So for Ye Chen's food, especially the sparkling soup on the surface of the food, it needs to be tested.


As the two staff placed a stainless steel instrument with the same size on the table, everyone's heart hangs again.

auzw.comThis is the most advanced food detector in the world. There are three lights on the instrument. The leftmost red light will be on for a while, indicating that the food that was put in is unqualified, and then A report appears below with normal and actual data that do not meet the requirements or an over-subscription attribute.

The middle yellow light is on, indicating that the test is being carried out. As for the green light on the far right, the food is safe. This green light is at least representative of the detection of various heavy metals and chemicals that have been found to be harmful to the human body. Exceeding the standard or the substance present.

There are only three suitcases in the country, and it is the most advanced food detector in the world.

"Sorry, General Ye."

The tester who took a small test tube in front of him carefully jumped a little soup with a toothpick and put it into a test tube. He felt so beautiful when he was so beautiful.

Although it was just a toothpick that picked up a radiant broth, he also had a feeling of being unbearable and reluctant.

"No problem!"

Ye Chen’s big smile, but the heart is a bit embarrassing, after all, this glowing object can also be achieved by chemical agents in his cognition?

If there is a problem if it is checked out...


The system word: special seasoning raw materials are taken from deep-sea bioluminescent bodies, such as sea otters that glow, lanterns that glow, all of which depend on the biological world and are safe.

(The system is now: look scared you, this is a good thing...)


He just has some worries, why is it so scared to start?


Put the five test tube toothpicks together and the yellow light on the detector lights up.

The people in the whole hall are wide-eyed and look forward to the results. After all, what I saw today is a breakthrough in the psychological bottom line of everyone, and the ingredients that will shine, which makes many people look bright but faintly worried.

There are still many business-minded audiences who are fascinated when they see this ingredient. They feel that a huge business opportunity has drifted in front of everyone. As long as they can grasp it, it will definitely change the world’s aesthetics for food. A great revolution.

"I see this food hanging. If Ye Bo has this kind of seasoning, it will not be used in the first store. Why is it now?"

A spectator who couldn't hide the dry food in the kennel said in the big square downstairs. If he had such a thing to pull the wind, he would have shown all kinds of show and show up. As for the last game, will it be used?

"Let's pull it down, maybe the owner Ye Ye is just to keep a killer and stay until the end, this is the key to winning!"

"Yes, good steel is used on the blade, and the world is just like you." I think Ye Bo’s ingredients are definitely no problem."

"If there is no problem, what kind of impact and reform will the world's food industry ushered in? The glowing food will appear, is there anything more magical and cool than this?"

The audience who met at the big square to watch the screen were talking about it in twos and threes, including people on the scene and around the world waiting for the flashing of the indicator light.


With the flashing of the yellow light in the middle, the eyes of the whole world are concentrated.

Because the answer is coming soon!