Super Gene Hunting Ground

Chapter 113: Ice Age

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The transmission station between Shonan University and Xianan University was also opened one week later. However, Yang Xiao limited the capacity of the transmission station. The number of each transmission could not exceed 0, and it could not exceed 20 within one hour. If there is an emergency and the two places need to support each other, adjust the transmission limit temporarily.

The level of genetic evolution of Shonan University has been increased to 5, Xia Nan University has been upgraded, and the urban area across the river has been increased to 8.

The serpent entangled on the Xianghe Bridge is still defending on the bridge. Charlotte once personally took someone to observe in secret. The serpent seemed to have doubled in size and became more terrifying.

The Xiang River has now become a river of terror. The river is full of several meters of giant fish. No one dares to swim in the river, even by boat.

The dense fog within ten kilometers around Xiangnan University has been dispersed, as has Xianan University.

However, the wild is still a large area of ​​unknown danger zone shrouded in dense fog.

Yang Xiao has temporarily obtained a relatively peaceful development period, however, bad weather is coming soon.

Overnight, a northerly wind came and gradually entered winter, and the temperature became lower and lower.

"Yang Xiao, the temperature has recently become colder, and the mutants in the wild have suddenly decreased a lot, and most of them seem to be hiding for the winter."

At dinner, Yang Xiao, Xiao Zhe, Zhao Gang, Huang Wen and others were eating barbecue around the campfire, talking about what happened every day while eating, and arranging some future work.

Long Yongjun is basically inseparable from Yang Xiao now, wherever Yang Xiao goes, he will be by his side.

The job that Huang Wen arranged for Long Yongjun in private was to protect Yang Xiao.

Long Yongjun's dog blood knife method has broken through three levels, coupled with his strength, the combat power is quite horrible.

"The most feared thing now is rain. If it rains, the camp account of this playground will probably be difficult."

The mutated body's resistance in all aspects has been greatly enhanced. For example, in the current cold weather, everyone does not feel very cold, but if the weather continues to become colder, even if it rains and snows, everyone will still be uncomfortable.

"What happened to the school office cleaning?"

Yang Xiao asked.

"The office building has been cleaned and the windows have been nailed to death. If it enters winter, mutants such as ants, mosquitoes and insects will not come out to disturb us, and they will still be able to live safely."

"I hope so, then everyone will stick to the playground for a few days. If the weather continues to get cold, we will move into the office building to live.

Xu Nanqiang, you lead the logistics team to do two things. First, dig all the potatoes out of the field and leave some as seeds for next year. Let Zhao Gang send someone to protect you.

Second, arrange for people to go back to the nearby mountains to cut some more branches back and stack them near the school office building. In case of snow, if it is cold, everyone can burn the fire.

In addition, during this time, pay attention to collecting dried jerky. Once you need to move into the office building, these jerky must also be moved immediately. Potatoes and jerky are our main food for winter, so we must pay attention to keeping them. "

Xu Nanqiang nodded,

"Relax, make sure everyone wears warm clothes and eats well in the winter. During this time, a lot of clothes were collected in the ruins. Basically, everyone has two or three winter clothes to wear. They have been cleaned and dried. I can send it to everyone whenever I need it. "

Yang Xiao nodded, everyone was eating and chatting around the campfire, and then went back to rest.

Yang Xiao found that these days have always been a strange dream, dreaming that he encountered a giant monster in the dark, can not see the overall appearance of the monster, only feel that the monster is huge, only see it every time A part of the body of the monster, especially the monster has a pair of huge palms. Every time the monster will slap itself to him, he wakes up from the dream.

This dream Yang Xiao has been doing for several days in a row.

This evening, Yang Xiao dreamed of this giant beast again and was still awakened by a slap.

"Fuck, hell!"

Yang Xiao woke up in the middle of the night, came out of the camp, and the cold wind blew, feeling his body trembling, hurrying to clasp his arms, and ran to a burning campfire to roast.

Around the bonfire was Xu Nanqiang and others. The logistics team was responsible for the safety of the day and night, including the sentry at night.

"Boss, it's cold, drink a cup of hot water, warm your body."

Xu Nanqiang handed a stainless steel cup to Yang Xiao. The water inside was boiled by the bonfire and was hot.

Yang Xiao nodded, blew a few times, drank half a cup of hot water, and felt his body warmer.

Yang Xiao saw some white powder on Xu Nanqiang's head, reached out and touched it, his tentacles were cold.

"Boss, that's frost. Now it's frosty at night. All of us on duty at night will be covered with a layer of hoarfrost."

"Ah, cold?"

Yang Xiao asked.

"It's okay, I'm used to it, but it feels colder every day, especially at night."

The dense fog within ten kilometers around Shonan University was dispersed. Now the sun shines during the day, so it is not so cold during the day.

Yang Xiao moved inside and walked to the gene store.

The two iron tower warriors at the door were like stone sculptures, standing motionless at the door, and their armor was covered with a thin layer of frost.

Yang Xiao walked into the store, with several crystal lights inside, emitting a bright light.

Gu Bo never seemed to have to sleep. When he saw Yang Xiao coming in, he laughed:

"It's so late, don't you sleep? Are you worried that the country and the people cannot sleep?"

"Oh, your old man guessed exactly, yes, I want to ask you something."

"whats the matter?"

"It's the last days. I'm not sure about the weather. It feels colder and colder. I want to ask you, can you predict the weather in the future?"

Gu Bo smiled,

"I can't predict the future weather, but it's always good to prepare early."

"In case of a big snow storm for several months, I wonder if your gene store will be affected?"

"No, the weather doesn't affect us in any way, the gene store will still open every day, even if no one visits."

"Will the end of the winter be long?"

As soon as Gu Bo was surprised, UU read a book and looked at Yang Xiao.

"What the **** do you want to ask?"

"I wonder if the winter will last long, such as more than six months?"

"I can't tell you this, but I can remind you that there was a world of dinosaurs on earth. How did dinosaurs become extinct?"

Yang Xiao was startled, and the whole man was half threatened, staring blankly at Gu Bo.

Extinction of dinosaurs?

Before the extinction of the dinosaurs, it was not an asteroid that hit the earth, and the earth's atmosphere was shrouded in dense fog and smoke for several years. During this process, the sun was not visible, the temperature dropped, and the organisms became extinct.

God, the Ice Age?

Our sky is shrouded in thick fog, but we don't see the sun. Do we also have to go through the ice age?