Super Gene Hunting Ground

Chapter 1543: I go, and this operation!

Guo Jianglong and pangolin each brought 100,000 elite guards, thirty imperial elites, a total of 200,000 guards, and sixty imperial elites.

In addition, both Jianglong and pangolin are strong in the middle class, and the overall combat power is very powerful.

After crossing Jiang Long and putting on armor, he calculated for Yang Xiao. Although Yang Xiao has more than 60 cities with a total strength of hundreds of thousands, these forces are scattered and it is not easy to gather.

Even if they are gathered together, it is not a day or two thing to form a unified combat effectiveness.

The two assaulted Tianhu City, and when Yang Xiao announced the founding of the country, it was a surprise to kill Yang Xiao.

In addition, in order to be foolproof, the two also prepared a reserve army of 100,000. At this moment, they are stationed in a valley 500 kilometers away from Tianhu City, waiting for the call at any time.

"Pangolins, when we kill them, we will fight Yang Xiao together. We will kill Yang Xiao first, and then we will kill others.

At one time, Yang Xiao had no heads, and those who were forced to join did not really want to follow Yang Xiao. I have arranged a few of them as internal responses. At that time, they rebelled from the inside. When we attacked from the outside, we must be under attack. Defeat Yang Xiao. "

The pangolin patted his breast and said:

"Rest assured, I won't let Yang Xiao down after trying my best this time."

In the blink of an eye, the two men who crossed Jianglong took a 200,000 army to the sky above the forest outside Tianhu City, only five or six kilometers away from Tianhu City.

Jianglong's huge army flew all the way, as if the clouds were overwhelming and mighty.

Yang Xiao arranged sentry posts for two hundred kilometers around the city to supervise the situation outside.

However, most of these sentries were destroyed by Jiang Long's vanguard.

The team of guards who could run to report to Xiao Yang escaped from the disaster.

The pangolin learned that some sentry had escaped, and was a little worried,

"After Jiang Long, Yang Xiao's detection fled, what should we do?"

"Pangolin, there is no retreat. It doesn't matter at this time. Even if Yang Xiao knew it, it was too late to mobilize the army against us.

What we need now is the courage to press together, crush the past directly, and destroy them. "

When Jiang Long shook his arm, he shouted to the army behind him:

"Brothers, Tianhu City has a lot of money. When we break into the city, whoever grabs it will belong to us. The first person to break into Tianhu City will reward millions of wafers.

No matter who killed Yang Xiao, the leader of Tianhu City is his,

Kill! "

The 200,000 guards behind him listened, their spirits rose, they shouted loudly, and charged forward.


A thunderous sound came from the sky.

Guo Jianglong and others suddenly felt that the sun above their heads suddenly dimmed, as if blocked by something.

The crowd took the lead and saw a huge unknown thing appearing overhead, blocking the sunlight above.

A violent murderous gas swelled in an instant, screamed, and covered the heads of the people.

Yang Xiao's earthquake tactics, the maximum attack range can reach about five kilometers before and after, within the attack range, all people bear the attack damage of the imperial primary level without any difference.

With the palm of his hand, Xiao Yang tried his best to shoot all Jiang Long's troops.

"What the **** is this?"

Someone shouted.


The huge palm was directly covered, and more than 100,000 people were instantly photographed in the clouds and fell to the ground.

Both Jianglong and pangolin roared, their fists blasted into the sky, breaking Yang Xiao's earthquake tactics.

There are also sixty powerful men in the imperial middle class. Under the attack of Jiang Long and the pangolin, Yu Wei, they barely broke through Yang Xiao's earthquake and escaped.

However, the more than 100,000 elite guards in the photo were not so good, and all of them were stunned.

Yang Xiao's quake hit the ground directly.


The earth trembled, and the heavens and the earth changed color.

A huge pit appeared on the ground, and more than 90% of the more than 100,000 guards were photographed as meat pie and died on the spot.

People such as Jianglong and Pangolin stood in midair and instantly turned into petrification, staring blankly at the huge pit that appeared on the ground.

They are unbelievable, who has such a powerful combat capability?

Even if it is an extraordinary power in the imperial high-level realm, it is impossible for the group to hurt the soul, and it is the limit to kill thousands of people at once.

Is it an extraordinary power in the holy realm?

It's impossible. How could the superpowers in the holy realm come to mainland China to make this trip to muddy waters?

It was not just people who crossed Jiang Long and Chuan Shan who were shocked.

Hundreds of guests who came to participate in the founding ceremony of the Mid-Continent Empire were also shocked like wooden chickens, shaking their bodies, and could not say a word.

Originally, they thought that Yang Xiao had not forcibly conquered their cities because they thought that Yang Xiao and the Decepticons were fighting, and that their military power was too large to temporarily fight.

However, who can think of Yang Xiao without a soldier and a soldier, it is an easy task to destroy a city by himself.

Such things are terrible to think about.

The 200,000 guards who crossed Jianglong and pangolins died in an instant, and the remaining 50,000 or 60,000 people saw the horror scene with their own eyes, stunned and scared.

"I'm going, what's the matter?"

"Aren't we here to die?"

"I seriously doubt our IQ."


With a flash of light and shadow, a handsome young man stood in the air,

Yang Xiao.

The Jianglong and the pangolin body fought slightly, and a chill rushed directly from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.

Yang Xiao has such terrifying combat power?

Isn't this scientific?

Yang Xiao, like them, are all in the imperial realm.

Jiang Jiang and Pangolin were confident that they could fight Yang Xiao, otherwise, they would not be so confident and rushed over with 200,000 guards, ready to surprise Yang Xiao and surround Tianhu City.

However, it now seems that Yang Xiao gave them a big surprise!

The two had not spoken before Jiang Long, and the two figures flashed. Mr. Da and Xing Zhe came to Yang Xiao and stood left and right.

Both Jianglong and Pangolin felt dry and trembling inside.

According to their expectations, Yang Xiao and Mr. Da are both imperial and middle-level, and they can just fight each other.

However, from the situation that Xing Zhe and Mr. Da flew in just now, Xing Zhe is also an extraordinary power in the imperial middle class.

When did Zhongzhou mainland have another imperial power?

And still so young, it seems that Yang Xiao's subordinates have a respect for Yang Xiao.

What the **** is it today?

Find a witch before going out.

Guo Jianglong and pangolin glanced at each other, stepped forward,

"Maybe it is Yang,"


A thunderous sound came from all directions, everyone looked up, and the dense crowd rushed around in all directions, killing the sky.

Pangolin glanced at ~ ~ casually estimated that there are also 200,000 to 300,000 guards, how can this be good?

They both endured bitterly,

I lost 120,000 to 30,000 soldiers without hitting one move. How can I fight this battle?

There was a flash of light in the pangolin's mind, and he hurried forward, saying loudly:

"Master Yang Cheng, no, Your Majesty, congratulations, congratulations on your establishment of your empire today. We have come to congratulate you,

But why are you trying to kill so many brothers?

Is there any misunderstanding? "

Yang Xiao and others looked at the pangolin with a flash of agitation.

Even Jiang Long was aggressive, and the pangolin's face became too fast, right?

"I'll go, and this operation?"

Xing Zhe muttered. ()