Super God Farm System

Chapter 255: Tower of Babel

The old man Zhou came to the pub in Huaxiang Village, found a table and sat down.

"Oh, boss Zhou is here." The innkeeper hurriedly greeted him.

Boss Zhou nodded, "Give me a drink, I met a little brother today, or let's not get drunk!"

"Good!" The boss greeted him, and hurried to move the wine.

The shop Xiaoer was very discerning and put a large plate of beef slices, three roast chickens, and two pig heads on the table. The table was immediately full.

Soon, a jar of wine was moved here, and Boss Zhou couldn't wait to open the jar, and a strong aroma of wine wafted out.

"It's really good wine." Qin Yunfeng said in admiration.

"Have foresight!" Boss Zhou poured Qin Yunfeng a glass slowly, and several other old men also set up their wine jars.

"Senior, I heard you..."

"Don't worry," Boss Zhou patted Qin Yunfeng on the shoulder, "I know what you want to say, just leave it to me for invitations!"

Qin Yunfeng felt relieved after hearing the assurance from Boss Zhou.

Next, Qin Yunfeng was able to see the amount of alcohol used by Boss Zhou. They didn't care about the bowl of alcohol, but directly drank it from the wine jar.

Qin Yunfeng also drank a lot, feeling his head floated.

This place was like a paradise, which made Qin Yunfeng relax his vigilance.

Finally, Qin Yunfeng was overwhelmed, and Mr. Zhou and others all had a good time.

"Oh, young man, I still have to practice drinking." Boss Zhou sighed and directly carried Qin Yunfeng on his shoulders and left Huaxiang Village.

It was late at this time, and there was no one on the road.

"Old Zhou, can this young man trust it?" an old man asked at this moment.

Elder Zhou laughed, "Meeting is fate. They are all young people, so how about helping him?"

Several people returned to Lvshu Village talking and laughing. Boss Zhou brought Qin Yunfeng back to his bookstore directly.

The rooms in the bookstore are not big, just enough to put a bed and a cabinet, but they are like a building, all on several floors.

Boss Zhou threw Qin Yunfeng directly on the bottom bed, then walked to the second floor and fell asleep on the bed.

Early the next morning, Qin Yunfeng got up from the bed, only feeling a little groggy in his head. It seems that the wine in Huaxiang Village is not only delicious, but also good.

He heard that Boss Zhou was still asleep, so he opened the door and walked out.

The air here is extremely fresh, it really feels like a paradise, everyone looks very satisfied, and it doesn't match the name Ghost Claw Canyon at all.

People smiled and greeted Qin Yunfeng when they saw Qin Yunfeng, which made Qin Yunfeng's tight heart relaxed.

When it was almost noon, Boss Zhou got up slowly.

"Boss Zhou, I don't know when this Tongtian Road will be held?" Qin Yunfeng asked.

Boss Zhou frowned, "It should be three days later, don't worry, I will take you to ask for an invitation now."

"That's really thank you senior." Qin Yunfeng said with his hands.

Boss Zhou waved his hand and led Qin Yunfeng away from Lvshu Village, walking slowly to the west along the road. On the road, Qin Yunfeng saw a lot of stalls on the side of the road.

Boss Zhou bought two steamed buns, but Qin Yunfeng had no appetite to eat.

After eating the buns, Boss Zhou grabbed Qin Yunfeng, flew into the air, and started on his way.

After half an hour, they almost traversed the entire Ghost Claw Canyon and came to a tall tower.

"This is the Tongtian Tower, and they hosted Tongtian Road." Zhou Boss said lightly.

Qin Yunfeng nodded. This tall tower is about a few hundred meters high, and the diameter of the base is also hundreds of meters wide. The higher it goes, the narrower it gets. Under the Tongtian Tower, Qin Yunfeng is smaller than the little ant.

"This Tongtian Pagoda, but it was carved out of a complete tree." Boss Zhou said.

Qin Yunfeng was surprised, "A complete tree? What a big tree is that?"

"At least a few hundred thousand years ago, at this time that tree is still alive, and under the Tongtian Tower is the root of this big tree!" Zhou Boss said something more shocking.

It seems that Boss Zhou liked the appearance of Qin Yunfeng who had never seen the world, and smiled and walked into the Tongtian Tower.

The Tongtian Pagoda is the name of this tall, and it is also the name of this sect. They are called the Tongtian Pagoda, but the total number of disciples in the sect is only fifty or sixty, plus the elder head, only about seventy.

"Lao Zhou, you are here." A disciple of the Tower of Tower of Heaven saw that Mr. Zhou came over and said hello with a smile.

Boss Zhou nodded, "Is Tian Qing on the mountain at this time?"

"Yes, the leader has been preparing for Tongtian Road." The disciple replied.

"Okay, I have something to find him." Boss Zhou said lightly.

"Please," the disciple said with a smile.

Boss Zhou led Qin Yunfeng slowly to the top of Tongtian Tower. The stairs were built on the inner wall of Tongtian Tower. You can reach the top of Tongtian Tower along the stairs!

After a while, the two of them arrived at the top floor of the Tongtian Tower. From here, the whole ghost claw land can be seen!

The top floor is the same as the bottom. There are several rooms and a living room in the middle. At this time, a gentle-looking man is sitting in the living room thinking hard.

"Tianqing, what are you up to?" Boss Zhou came up and shouted.

Seeing Boss Zhou, Tian Qing hurriedly got up and saluted, "It turned out to be Old Zhou, why are you free to come over today?"

"Oh, it's no big deal, just bring this junior to ask you for an invitation for the Tongtianhui." Zhou Boss said lightly.

"It's enough to let people know, why is it so troublesome." Tian Qing said with a smile.

Qin Yunfeng was a little surprised at the back, it seemed that Boss Zhou had an unusual relationship with the head of the Tongtian Pagoda.

"Is this little brother Zhou Lao's junior?" Tian Qing asked.

Qin Yunfeng hurriedly arched his hands, "In the next Qin season, I also just met Boss Zhou."

"You can reach this state at such a young age. Little brother is not an ordinary person." Tian Qing said with a smile.

"The head is overwhelming." Qin Yunfeng smiled modestly.

"Well, Zhou Lao and the little brother wait a moment, I'll get the invitation." Tian Qing said.

Soon, Tian Qing took an invitation and handed it to Qin Yunfeng's hand, without asking anything else.

Boss Zhou nodded, "Azure, is there anything I can do for help? To put it bluntly, my old bones are still useful."
