Super God Farm System

Chapter 82: Demon

"Help, help!" Da Qiao jumped off Wangcai and shouted.

The disciple guarding the gate was very confused when he saw Da Qiao, "Who are you and what happened?"

Da Qiao hurriedly stepped forward, "Help, Qin Yunfeng, you are the disciple of Shen Medicine Sect. He is crazy, go and save him!"

"Qin Yunfeng?" The disciple who guarded the gate was taken aback when he heard the name.

This name is very resounding in the Medicine God Sect, and they also saw Wangcai, the big dog next to Qin Yunfeng.

"Okay, wait here, I'll report!" a disciple said, hurriedly running towards the mountain.

This disciple found the elder who was on duty today, and the elder thought about what happened to Qin Yunfeng.

The elders in the door are actually very united. This elder also heard about Cao Yuan, and felt a little uneasy for Cao Yuan.

But he also heard that the head of the boss is very optimistic about Qin Yunfeng, even if Qin Yunfeng refused to become a core disciple, he still took good care of him.

"Forget it, kid, whether you can live to the head depends on your own destiny." The elder sneered.

"You go back, just say that I'm going to inform the head. This kind of thing can only be solved if the head is out." The elder said coldly.

The disciple hurriedly turned and ran out.

This elder didn't plan not to tell the head of this matter, but he planned to delay it. If Qin Yunfeng is unlucky and can't make it through to the head, then it's his own problem!

"Ding! The gloat from Feng Liang +66"

At this time, Qin Yunfeng, who was far away in the black earth, suddenly received such a notification tone, but at this time he did not have the time to check it.

Qin Yunfeng closed his eyes, let the cool pond water give him a clear mind, and forced himself into a cultivation state, but the situation in his body was not optimistic at this time.

The exercises were reversed, the vitality was out of control, and even the position of the dantian was uneasy, and it became hot.

"Damn it, **** it, how can you be crazy!"

Qin Yunfeng was cursing in his heart, and he also knew his current situation, he must have gone crazy.

Knowing that he only has one year, Qin Yunfeng's pressure in his heart is immense, with fear and unwillingness, and various emotions have made Qin Yunfeng out of control.

So he brutally killed the two brothers of Zhang Da Zhang and Xiaobao. Although the two of them were dead, they irritated Qin Yunfeng even more.

So when Wan Mingzhi brought three apprentices to retake the beast fire, Qin Yunfeng broke out completely and lost his reason!

At this moment, Qin Yunfeng suddenly opened his eyes!

"This is where?"

Qin Yunfeng looked at the strange environment in front of him, feeling a little surprised.

It was empty here, there was nothing around, and he seemed to be standing on the water, his reflection clearly reflected under his feet.

"Am I at the bottom of the pond?" Qin Yunfeng murmured.

At this moment, a ripple rippled over, shattering Qin Yunfeng's reflection. He turned his head and looked around, and found another himself!

The other Qin Yunfeng slowly walked to the opposite side of Qin Yunfeng, with a cruel and lewd smile on his face and his eyes flushed!

"What are you?" Qin Yunfeng asked sharply.

The Qin Yunfeng laughed, "I am you, the two of us are originally one!"

"No," Qin Yunfeng looked at the other self warily, "You are not me, you are my demon!"

"Hahaha, whether you say I am the demon, or you, only one of us can get out of here." The demon said coldly.

Qin Yunfeng finally understood it at this time. At this time, the place he was located was exactly a place similar to a spiritual space, and the heart demon transformed himself into another one here.

If he is swallowed by the heart demon, then he will completely become a monster who only knows to kill!

"I won't swallow you!" Qin Yunfeng said coldly, clenching his fist instantly.

The two rushed towards each other at the same time, with a whirring sound in their fists, and the two became entangled in an instant!

The heart demon relied on Qin Yunfeng's evil thoughts. It can be said to be another evil Qin Yunfeng, so the two have the same moves, the same cultivation base, the same realm, and even the same thoughts!

In an instant, the two exchanged no less than a hundred punches, and then they separated suddenly.

"Hahaha, I am immortal, just like this, let's continue!" The heart demon said frantically, the red in his eyes became more intense, and a white mist appeared under his feet, and he rushed to Qin Yunfeng in an instant!

Qin Yunfeng didn't have any weapons here, and was already out of breath at this time. He didn't know how to defeat him!

The inner demon became more and more courageous as he fought and gradually gained the upper hand.

He must work hard, if he doesn't work hard, he can only become the heart demon, not Qin Yunfeng!

Finally, the heart demon bombarded Qin Yunfeng's face with a punch, causing Qin Yunfeng to fly straight out, and fell heavily to the ground like water.

"Hahaha, Qin Yunfeng, you are about to die, do you have any last words?" The heart demon grinned, his palms gradually bent, and his nails grew quickly!

The heart demon at this time is like a demon with long nails!

Qin Yunfeng clutched his chest and slowly stood up. He was exhausted at this time.

"I know, if you want to defeat yourself, you must surpass yourself." Qin Yunfeng said lightly.

"What are you using to fight me?"

The demon of the heart screamed, using the cloud technique, constantly changing his body shape in the air, and rushed to Qin Yunfeng, a series of afterimages made Qin Yunfeng's eyes blurred.

Simply, Qin Yunfeng closed his eyes, and suddenly grasped it out of thin air with his right hand, as if grabbing a weapon!

He turned around and ran quickly, always holding a weapon in his hand.

The heart demon knew Qin Yunfeng himself well.

"You used a drag knife to cut, but you don't have a knife!" The heart demon's voice seemed to be heard from all directions, echoing with echoes!

But what the inner demon didn't see was the water-like ground. At this time, a trace really appeared, drawing a long ripple, and then spreading out in all directions.

"Drag with a knife!"

Qin Yunfeng closed his eyes and stopped abruptly. Using his body as the axis, he slashed out with a long knife in his hand!

"go to hell!"

The heart demon also came to Qin Yunfeng at this time, ten sharp long nails directly pierced Qin Yunfeng's heart!


There was a trembling sound of the blade, and the heart demon's body was directly turned into two halves!

Qin Yunfeng really has an invisible knife in his hand!

"You lost." Qin Yunfeng opened his eyes and said coldly.
