Super God Farm System

Chapter 83: Ask for help

The demon who had become two halves was full of unwillingness, but after a while, the evil smile appeared on his face again.

"Hahaha, Qin Yunfeng, I will not die, I will stare at you at any time, as long as you relax a little, I will appear again! Hahaha, hahaha..."

After speaking, the two halves of the inner demon's body turned into two black smoke, which dissipated directly, but the evil laugh of the inner demon still echoed here.

Qin Yunfeng looked at his empty hand and smiled silently.

Just now at a critical moment, Qin Yunfeng actually felt his own soul power. In this space, soul power can condense into substance, so Qin Yunfeng really has an invisible long knife in his hand!

At this time, the long sword slowly dissipated, and the space here suddenly began to shatter.

Qin Yunfeng closed his eyes again, then opened it suddenly!

At this time, he was considered to be back in the world, everything just now seemed like a dream. But Qin Yunfeng knew that this dream was extremely real.

If he died in a dream, then the one who wakes up at this time is the demon!

Qin Yunfeng felt that his breath had reached the limit, so he rushed out from the bottom of the pond!

Xiao Qiao, who was sitting by the pond, was taken aback at this moment, and ran back several steps before stopping.

Qin Yunfeng peeked out of the pond, saw Xiao Qiao's appearance, and shook his head helplessly, "Sorry Xiao Qiao, I scared you before, I promise I won't do it again!"

Xiao Qiao immediately cried when she heard this. She ran forward and hugged Qin Yunfeng fiercely.

Qin Yunfeng felt a piece of softness on his head, and his nosebleeds flowed out.

"Oh, Feng Brother, you are bleeding!" Xiao Qiao felt a moment of moisture on his chest, and quickly looked down and found that Qin Yunfeng was bleeding crazily at this time.

"It doesn't matter, it's a nosebleed..." Qin Yunfeng waved his hand indifferently, still with an expression of enjoyment.

"No, Brother Feng, your ears and eyes are bleeding!" Xiao Qiao said with a look of horror.

Qin Yunfeng felt something wrong at this time. He hurriedly jumped out of the pond, only to find that his body had no strength at all, and blood was pouring out of his mouth!

He hurriedly checked his own situation and found that the meridians in his body had already been messed up, and countless meridians were entangled, causing his vitality to become violent at this time, running around, blood flowing back!

Even if the danger of the inner demon has passed, Qin Yunfeng's situation is still not optimistic at this time!

He hurriedly sat down cross-legged and began to sort out his meridians, dredge his vitality, and save his body.

However, too many meridians in his body were entangled, and some of them were still knotted. It is not easy to separate them.

Xiao Qiao walked around anxiously, but couldn't wait for Da Qiao's figure.

"Sister, Brother Feng, you two must not have an accident!" Xiao Qiao prayed silently in his heart.

At this time, Da Qiao, who was under the Medicine God Sect, was extremely anxious.

"Why haven't you come yet, why haven't you come?" Da Qiao asked the two disciples who guarded the gate.

But the two disciples didn't know what was going on, "This girl, you should be patient. The elder has already notified the head, it should be soon."

"That's what you said an hour ago, no, I'm going to find your head personally!" Da Qiao said, about to rush into the Medicine God Sect.

But how dare these two disciples let Da Qiao in, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop her. Wangcai rushed out at this time, and it jumped directly in front of Da Qiao. With a light swing of his body, he shook out the two disciples.

Da Qiao took the opportunity to rush into the gate of God of Medicine Sect and shouted, "Help, come!"

The sound awakened many disciples, and they all walked out, looking strangely at the woman who was calling for help at night.

Elder Feng Liang also heard Da Qiao's voice, and he was a little flustered.

He deliberately delayed time and didn't report the head Qin Yunfeng's madness, but at this time he couldn't help it.

"Shut up, yelling into He Titong in the Medicine God Sect, I will report to the head, you wait again." Feng Liang jumped out and said coldly.

Da Qiao nodded when he saw Feng Liang.

Feng Liang went directly to the top of the mountain. Behind the Medicine Shenzong Hall, there was a residential area where the head and the elders lived.

"Head, there is a woman at the foot of the mountain begging to see him, saying that Qin Yunfeng, the disciple of the door, has gotten into trouble and wants to send someone to rescue him." Feng Liang knelt in the hall and said in a deep voice.

Soon, the head of the East Xiangming's figure appeared in the hall.

"Take me there," Dong said clearly.

Feng Guangliang nodded and led Dong Xiangming to the foot of the mountain.

"This is the head of our Medicine Shenzong, so I won't kneel down yet." Feng Liang said coldly when he saw Da Qiao.

When Da Qiao heard this, he would kneel down in a hurry. If she can save Qin Yunfeng, she can do anything.

However, a gentle force dragged her down, and Dong Xiangming smiled slightly, "It's not my disciple of Shen Shenzong, don't need to kneel on me, what happened?"

"After we and Feng Ge returned from Nanwu City, Feng Ge's condition was a bit wrong, and then it seemed like he was crazy, almost hurting us..."

Da Qiao told Dong Xiangming about the matter briefly.

"Bold, this Qin Yunfeng dared to lead people into the black soil!" Feng Liang keenly caught Qin Yunfeng's mistake.

"It's not to blame Brother Feng," Da Qiao said hurriedly, "We were robbed by robbers and our lives were not saved. Brother Feng saved us and let us live. If we need to punish us, we should punish the two sisters! "

"Huh," Dong Fang glanced at Feng Liang coldly. The look that seemed to be able to see through made Feng Liang's body goose bumps. "Girl, take me back soon. I'm afraid it will be too late. ."

Da Qiao knew the seriousness of the matter and nodded quickly.

At this time Dong Xiangming turned his head and looked at Erha, obviously surprised, but he soon returned to normal.

"I'll take you back faster," Dong Xiang said lightly.

"What about Wangcai?" Da Qiao asked.

"It should know the way by itself," Dong Xiangming said.

Wangcai's eyes clearly showed a sense of disdain, which seemed to mean: "Who do you look down on!"

Da Qiao hugged Wangcai's head, she was almost as tall as Wangcai...

"Wangcai, can you go home by yourself? We have to go back and save Brother Feng first."

Wangcai nodded humanely, and ran out first, and disappeared after a while.
