Super God Gene

Chapter 2392: One of the king

Inductively entangled in the two forces in the body, Han Sen's look did not change much.

He has already thought about the way to deal with external forces, but now it is just a lot more power, and the situation is not too bad.

The mind was moved, and the spell was summoned by Hansen and turned into a girl's appearance.

Hansen himself is working hard to run the tunnel mysteriously. It is difficult to balance the other, but the spell itself is already a living body. She can run the power of the gene story by herself without going through Hansen's body control.

The mantra communicated with Hansen's mind, and naturally understood Hansen's mind. He immediately ran the power of the gene story and pressed one hand to Hansen's forehead.

A light letter printed on Hansen's forehead, suddenly blended into the flesh and blood, so Hansen's flesh and blood have stopped changing, even the body of the holy blood and the nine-tailed Meihu tattoo are like a fixed, stopped Everything is active.

However, it only lasted for less than a second. The Holy Blood and the nine-tailed Meihu tattoo began to move again and gradually returned to normal.

The spell directly pulled out the double guns, and shot on Hansen's body continuously. A bullet hit the Hansen body with a bullet of eternal solidification force, and the various parts of Hansen's body were continuously solidified.

Hansen himself moved the tunnel to the limit and began to attack the kingdom.

The whole world has become a gear machine that has been bitten together in the eyes of Hansen, and Hansen’s own gear is huge, like steel casting, it can’t be around the pinion, it is bitten with its gear, want to push This life cosmic gear needs to drive all the nearby gears to work together.

Hansen madly runs the tunnel mysteriously, and goes to the life of the cosmic gear. At the same time, he is guided by the power of the holy blood and the nine-tailed fox.

Under the continuous shooting of the spell, Hansen's body is mostly eternally cured, although the strength of the cure is not enough to completely bind the holy blood and the nine-tailed fox, but the original intention of the spell is not solidified. they.

The spell uses the eternal solidifying power to condense into a channel in Hansen's body, that is, the channel through which the tunnel runs through, and the body of flesh and blood except the passage is eternally solidified.

Two horrible forces came in and suddenly rushed along the passage, and under the guidance of Hansen’s tunnel Xuan Jing, they rushed toward the cosmic gear.


The power of terror struck the gear of the sacred universe, causing the gear to tremble slightly. Although it did not work, Hansen saw a glimmer of hope.

Before Hansen tried his best, it was difficult to let the cosmic cosmic gear move. Now there is already a reaction under one blow, and the hope of pushing it will increase.

Condensed and closed, Hansen kept running the tunnel mysteriously, guiding the two forces to impact the gears, and each time they could make the gear move.

As more and more forces are guided by the tunnel, the gears move more and more, and the nearby gears are also trembled. It is like a machine that has been dusty for many years. It is slowly At the start, the dust shook down from the machine, and the vitality and vitality were brewing in it.

The curse looks indifferent, and the shots are kept on and off to maintain the passage in Hansen's body.

Eternal solidified flesh and blood is like a dam, and the power of the holy blood and the nine-tailed fox is flooding. Now they all follow the river, but once the dam is destroyed, the power will suddenly scatter, Hansen The body caused a devastating blow.

The power of eternal solidification is only the Duke level. The dam formed is not enough to completely trap the flood. The spell can only be reinforced continuously, and it can barely support the dam without being washed away by the flood.

boom! boom! boom!

Hansen hit the life gear again and again, causing the gear to rotate again and again, but each time it only moved a small distance. Once the impact force passed, the gear stopped.

"My life gear is really too big. I want to push it and make it rotate automatically. It is really too difficult." Hansen secretly exclaimed.

Under the impact of these two forces, it is still not possible to completely push the gears to work, which is more difficult than Hansen originally imagined.

Fortunately, Hansen chose to break through the tunnel, and can clearly see the existence of those cosmic gears, which can impact the gears at the most labor-saving angle. If you change other genetic techniques, you can feel the relationship between yourself and the universe. The connection, the invisible existence of those gears, the promotion is even more difficult.

"The two forces are too scattered. If it is just such a shock, it is impossible to let the cosmic universe gear work." Han Sen secretly thought, and soon had an idea.

Hansen’s mind was moved, and the spell had already understood his mind. The double gun changed the direction of the shot, which changed the channel of the breath in Hansen’s body.

The two forces are guided into different passages, and then through the passage of the passage, and finally intertwined like a hinge, on the Hansen's life-space gear.


With the impact of the two forces, the hinge pulled the gear and slowly moved. The life gear slowly rotates, and the cosmic gear that is engaged with it slowly rotates.

Hansen’s heart was overjoyed, constantly guiding the two forces to continue to pull the gear.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and as the gear gradually turns, the speed slowly rises.

Hey! Hey!

Between the gears running, Hansen felt that the whole body seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, as if the power was starting to start, and the power was constantly flowing in the body.

Between the countless gears, Hansen seems to see a little brighter light behind the gears, the faster the gears turn, the brighter the light.


Driven by the chain of the Holy Blood and the nine-tailed fox, the cosmic gear has turned like a fly, and the light inside the gear is burning like the sun, as if it can melt everything, then Hansen I felt that my body was light, and my life cosmic gear didn't need his power to push it.

The invisible field opens instantly and expands outward from Hansen's body, forming a strange invisible field.

"Dong Xuan warfare promoted to a king-level field."

"Successful!" Hansen was very happy in his heart. He was finally promoted to the rank of king. Although it was only one weight, it was the most important step.

Between the rotation of countless gears, Hansen seemed to hear the sound of the metal door being pushed open, and the surrounding space was shaken and cracked. After those gears, a door was slowly driven by the gears, and Hansen’s body was suddenly sucked. Go in.