Super God Gene

Chapter 2684: Promotion half-step deification

The power of Shalai’s fist is terrible. Hansen has no intention of dodging. He can only move his left hand and turn into a fist to gather strength.

"Why! It’s better to lose than to die." The Meihu woman in the distance sighed.

Not far behind Hansen is the enchantment. He can completely teleport before the punch hurts him. It seems to be his only choice, but he has not done so. He still has to continue with the remains. fighting.

However, in his current state, it is impossible to stop Shale’s fist.

"I don't know how to live and die, kill him..." Li Yuzhen clenched his fists excitedly, his eyes were red, and he almost screamed.

Li Xuecheng is almost the same. They know that there should be no more accidents this time. They can win this bet.

Hansen’s current state is hard to bear this punch. As a result, there are only two possibilities. It’s not dead or disagreeable. No matter which result, Hansen can’t continue fighting anymore. No one can stop Shalai’s gaining silkworms. The first place in the battle.


Hansen’s fist hit the horrible punching force, and the armor of the fist and arm was broken in an instant. Hansen’s entire body was bombarded. While flying, the mantra of the mantra was like a Butterfly-like scattered out.

"It's over!" The elders of the Apocalypse lamented their own apocalypse.

Both Linglong and Li Kerer have also changed their face. Although Hansen has never given up in his heart, he has been conveying his thoughts that he can continue. However, even the heroic armor has been broken, and Hansen has been hit hard. It’s good to keep a small life, and you can continue to fight.

Now they only hope that Hansen is not directly killed by this punch, and Linglong almost has to teleport into the enchantment to save people.

Many of the Taishang people who bought Hansen’s first are also dumb, Hansen has tried his best, but the gap between the king and the deification is too great. Shalai is too strong. Sen, just thinking about what they lost, but still can't help but drop blood.

Only Li Yuzhen and Li Xuecheng almost jumped up and excited, almost together.

After this war, they won everything, and the resources they obtained could almost support them to be promoted to the butterfly level, not to mention a few invaluable treasures.


Hansen’s body hit the enchantment again. Li Yuzhen and Li Xuecheng were all ready to clap their hands, but suddenly they were there.

Not only they, everyone stunned, Hansen’s body hit the enchantment, but did not fall, it was suspended there.

The broken body is emitting strange waves that are invisible to the naked eye, and the whole body seems to be shrouded in white light.

But when I looked carefully, I found that it was not white light, but a white powder like dust. The white powder was gathering rapidly on Hansen's body.

Just in the blink of an eye, Hansen’s body was once again wrapped up in white armor, and the original spell that had been shattered appeared on him again, and it became new.

No, it was stronger than before it was damaged. The spells on the mantra of the mantra flashed, and the horror of the horror of the horror, so that Hansen was wrapped in the light of the sacred light, as if it were from the Holy Mountain.

"He was promoted to half a step of deification!" Linglong and Li Kerer first responded, they can clearly perceive that Hansen's power is exploding in a geometric shape.

"At this time, I was promoted to a half-step god... This guy is really strange..." Many of the Taishang people who watched the battle were surprised.

It is not impossible to promote the rank in wartime, but the promotion itself needs strength as a support. Like Shalai, his body stores the power of the fruit of the fruit, and it is powerful enough, so that it can be promoted to the deification in the battle. level.

However, Hansen’s body has been smashed, and the battle armor has been broken. In this situation of serious injury, it is theoretically impossible to say.

However, Hansen was promoted to a half-step deification in this state, which made everyone very puzzled.

"What about the promotion of half-step deification? Half-step deification is still only a king, still not the opponent of Shalai." Li Xuecheng said with a bite.

He is very reluctant to see the current situation, only hope that Shalai will quickly solve Hansen.

Shalai looked at Han Sen, but did not like Li Xuecheng thought.

"You are really amazing guy, you can be promoted in half of the way in that situation." Shalai looked at Hansen.

"Fortunately." Hansen said with a smile.

Sha Lai shook his head seriously and said: "There is nothing in this world that is lucky. Just like those who have planted lottery tickets, everyone feels that they are lucky, but luck is good, if he does not buy, nor May be in the middle."

Hansen didn't say anything, he really didn't rely on luck.

Before Shale’s punch, Hansen finally realized the key to the half-step deification of the nine-fold field of genetics, so he would hardly pick up the punch, and by the force of that punch, the spell armor was Destroy and reshape.

"But unfortunately, if you are promoted to the level of deification, then today you can really win a victory..." Shalai said with some regret.

"It's the same now. I've said it before, our battle is not over yet," Hansen said faintly.

Shalais shook his head and said nothing. He admitted that Hansen was strong, but half-step deification was still within the king's level. He was a big grader. He didn't think Hansen had the ability to confront him.

"Han brother, stop here today, the sun **** suit is temporarily placed in my place. After you are promoted to deification, you can come to fight with me at any time. If you win, you can take the sun **** suit." Shalai thought about it.

A good opponent, such as a spirit, if the year is not enough, it will have some aftertaste. Shalai wants to wait until Hansen is promoted to deify and then fight with him.

However, Hansen did not have the patience to wait until that time, seeing Shalai refused to do it, and he did not say much, and his palm was a knife, and a fang was directly directed at Shalai.

Shalai slightly frowned, has decided to quickly end the battle, once again condensed the power of magic, **** the magic lion rushed toward Han Sen's body.

Like the last time, the magic lion that Shalai’s boxing force directly rushed into Hansen’s body, and the power of Hansen was transformed into the same as Shalai’s.

"How many times are the same again, Hansen this guy does not understand, as long as his power becomes the same as Shalai, it will never be Shalai's opponent..." Li Xuecheng's words did not finish, but suddenly stopped.

The power of magicalization rushed into Hansen’s body, but Hansen’s power was not as magical as the last time. The toothbrush that the palm of the hand smashed out was still purple, and it was not demonized. The influence of force.