Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 115: Asset valuation of 340 billion

十 10 am.

The Liuliu Mountain Building ushered in an unprecedented lively scene.

People from all walks of life who were invited to Lihang City arrived. The reporters and media also gathered in Tiannan Haibei.

Even reporters with national TV stations and some important foreign media have begun to broadcast the news conference live.

"Time is up, quickly, the press conference has begun."

Someone shouted, and then the outside people speeded up.

After entering the Liuliumanxing Building, turn left. The first building is an intelligent conference building. There are more than a dozen conference rooms of various sizes, in addition to some storage rooms and the like.

The largest conference room is packed with thousands of people.

Liu Liu, the host, briefly explained the press conference on the stage, and then invited Chen Lang to the stage.


The applause rang, and Chen Lang took the microphone and went to the podium.

The rostrum is located in the forefront of the conference room. Behind Chen Lang is a large LCD screen.

"Technology has changed life!"

The six big characters appeared on the display the moment Chen Lang came to power.

Then, without Chen Lang's opening, the history of Chen Lang's journey along the screen began to appear on the screen, and all these history happened in the world within two months.

First is the second world.

Followed by Tianhong Industry, Chen Steel, and even the scene where Chen Lang and Lao Ma signed an agreement.

His Majesty sent thousands of people all uplifted. They may not be interested in the front, but the signing of the agreement in the back can definitely arouse their excitement.

协议 What agreement is that?

What cooperation did Chen Lang have with those big brothers?

You know, except for places like Internet conferences, the scene where these big men gather together is extremely rare.

"You are welcome, everyone!"

浪 Chen Lang opened his mouth, smiled slightly, and then reached for the display behind him, and the magic world game appeared in the display.

Along with all kinds of data, even some pictures.

"Technology changes life, innovation changes life, this is the magic world.

Magic World was born a month and a half ago. At the beginning of its creation, it was just a page game that could only accommodate thousands of players.

的 Anyone who knows the history of our company should know that it was the most difficult time in the beginning of the company. "

Chen Lang said here, can not help but fall into contemplation.

"At that time, as a game developer, although I had hundreds of millions of assets at home, instead of asking for money from the family, I lived in an ordinary apartment and ate instant noodles with ham and eggs every day. Just to save money on server purchases. "


Thousands of people stunned beneath me.

Brother Yun, are you sure you are telling your own history of struggle, not pretending to be forced?

Is it too obvious?

"But I can't afford it." Chen Lang said again: "So I thought of a good way, crowdfunding! Here, I want to thank Dream Crowdfunding Network."

At the bottom corner, the owner of Dream Crowdfunding Network, who came from Modu, was suddenly surprised.

I wipe this wave and I want fire.

"It's their lack of a bottom line that made me get my first bucket of gold."


Dream the crowdfunding boss directly spit blood.

Chen Lang continues.

"After I got the first bucket of gold, I bought a server, changed my address, and I moved into a big villa."


There were thousands of people below, and all of them felt toothache for a while.

I lived in a villa just when I started my business.

"In the big villa, the second world technology company was established." Chen Langzhi said with pride, "I felt at the time that all the birth of the sky was born from thick accumulation."

Are you thick? Oh, are you thick there?

"Because I insist!"

Chen Lang said bluntly: "Without my insistence, there would be no magic world. Without my insistence, maybe I would have the same idea of ​​selling hundreds of thousands of people in the initial stage of the product as my little brother."

Your uncle!

Lao Tzu to support you, do you expose my black history?

Backstage, Pony's face is black.

"As the saying goes, people move to death and trees move to live. Because they moved into the big villa, the company ushered in Liu's first hand. President Liu took the initiative to invite me to eat during my most difficult period, even on the first day of employment. moved."

Liu Yi, one side, was relieved.

虽然 "Although I know that he is worried that his job is gone, he is making a flatter of me." Chen Lang said again.


Below me, looking at Liu's trembling hands, Xiao Xiaoai couldn't help covering his face.

Boss, please, hurry up to the topic, you will betray your relatives before you pretend.

"Well, let's not talk about that."

浪 Chen Lang obviously felt a lot of killing eyes, and his heart was cold, and he was serious: "The magic world has changed not only my life, but also the lives of many young people."

I said, data and information were displayed on the big screen.

"In this month, hundreds of thousands of professional players were born in the magic world. They are not professional in e-sports, but they are professional in making money in the game ~ ~ They are like working, as early as nine In the evening, he worked eight hours a day and worked eight hours overtime to earn more money than normal work.

It is them who created the finance of the magic world, and it is they who bring joy to the normal players of the magic world.

At the same time, in more than a month, the magic world has completed its own transformation, from a small workshop in the past to the largest and hottest online game in the world today.

At the same time, the number of online players has exceeded 10 million, and the total number of registered players has reached 30 million according to the real-name system.

相信 We believe that with the continuous development of technology and the increasing number of players, the magic world will eventually become the second world of human beings, as I think. "

After talking about the magic world, Chen Lang talked about Tianhong Industry and other companies.

After everything is introduced, Chen Lang officially announces.

"I announced that from this moment on, Super God Technology Group officially started operations. The chairman of the group is Chen Lang, which is me, the CEO is also me, and the vice president of the group is Liu Yishou and Sun Tianhong.

Super God Technology Holdings is as follows: Second World 100%, Tianhong Industry 100%, Free Security 100%, Chen's Steel 100%, Chen's Mining 100%, Tianke Energy 56.25%.

Chaochao Technology has a registered capital of 100 billion yuan. After the integration, the initial valuation of the assets is 310 billion yuan. "

"This is impossible!!!"

His Majesty issued, all major media and people from all walks of life, but everyone who has a certain understanding of Chen Lang stood up in shock.

The major companies are fortunate to say that although Chen's Mining and Tianke Energy have not heard of it, it may be a company built by Chen Lang.

But what about assets? ?

310 billion valuation?

You guessed it?