Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 166: Biological genes

Chen Lang said indifferently: "The four gadgets have mastered the national channels. The medicine of the deep valley is either sold to them, they pass it down, or they do n’t sell it. Otherwise, they wo n’t work beyond them. No one wants to take over, or else you think 7 billion can buy this large pharmaceutical company? "

"Then Li Jianguo, that's really bad luck."

Lin Bei couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the words, and then said to Chen Lang: "It doesn't need a wholesale price, it's a bit cheaper, 4 yuan 5, contact a friend, go over these purchasers and sell directly in the hospital."

"No need to!"

Chen Lang shook his head. "It's time for welfare. All the drugs in stock are sold at wholesale price. As long as someone buys them, they will be given to the pharmacy or the hospital! But it is necessary to sign an agreement to prohibit the hoarding of price increases. More than 5 bucks. "

"Boss, you ..."

As a doctor, Lin Bei naturally understands what the price reduction means.

He couldn't help looking at Chen Lang with a complex face, took a deep breath, and solemnly said, "I promise to complete the task, and within one month, empty all the medicines in stock."

After speaking, he couldn't help looking at Chen Lang, and sighed, "Boss, you should understand that this is a violation of the rules of the industry. There is nothing to sell this batch of drugs, but follow-up ... We are afraid that it will become the nail of the eye of all my colleagues in the pharmaceutical industry.

"No problem!"

Chen Lang smiled slightly and said: "The follow-up company is going to produce biological gene drugs. We don't sell these ordinary drugs, so we are not afraid of being suppressed. Besides, I, Chen Lang, can they suppress it?"

"All right, I'll listen to you."

Lin Bei smiled bitterly, and then couldn't help but wonder: "Boss, biological gene medicine, is it true?"

"Can I still sell fake medicine?"

Chen Lang couldn't help crying, thinking for a while, and said to Lin Bei: "Forget it, it's not a secret anyway, it will be officially announced after a while, I can tell you directly.

Biological genetic medicine, research is successful.

Perfect, no side effects!

Repair genetic errors, strengthen your genes, and make up for genetic defects.

The injection of genetic agents can enhance the genes of ordinary people, break the upper limit, and reach perfection after exercise.

What is perfect?

Not only the power, speed, five senses, etc. are greatly improved, but even the appearance of the person is slightly improved.

You can say that.

After injecting the gene medicine, after a period of exercise, you can achieve no scars, no acne, and even acne pits can be repaired. Some diseases and the like can be automatically restored.

Even cancer can play a role in inhibiting and long-term slow recovery.

People who inject genetic drugs can be immune to 99.8% of the diseases known in the world and produce antibodies. Since then, except for some rare diseases, humans can be completely insulated from diseases.

What do you think will be the use of those medicines after our gene medicines are launched?

The wholesale price is now processed. If it can be post-processed, the wholesale price will not be sold.

The pharmaceutical industry suppresses me?

Sorry, they all have to go out of business after the sale of biological gene medicine! "

Chen Lang said lightly.



Do not!

At this moment, whether it was Lin Bei, Liang Yihai, or even Zhao Kai, they all looked at Chen Lang stunned, and in their eyes, it was incredible.


It's really incredible.

They never thought that the so-called biological gene medicine would be such a powerful thing.

You know, there has been a lot of talk about gene medicine in foreign countries, and some companies have even researched some of the results.

But without exception, those biological genetic agents are used to inhibit a certain disease or improve a certain aspect of the body.

How can it be like Chen Lang said now, this is the whole body of the disease and the full quality of the cure resistance increase!

Is there such a thing in the world?

They looked at Chen Lang incredible.

"Well, I just injected it, and Secretary Xiao has also injected it. Since you are interested, do you know if you try it yourself?"

Chen Lang took out a few cylindrical, thick fingers from his pocket, and at first glance, it was a high-tech drug storage tube.

Then he called for a few syringes.

Zhao Kai did not hesitate to give himself an injection, Liang Yihai and Lin Bei hesitated, and finally gritted the injection.

They do n’t want to care about side effects.

For those who specialize in this area, they want to try the results themselves.

After the injection is completed.

It was obvious that they felt their spirits refreshed, and then something seemed to be recovering in their bodies.

"I didn't eat, but I felt full of strength?"

Zhao Kai couldn't help but say.

"That's biological energy!" Chen Lang said indifferently: "The biological energy is hidden in the body, Xiao Xiaoai and I will not have this feeling, neither will Professor Liang Yihai, but both of you are retired. The physical exercise is better, so it feels more obvious. "

"How long will it take to feel the real change?" Lin Bei couldn't help asking.

"Insist on exercise, there will be obvious changes in about three months."

Chen Lang thought about it and said, "Of course, this is for ordinary people. If it is a soldier, it can completely complete the gene repair work in one month. Basically, after the injection, according to the strength of the individual's innate genes, it is one month. Time can increase strength three to five times. "

"This kind of thing cannot be directly put on the market!" Lin Bei said without hesitation.

Chen Lang nodded slightly.

He naturally knows what this means. Gene-related problems are big problems and fundamental problems in life. The country will never let risky genetic drugs appear on the market.

Even if this thing is perfect right now.

"Zhao Kai, you will contact me on behalf of me. At the end of this month, I will bring out a batch to improve the fitness of our soldiers for free. In addition, I promise to treat all people with national ID cards in the country equally Genetic medicine, a hundred dollars! "

Chen Lang glanced at Zhao Kai, and said, "Three boxes of genetic medicine, a total of three hundred, the box that opened the box for me, you take it away, let them check the test."

"Yes, boss!"

Zhao Kai took a deep breath. At this moment, he felt his sense of mission ~ ~ Boss! "

Suddenly, Xiao Xiaoai knocked into the office and said, "The four vice presidents are here again."

"Boom out!"

There was a hint of disgust in Chen Lang's eyes and he said, "What are they? They deserve to bargain with me? Let them get out! Those who should be fired are not left, and it's useless to intercede.

Is Chen Lang so bullied? If they really want to confuse me, I know what to do after I acquire the company.

What kind of sightless things do you keep? Keep the New Year? "

"Yes, boss!"

"Besides, you all deal with your own affairs, and fly back to Hangzhou in the afternoon!"

"Yes, boss!" Super God Technology Empire