Super Insight System

Chapter 273: Crater

"I'm willing to surrender! Take this thing away quickly ..." The Rock Giant begged Li Yu for fear. ?

宇 Li Yu has no interest at this time to make it a contract beast. The Rock Giant's fighting power is really good and its defense is amazing. However, Li Yu prefers the Sambo Spirit Vine to the Sambo Spirit Vine.

Just now Li Yu has learned from the information from the Sambo Spirit Vine that if he **** the Rock Giant, it can be directly advanced to the late period of Spirit Vine. In this case, there is no need to subdue the Rock Giant and suppress it with the rules of the true world Rock giant, let the three treasure spirit rat slowly digest it.

The Sambo Spirit Vine has the blood of God Vine, has the inheritance of God Vine, the potential is huge, and the rock giant can cultivate to the extent it is now its limit, there is no potential, its only role now is to become Li Yu's nutrient to cultivate the Sambo Spirit Vine .

I didn't get a response from Li Yu. The Rock Giant was a little panicked and shouted, "Master, sir, I am willing to surrender ..."

The Rock Giant's voice is extremely miserable, but it is too late. If it becomes Li Yu's contracted beast before Sambo Lingtak treats it as a big meal, Li Yu will also consider that it is his own contracted beast. Vine eats it, now ... it's late.

A rule flashed in the real world, and turned into a transparent mask to cover the rock giant. The tragic sound of the rock giant could no longer be heard. Li Yu's ears were finally quiet, and the rock giant was desperate, feeling His body was nibbled a little by the three treasures, and death approached step by step.

The real world has a detached seat, so he does n’t have to worry about Li Yu to take a rest. Then he leaves the real world. He goes to the demon mountain range. One is to collect the things that the real world needs, and the other is to practice his sword. , Not to enjoy in the real world.

Looking around, a wolf was caused when he battled the Rock Giant. The monsters were all scared away and continued to move forward. The rules of the wind system were added. Li Yu was moving faster than the fighter toward the demon spirit. Into the mountains.

At this point, you have already penetrated into the Demon Mountain Range. The maps bought by Li Yu have long been useless. It is said that there are only a few powerful hunting devil groups that have maps here, but they do not sell them at all.

Li Yu didn't care. For him, there is no map at all. It is dangerous to run into a powerful monster without a map. He was hoping to meet it, and it would be better to have one stronger than the Rock Giant.

Alas, is there a smoke in front of me? I haven't seen humans for many days, look over.

When I saw smoke in the distance, Li Yujia flew over, but the more he flew, the more he felt wrong. The smoke was too big, right? Raising a fire to cook something should not have such a big smoke, is it because the fire accidentally lit the forest?

我 艹, Li Yu finally saw what was smoking, not because he imagined that a human demon hunter was setting off a fire, let alone a forest was lit, but a volcano was smoking.

收取 When collecting Lingtao and Hot Springs, the underground magma was ejected. It should be the same as this volcanic eruption, but I do n’t know if there are any crystals of fire source under this volcano.

Li Yu flew towards the volcano. Regardless of whether there is a vein of fire source crystal below the volcano, he must go and see. In the demon domain, many spirits grow in the crater, and I wonder if he can encounter it.

"This volcano is really big."

Li Yu saw the volcano for the first time. I thought there were no spirits. It would be clear at a glance as soon as I reached the crater, but in fact it was not that easy. It was deep in the crater, and the hot blasting magma was now smoking, and from time to time some magma was sprayed out and splashed around the crater.

With soot and sputtered magma, it is impossible to find the spiritual objects at a glance. The smart-eye system is turned on. The smart-eye system collects all recorded spiritual objects. After it is turned on, as long as Li Yu sees the physical objects, he can communicate with the data compare to.




After walking around the crater, Li Yu didn't see a spirit, and then looked at the magma that spattered from time to time. He suspected that these hot magma burned the spirit to death or came out. Smoke smoked the spirits?

As soon as Li Yu was about to leave, the throbbing in the contract space was a colorful phoenix. It came to Li Yu with a thought: "Master, put me into the magma, this is my opportunity to break through."

"What's the matter with colorful? Isn't it a retreat? Isn't it scalded in the lava?" He asked with concern when he heard Colorful's weak voice.

"I'm not confused. Master, put me into the magma. I can't break through because my blood is impure. I must regenerate Nirvana to advance ... Nirvana needs enough flame aura. This volcano is just ... "

After hearing this explanation, Li Yu only put it down. Colorful Caifeng is not talking nonsense, but it wants to advance into a real phoenix.


After releasing the colorful phoenix from the contract space, Li Yu was startled when he saw the colorful phoenix. Now it is as skinny as it was. The original beautiful colorful feathers did not have a trace of luster at this time, and they lost their previous colors, all of them gray. There wasn't a trace of anger on the body, how could this be the case?

Contract space is the best living environment for contract animals. Contract animals can be said to be immortal in contract space, even if they are seriously injured, they can be quickly restored in contract space. Well, retreat and retreat, how did it happen now? Are you into the magic? Not afraid to hesitate, Li Yu used Zhenyuan to control Qicai's body toward the magma in the crater.

'Porphyrin ...'

平静 The magma that was still calm ~ ~ When the colorful phoenix fell, it seemed to be 'live' all at once, the magma under the entire crater boiled, and countless flames converged toward the colorful.

Colorful phoenix like a black hole absorbs the flame. After absorbing the flame, its body gradually recovers its luster, and a light flame is floating on the surface of the body.

At this time, the colorful phoenix no longer needed Li Yu to help, and when he saw the active flames in the crater, he simply released his avatar and realized the rules of the fire system here. As for the deity, he naturally helped protect the law. By the way, watching the colorful phoenix was nirvana, previously only I have heard of Phoenix Nirvana and haven't seen it with my own eyes.

The avatar's body is the world bead, which has the soul and the element god, and has a true meta-world as the backing. The avatar can freely switch between the world bead and the human body. They are real existences, not fantasy. Of course, Li Yu's avatar is not ordinary, but an energetic body.

The principle realized by the avatar can also be embodied in this body. It also has the essence and blood, as well as the true Yuan and the Yuan Shen. It is an individual who can cultivate independently and independently and does not depend on the deity.

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