Super Marshal

Chapter 693: High cold, don't blame me

   Winter night is like ice, Abramovich stood in the floor-to-ceiling windows on the third-floor balcony of the mansion, quietly looking at the inaccessible Eaton Square under the dim yellow street lamp outside.

  Who would be so stupid to come out so late in such a cold day?

   However, there are also benefits, that is, if he can calm down, he will be able to enjoy the serene beauty of Eaton Square that is rarely seen in ordinary days. This is an exclusive resource that only those who live here can deserve.

Suddenly, Abramovich remembered that when he was remodeling this house, Gao Han had just arrived in London, and even considered buying a mansion not far from him. At that time, he jokingly stated that he was willing to pay in advance. Give him a salary.

   But later, because of his girlfriend, Gao Han chose to settle down near Kensington Palace, which made Abramovich very regretful.

   Several years have passed. The houses in Eaton Square have appreciated a lot, but they have not risen much as much as the houses near Kensington Palace.

Especially recently, there has been news that the future king of the British royal family, Prince William, is about to get engaged. The object is likely to be a woman named Kate Middleton. Abramovich met him and asked him to borrow him when they were traveling. Over the yacht.

  According to reliable sources, they are expected to get married within two to three years and will move into Kensington Palace after marriage.

   There was Princess Diana’s residence.

Because of this news, housing prices near Kensington Palace have skyrocketed. After all, everyone hopes to live on the same street as the future King of England, and the house that Gao Han bought in the past few years has passed. I know how many times it has doubled.

  Sometimes thinking about it, Abramovich felt embarrassed.

   That period should be regarded as their most honeymoon period, trusting each other.

  Sometimes people are like this. Time goes by, everything will change. Many people who were originally trusted will gradually become distrusted, and many people who originally relied on have become less reliant.

   is like he is like Gao Han.

   Now, they have even become opponents who want to kill each other.

   Of course, the so-called death here is only on the football field.

   But occasionally at this moment in the dead of night, in retrospect, he still feels a little regretful.

   If back then...

   Just when there was a trace of regret in Abramović's mind, the phone rang suddenly, and all his regrets receded like a tide, and the whole person returned to the usual demeanor.

   "Hey, Marina." Abramovich answered the phone without even looking.

   will call him at this time, and only his right-hand man will be the only one.

   "Boss, I found it. They live in an upscale hotel in West London, very close to Stamford Bridge."

   Abramovich hummed twice, "I still remember that hotel because of Gao Han."

   He doesn't need to think about it, it must be Alpine's arrangement to live there.

   "Are everything arranged?"

   "Well, it's all arranged." Granovsky replied.

   She works, Abramovich is still very relieved.

   "Remember, be careful, don't make matters worse."

   "Well, I know, I told you so many times, there will be no accidents."

"That's good."

   Abramovich hung up and smiled faintly at the night outside the window.

   Since you may not be able to play on the court, think about off-court moves.

   I was forced by you too, Gao Han, don't blame me.



   At about three in the morning, West London also began to bid farewell to the hustle and bustle of late night life and fell silent.

   Suddenly, a sharp sirens cut through the night sky of West London.

   In the hotel room, Gao Han suddenly sat up from the room. In addition to the harsh fire alarm, there was the messy running outside, followed by someone banging on his door, and the phone rang.

   "Christian, what's the matter?" Gao Han called the technical director and team leader Neringer.

   "There was a fire alarm in the hotel, so quickly take all the players to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel to assemble, hurry."

After    finished speaking, Neringer hung up the phone, apparently going to call someone to warn others.

   As soon as he heard that it was a fire, Gao Han immediately jumped out of the bed without even thinking about it. He wore a pajamas and hurried out the door. By this time, the corridor outside was already messed up.

   All Bayern Munich players were awakened.

   When I heard that it was a fire alarm, everyone was so frightened that they were all at a loss.

   "Quick, quick, quick, all go to the lobby on the first floor."

   "Philip, Bastian, you are the captain, hurry up and count the number of people and take your teammates down first."

   "Lorenzo, you go and count the coaching staff."

   "Thomas, count the number of staff."

   "Everyone move faster."

   With Gao Han's loud cry, everyone seemed to have found the backbone and all started to act.

After all,    is a well-trained professional player. Even if he is only half of his usual calmness, he is enough to cope with this sudden change. He quickly counted out all the numbers, and hurriedly went downstairs to the hotel lobby after he was ready.

   At this time, not only them, but all the residents of the entire hotel have come down, and some even have no time to wear their clothes, so they washed down with quilts.

   In the early hours of the winter, such a sudden appearance is really overwhelming.

   "Boss, no one is missing, they are all here." Ram and Schweinsteiger came over to report.

   Although the heating is on in the lobby of the hotel, it still feels cold.

   "You go to the hotel manager right away and ask him to quickly bring us some warm clothes and quilts."

   The two understood immediately that they will be playing tonight.

   Watching the two captains leave, Gao Han cursed angrily.

   was wondering, what is going on?

   Soon, Nellinger returned.

   "How is it? What's the matter? Which floor is on fire?" Gao Han asked at the beginning.

   The floor of this hotel is not high, only ten floors. If there is a fire, they should have noticed it when they went down just now.

   But this way down, it doesn’t feel like it.

   At the very least, there is no such high temperature as a semi-ignition field, and there is no burning smell in the air.

   "I don't know, the hotel is still investigating, but for safety, let's not return to the room for now, wait in the lobby now."

   Gao Han knew in his heart that this is a necessary safety measure, but is it too nonsense?

   For no reason, let everyone stay in the lobby in the middle of the night?

   But anyway, there is no better way for the time being. Gao Han immediately took what he had just said to Lahm and asked Neilinger to negotiate with the hotel. At the very least, he must ensure the players' health. Otherwise, how would the game be played at night?

   After Nellinger had gone, Gao Han returned to the players and assistants.

The hotel was also very responsible. Soon the waiter delivered hot water, warm clothes and bedding, but still did not allow everyone to return to the room to rest, saying that they would check every room one by one to make sure there was none. Danger.

   Time passed by minute by minute, everyone who was asleep was frightened by this, where is the least sleepy?

In this way, they sat in the hotel lobby for nearly two hours. When the sky was bright outside, the hotel manager walked over and apologized, saying that they had checked all the hidden dangers and confirmed that there was no danger. It was just a false alarm. .

   This misunderstanding was caused by a drunk who accidentally touched the fire alarm.

   Everyone in the lobby listened, and they were all abusive.

   is too ridiculous, isn't it?

   In the middle of the night, the cold weather caused everyone to sit in the lobby for two hours and was so scared to death that it was because of a drunk man’s accidental touch?

   Gao Han himself thinks this reason is too far-fetched?

  Look at the hotel manager's horror after being complained, and apologized, and promised to give away three meals for free tomorrow to comfort all residents. It seems that it has nothing to do with the hotel.

   "Is it a coincidence?" Gao Han couldn't believe it.

   "What?" Nellinger didn't understand.

   "That drunk, who happened to live in the same hotel with us, got drunk so accidentally, and then accidentally touched the fire alarm so accidentally, did he have no other friends around him after he got drunk?"

  Who is Nellinger? You can understand Gao Han's implication when he hears it.

"what do you mean……"

   "I'm boring, but I'm afraid that some people don't want us to recharge and participate in the competition."

   Gao Han feels that this is simply an upgraded version of some harassment tricks.

   It used to be just for fans to make some noise outside the hotel and make a noise, but now it’s better and upgraded. It’s not easy to arrange spies to stay in the hotel directly, and it’s not easy to accidentally touch the fire alarm.

   can look at the players next to him again, Gao Han can't help but feel bitter.

   It's almost six o'clock now, after all this fright, who can still sleep?

   This has disrupted Bayern Munich’s original match day arrangement and the pre-match self-adjustment that the players are familiar with.

   "He is so rich, next time he should directly cover the entire London hotel, so that we have no place to live, wouldn't it be better?"

   Gao Han sneered twice and shook his head and left.

   Leaving Nellinger behind, he was confused, what did he say?



   Bayern Munich encountered a fire in a hotel, and it was uploaded on the Internet early in the morning.

   And all the fans have seen this so-called off-court move very often. Most people think that this is Chelsea's trick, which prevents Bayern Munich from playing in the best condition.

   But there are also many fans who think that this has nothing to do with Chelsea. This is purely an Who makes Bayern Munich unlucky and wants to stay in a hotel in West London?

  Since the fire alarm was touched by mistake, the call to the police, the complaint of the complaint, and those who should continue to sleep go back and continue to sleep.

   The two sides held different opinions on the Internet, and the quarrel was overwhelming. Especially when the news reached Germany, countless German fans stood on the side of Bayern Munich and joined the battle.

   In an instant, saliva flew on the Internet, and the battle was in full swing.

  In reality, the sudden fire alarm disrupted Bayern Munich’s pre-match preparations, and Alpine and the coaching staff had to temporarily adjust the team’s game day plans and arrangements, especially the players’ rest time.

   But in the face of sleep, the players are just like ordinary people. Once they don’t sleep well at night, they will lose energy for the whole day the next day.

   So, the coaching staff must find ways to not only give the players time to rest, but also stimulate their mental state.

   It was finally afternoon, and the time was up, and the coaching staff had no choice but to pull up the team and head to Stamford Bridge.

   And at this time, let alone the whole of Europe, the whole world has received the fire in Bayern Munich, and it became a quarrel for a while, and many fans are also worried about the situation in Bayern Munich.

   After all, there is not enough rest time, whether the players can still play their best form, this is also a question.


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