Super Mothership

Chapter 192: dowry

Just after the mines in the underground world of the moon were opened, the prototypes that reached the orbit of the moon also dived down toward the moon half a week after circling the moon.

"Booming ..." Seven consecutive huge human-shaped statues fell rapidly in a continuous violent shock. Seven smoke pillars were smashed on the 30-kilometer line between the Dongchang base and the mine exit at intervals of several kilometers.

The landing point of one of the prototypes ... is near the mine exit!

These mechanical worms spread out immediately after landing. According to the development model of Dongchang Steelmaking Base, small robot production lines and steelmaking equipment will be built. A sub-base will be established at each landing point!

The mechanical insects at the exit of the mine, apart from dividing half of the construction base, the other half poured into the mine, and began to clear the mine along the open gap, and at the same time ... increase the underground world!

In Nie Yun's plan, the East Factory Base will be connected with the mine outlet, and the connection line will be used as the center to expand to the surroundings to complete the expansion plan of the East Factory Base!

This will be the moon base on Nie Yunming, and the main mining base in the underground world will be transformed by Nie Yun into an energy crystal mining base and secret hidden power!

In the face of aliens with unknown strength, Nie Yun has even made the worst plans for the aliens to evacuate from the Earth and Moon system once the aliens have obvious hostility and crushing technological strength. The base is the bridgehead for counterattack after Nie Yun's strategic retreat.

As for the safety of the earth after the strategic retreat, Nie Yun was not very worried.

Judging from the past actions of aliens, at least for a short period of time, they don't want to destroy the earth or humans, otherwise they can already do it.

Even humans who have not yet stepped out of the earth can destroy themselves thousands of times. A high-level civilization with interstellar navigation capabilities cannot be attacked by humans, right?

In this case, if you know that you are not an opponent, and you still have to guard the earth, it is too stupid. Nie Yun is now lacking, not resources, but time!

Of course, this is only Nie Yun ’s worst plan. The earth and human beings are the basis of Nie Yun. It ’s a last resort, and he will never choose a gentleman to avenge him.

The construction work of the lunar base is proceeding rapidly, and the mechanical bugs of the underground world are not idle. They begin to devour and dismantle the ant robot production line in the main base, and then build Nie Yun's own small robot production line on the basis of the original plant.

Although the core components and control programs of this ant robot's production line have been missing, the remaining mechanical parts still allow Nie Yun to reversely restore a small part of the manufacturing process. After digestion, the optimal selection is integrated into his own robot production line. Production efficiency increased by about 10%.

Another benefit is the robot battery technology of the other party!

They use a honeycomb-shaped high-density energy battery, a high-person ant robot, use a small backpack-sized battery plug-in, and can work continuously for 3 days at full power, which is higher than the energy density of Nie Yun ’s existing battery pack. About 5 times!

At present, Nie Yun has begun to upgrade the robot production lines in all his bases, and has performed battery upgrades and local fine-tuning of existing small robots. According to conservative estimates, the efficiency of the upgraded robots can be improved by more than 10%, and the battery life is more. Is greatly extended.

There is also the scrapped spherical mine cart that was seriously damaged and abandoned in the warehouse. Nie Yun has thoroughly analyzed it.

After analysis, this should be a remotely operated unmanned mine car, with advanced automated procedures and a small amount of manual intervention to complete the control.

Although more than half of the space in this spherical minecart was used as a cargo box to transport ore and the core components were also recycled, Nie Yun was still fully harvested.

The first is a large number of mining records, and the diary-like records finally let Nie Yun resolve a large number of language laws of aliens.

In the end, Nie Yun received alien language compression package +1!

This is a completely unfamiliar language system. It consists of a large number of dots and lines, which is a bit similar to the combination of two-dimensional codes and bar codes.

Some of these characters are very simple, only one or two dotted lines are needed to form a character, while others are very complicated, like looking at a QR code.

Nie Yun speculates that the eye nerves of such aliens should be particularly developed to be able to quickly identify these complex patterns like a scanner, or are they also using externally added scanners?

It is a pity that the description of the social and technological aspects of aliens is almost zero, and there is no complete picture of what an alien looks like.

In addition to language information, the damaged propeller on the minecart also surprised Nie Yun.

This spherical minecart also uses plasma propellers, but its manufacturing technology is far superior to the earth, and its thrust and specific impulse are about twice as high as those used by Nie Yun.

This propeller is seriously aging, and it seems that there has been a collision, there is a huge breach, but the main structure is still very complete, this damage has no effect on Nie Yun's analysis work.

Nie Yun is already optimizing and upgrading his propulsion system based on the technology of this propeller.

In addition to these harvests, after the mine was opened, Nie Yun also sent all the energy crystals that the mechanical worms "eat the earth" from the underground world during this time.

A total of 3 fist-sized energy crystals, 2 were sent to Shanghai Wolf by Nie Yun, and 1 was cut into thin slices and left at the moon base to prepare for scientific research related to energy crystal.

This thing is much more dangerous than a nuclear bomb. It is scary with a high energy density. If you study it on the Earth or the Sea Wolf, in the process, if you accidentally make a big explosion of the century, then Nie Yun will definitely cry stupidly!

And there is no need to worry about the moon, and it does n’t hurt when it blows up.


In addition, the more complete energy hub in the main mining base brought Nie Yun even greater gains!

In addition to the energy extraction method of the energy crystal, the alien energy transmission line has also given Nie Yun considerable inspiration. Nie Yun has begun to carry out a comprehensive upgrade and transformation of the sea wolf energy line, after the transformation of the whole sea wolf The energy output power is expected to increase by 30% on the original basis!

In addition, Nie Yun also added a set of energy crystal energy supply system to the Sea Wolf, which can seamlessly connect with the existing nuclear fusion energy system when necessary.

Although the currently mined energy crystals are pitiful, they have not reached the point where they can use energy crystals as the main energy for daily use, but in terms of the two energy crystals sent to the Sea Wolf ...

Well ... about 2 minutes of violent output from Seawolf?

Nie Yun has regarded this energy crystal as an explosive killer!

In this way, the gains in the remains of the moon are slowly turning into Nie Yun ’s strength, bringing transformation to SoS ...

"Well ... in general, I am quite satisfied with the dowry of the moon ..." Nie Yun smiled.
