Super Mothership

Chapter 28: Century Collision

Nie Yun was angry, and the consequences were serious!

Lao Tzu just set the goal of becoming a great fisherman, and some people even used their crooked brains in their back garden!

It is unbearable! Uncle can bear it, and aunt can't bear it!

"Sea Wolf, ready to attack!" Nie Yun roared!

The mechanical worms that were reproducing the group immediately rioted, abandoning the ruined Chengjiang, and returned to the Sea Wolf along the hull that was close together.

Make up the engine! Form a propeller! Form an artillery!

The sea wolf exposed its fangs instantly, and became extremely terrible!

Nie Yun gave up the slow sailing power and switched to the Chengjiang propeller system that had just been devoured, and a very cruel combination of three sets of propellers on the bilge, two sets of propellers extended on both sides, a total of five sets As soon as the formation is completed, it spins wildly.

Countless little wolf robots are carrying oil drums, supplying a barrel of fuel to the diesel engine without hesitation, providing sufficient power.

The sea wolf began to move slowly, and the speed was getting faster and faster. When the sea wolf rushed out of the base along the channel at an inclined angle of nearly 30 degrees, the speed had soared to 20 nautical miles per hour, and the bow pointed straight to Nie Yun "Fleet" direction!

Nie Yun stood on the bow of the ship and waved his hand, "Sea Wolf! Advance at full speed!"

"Boom!" The diesel engine roared, running at 120% power overload.

The rotation speed of the propeller under the sea surface soared again, rolling up a large piece of water, the speed of the Sea Wolf continued to increase, and soon exceeded the theoretical limit speed of the original design.

The broken hair of Nie Yun at the bow was blown by the strong sea breeze, dancing wildly, just like his master's mood at this moment.

There was a raging anger in his eyes, murderous!

"No matter who you are! Dare to move my" fleet "! To die!"


On the yacht.

Brother Feng looked at the mercenaries searching around and couldn't help but step forward and said: "Captain Ruan, wait a moment for your people to pay attention, don't hurt the target inside, my young master told me to be unscathed! "

"Relax, we are very skilled at this kind of thing, and then throw in two tear gas first, to ensure that the other party is difficult to die, hehe!"

"That's good, that's good! This time it was really thanks to Captain Ruan. Afterwards, the reward of 10 million dollars will hit your account a lot, and the cooperation is happy, haha!"

This time things went so smoothly. Brother Feng was in a good mood. Thinking of the little star in his family, he began to look forward to what kind of reward his young master would give this time.

"Well, happy cooperation! Haha!"

Captain Ruan is also in a good mood, the task is smooth, the rewards are about to be obtained, and there is an additional gain from a mysterious box, can he not be satisfied?

After waiting for half an hour or so, a younger brother came to report.

"Captain, it's almost over there, you can do it!"

Captain Ruan nodded and handed the box to a younger brother beside him, and let the younger brother put it in his backpack. Then he said: "Go, greet the brothers to gather, let's go and see!"


After all, in addition to the dozen or so mercenaries who remained on the speedboat and control deck, others followed the leader into the yacht.

Captain Wei was left on the deck and was guarded by two mercenaries.

He was trembling and looked at the corpses and blood stains on the deck with a terrified look, because no one dealt with it, and at this time it exuded a strong **** smell.

Captain Wei glanced at the body of Manager Wu lying in the pool of blood not far from his side, and turned his head quickly and dared not look at it again.

The two of them can be said to be colleagues, and they have known each other for several years. At this time, their hearts are full of fear and guilt.

"Brother Wu, it's not that I deliberately hurt you. They didn't say that they would kill people. Really! My son was caught by them again. I can't help it! I'm not for that money!

If I do n’t listen to them, my son is dead. That ’s my only son! Sorry! Really sorry! "He murmured in his mouth, and he couldn't help crying.

"Humph!" The two mercenaries next side glanced at Captain Wei with disdain.

"Huh? Strange, did you hear anything?" Then one of the mercenaries suddenly wondered.

"Voice? Hey! There seems to be some sound, it seems ... in that direction!" The other person listened for a while.

"Wow ~" The voice became louder and louder, and more and more mercenaries looked in that direction.

Captain Wei was also slightly stunned, looking at the dark sea. He who had been dealing with ships all the year round, the first reaction, this is the sound of the ship slashing through the water while sailing!

And ... the other party is rushing to himself!

He took two steps back in horror, staring in that direction with wide eyes.

All mercenaries on the deck were also aware of the anomaly and raised their guns in that direction.

"Quick! Hit the searchlight!" Shouted the organic mercenaries.

As the bright light shined past, a stunned picture was printed into their eyes.

Hundreds of meters away, a huge ship that resembled a medieval sailing ship leaped out of the darkness, and the pointed bow pierced the surface of the sea, stirring waves several meters high, rushing towards them with a momentum like a wild beast Here.

"Oh, God!"

"Fuck! What is this!"

"Quick! Quickly avoid!"


Everyone yelled in panic!

Only Captain Wei froze there, murmured in his mouth, "This ... this is the Spanish sailing battleship!"

As a naval expert, how could he not see the origin of the ship in front of him, but that was how he got him into a state of brain crash.

A battleship hundreds of years ago? Charge yourself at a speed of hundreds of kilometers / hour? !

Am I dreaming? ?

However, the two were too close together, and before the crowd on the boat made any action, the sailboat flexibly made a drifting horizontal boat deceleration action under the eyes of everyone in horror, causing the sea water to pour down. Generally, everyone on the deck was covered with faces.

Then "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the sides of the two ships collided fiercely. For a while, the debris flew across, and the squeaking "squeaky" wail of steel was clearly audible.

All mercenaries were swayed by this sudden impact zone, and even some unlucky eggs were hit by scattered pieces of wood, broken bones and tendons, or were directly thrown into the sea, screaming for a time.

Captain Wei saw the plane quickly. When the two ships collided, he hid behind a box, grabbed the rope, and escaped the disaster.

When the scene gradually subsided, the wet survivors on the yacht deck looked up dumbfounded at the culprit that caused it.

The wooden hull, three masts stand high, and there is a thick sense of history everywhere on the body.

However, this kind of old antiques that could only be seen in movies or museums appeared in front of you in this way, and gave you a shocking blow!

A century-long collision between medieval sailing ships and modern yachts? !

God! Who will tell me this is not a dream? ! Which is the idea of ​​the director, so **** nonsense!

Do not ask, this is naturally Nie Yun and his sea wolf with anger!