Super Mothership

Chapter 4: Ashes

Nie Yun, who has always been extremely neurotic, quickly accepted the reality. Isn't it just being parasitized by an alien mechanical worm? Earn for the rest of the day!

Nie Yun looked at the mechanical worm and muttered with his chin: "Since it is an alien spacecraft repair fluid, it should be a little mean to repair the Seawolf? The difference between the two is so big, I don't know if the mechanical worm can repair this An antique ship of an ancient class? "

He thought that his heartbeat was slightly faster here, trying to order these little guys who were invisible to the naked eye, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that the silver-white mechanical worm really moved.

At the same time, there was a signal of consciousness in his mind: "The order confirms that there is no civilian sailboat in the planet, and the repair begins!"

Just when Nie Yun was stunned, I saw these little guys making a rustling sound like ants eating, and then nibbled the wood in the original place into a big pit. Nie Yun did n’t have time to disturb his brother, then A piece of silver-white mechanical insect swarmed slowly to the keel of the Seawolf, wrapping the fracture surface like a ball of plasticine, and then a rustling sound again.

Nie Yun stared carefully at the stubble where the keel was broken, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the fracture surface was slowly showing signs of repair. Less than a minute, he repaired the length of about three centimeters and re-grown the keel. The surface is extremely smooth, and the surface can be taken to people!

Nie Yun reached out and knocked, "Bang Bang!"

Nie Yun, who often needs to buy ship repair wood, is naturally very good at judging the quality of the wood. Just listening to this sound, you can judge that this material is very strong, which is more powerful than the ordinary wood you bought!

He took a knife next to him, drew it, and Dingqing took a look, **** it! Not even a scratch!

Nie Yun was overjoyed, but I didn't expect the repair to have an enhanced effect! He believes this material is metal! The space-level spaceship repair fluid is really black technology!

Then he saw the damage that was gnawed by the mechanical insect next to him, and quickly returned to the cabin to get some wood **** to sprinkle on the mechanical insect, worrying that the mechanical insect would harm his brother for a while because of insufficient material!

In the blink of an eye, these wood slags were broken down into materials by mechanical insects to continue repairing the hull.

However, the speed was still a bit slow. Nie Yun moved in his heart and returned to the ship to get some piles of scrap iron such as triangle iron and iron nails on the machine bug, and then immediately ordered the machine bug to copy itself!

At the next moment, the triangle iron seemed to melt, and was eaten cleanly by the mechanical worm within a minute, and then the slap-sized mechanical worm seemed to extend, and the area gradually expanded.

"Self-proliferation is complete. If you need to continue to multiply, please invest more materials!" A consciousness clearly came to mind.

Just a little scrap iron, the number of mechanical worms has nearly doubled, and the repair speed has doubled accordingly. What else is there to say, Nie Yun put all the iron items that are not normally used in the cabin into the brain. .

proliferation! Give me a fierce proliferation!

However, after the number of mechanical worms doubled again, the movement suddenly stopped, and then the consciousness of mechanical worms in my mind sounded: "Energy is insufficient, please replenish energy!"

Nie Yun dumbfounded, there is this setting, but he still heard of the law of conservation of energy, how can this be adjusted?

What energy is needed? Nie Yun asked.

"Solar energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, thermal energy, nuclear energy, energy crystal, antimatter annihilation energy ..."

Stop, stop! Nie Yun hastily interrupted the mechanical worm, okay! Anyway, when it came to nuclear power, I couldn't understand a word behind.

He looked up at the sky. Where did I go to find solar energy and electricity at night? Sorry, the sea wolf is taking the antique route, it is to be collected as a collectible, how can it be electrified!

nuclear energy? Do you expect me to use a nuclear-powered fishing boat for a fisherman?

Ugh? Wait, it sounds domineering? Try later? Nie Yun thought about her thoughts and drifted far away ... Wiping her slobber, Nie Yun quickly pressed the brain-powered idea of ​​a nuclear-powered fishing boat into Loch Ness!

chemical energy? Is it referring to fuel? Nie Yun ran to the stern of the ship and brought the empty diesel barrel over. It was easy to pour out some of the remaining liquid underneath and drip it on a silvery white worm.

As soon as the diesel came into contact with the mechanical worm, it disappeared as if it had penetrated into a sponge, and then the mechanical worm immediately used full horsepower to repair the hull, even faster.

It seems that the mechanical bug just relied on some solar energy accumulated during the day. Obviously, it is not hungry. The diesel power is really powerful. More importantly, it is clean and pollution-free. It has no emissions. It is still a determined environmentalist!

However, I was not happy for three minutes. I just multiplied twice the number, and the mechanical worm stopped again! Not enough energy!

I rely on it, or a big energy-burning household, can you not contribute to the country's unit gDP energy consumption? !

However, he also concluded that the energy consumption required for the proliferation of mechanical insects seems to be much greater than that when simply repairing the hull, and later, the number of proliferations increases exponentially, and the energy consumption naturally rises!

Although Nie Yun does not understand what the index is, he simply knows 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 ... This can prove that the mathematics of his elementary school was indeed taught by the math teacher!

This is all right. Nie Yun punched it again. I do n’t know why. His memory seems to have improved a lot. He still remembers the long list of energy types just mentioned by the mechanical bug. After ten minutes I was a little confused.

He would never admit that it was because the memory was so bad that he was really angry, otherwise Dad would not hate the iron and steel and make him drop out of school to be a fisherman.

In the words of my dad, it would be "Nong is not a material for reading! Going off the net!"

Say where is Daddy?

But this is a small problem. The important thing is that he finally remembered that there is still heat to choose from!

Thermal energy? I'm good at this!

He took a pile of charcoal and poured it directly on the mechanical insect, then found some wood chips to set fire.

At the corner of the dark East Bay Pier, a little spark was lit, illuminating the surrounding area of ​​tens of meters, and it seemed a bit lonely.

In the distance, Uncle Liu happened to see this scene and sighed, and even a lone teenager standing in front of the fire with his knees in his head could even appear in his mind.

"It's a really hard child!" Uncle Liu sighed and returned to the cabin.

But what he didn't see was that Nie Yun was dancing the dynamic samba dance with his eyebrows around the campfire.

"Jump just ... jump just ..."

Under the bonfire, the silver-white streamer gleamed in the firelight, wriggled, and seemed to break out of the cocoon, and the fire was reborn!